Wednesday 17 April 2013

A Federal Constitution for Greater Europe As An Imperial Racial State

Projection Figures For Atlantic Colonies Population Size

A Likely Geo-Political Prospect for A World Under The Imperium 1


A Rough Outline of The Eastern Aryan Frontier 2100

The Ghettoization of Greater London's non-White Minorities Immediately Prior To Deportation to Transit Colonies on The British Coast

The Grand Racial Capital of The Imperium That Shall be Established Through The Recovery of Lands Previously Consumed by The Sea - Known As The Trojan Isles

State Flag of The Greater European Imperium

Colonial Flag of Jesko Colony

Grand Colonial Flag of The Atlantic Colonies

Colonial Flag of Jameson

Colonial Flag of Belgium

Colonial Flag of The Philippine Colonies

Colonial Flag of The Indochina Colonies

Colonial Flag of Greater New Guinea

Northwest Africa Territory

Colonial Flag of New Portugual

Colonial Flag of Madagascar

Colonial Flag of Libya

Colonial Flag of India

Flag of Greater Palestine (Imperial Vassal)

Flag of The Martian Imperial Territory
(The Planet of Mars Declared an Imperial Territory in 2101)

Aryan Colonization of Mars 2100





A: The State’s Theory of Civilization

1: Primitive Utopianism

The First Stage of Civilization may be called Primitive Utopianism; it appears as a result of lower orders of animal such as apes evolving an advanced capacity to cooperate socially. Essential in this evolution must be the adaptation of the faculties of speech and reason.

An example of a Primitive Utopianist society is a society without any large or highly organised urban centres, advanced methods of farming or advanced systems of writing.

The optimal Primitive Utopianist society may be said to be transcontinental.

Primitive Utopianism’s four main characteristics are:

. Shamanism

. Hunter Gathering

. Tribalism

. Communal Property

2: Feudalism

The Second Stage of Civilization may be called Feudalism; it appears as a result of the merger of Primitive Utopianist social structures, territories, properties and resources thus creating a social superstructure otherwise known as a political, priestly or warrior class. As a consequence complex social entities such as armies and cities are formed and a political hegemony is established by a centrally organising power or caste.

This type of stage was most obvious during the European Dark Ages, when European societies situated in or near to the Western Roman Empire collapsed back into Feudalism from the Third Stage of Civilization known as Capitalism. An example of a rapid transition from Primitive Utopianism to Feudalism may be seen in the rise of the Aztec Empire which made the transition within a timespan of a few decades.

Like Capitalism Feudalism itself carries with it the potential to collapse back into Primitive Utopianism. Monasticised religious institutions and the close proximity of surviving albeit decaying institutions of Capitalism such as the Eastern Roman Empire, served a fundamental role in the higher development of Dark Age Europe in that it not only enabled the preservation of advanced forms within Christian monastic institutions but also their retransmission to regions previously devastated by conflict.

The optimal Feudalist society may be said to be intercontinental.

Feudalism’s four main characteristics are:

. Warrior Nobility

. Separation of Classes

. Theocracy

. Agrarianism

3: Capitalism

The Third Stage of Civilization may be called Capitalism; it appears as a result of the mass consolidation of territories and resources under a single and monolithic social superstructure that eliminates the need for lower orders of hierarchy, replacing them with centrally organized bureaucratic institutions. The system of individual noble estates experienced under Feudalism is replaced by a system of latifundia or great estates under one central administration and as a consequence a redundant tier of rootless, disenfranchised peasants are created by default.

The surplus peasantry then adapt to their new environment, thereby causing a critical proliferation in the abundance and sophistication of advanced skills, trades and manufacturing and the undermining of the barter economy commonly associated with Feudalism as former peasant populations are forced into diversifying their economic characters. This produces a social support structure directly underneath the social superstructure otherwise known as a middle or bourgeois class. This stage was most obvious during the European High Middle Ages when a combination of plagues, famines and military and religious conflicts brought about the radical destabilisation of the Feudal Settlement. In England practical Feudalism was abolished by a series of Enclosure Acts lasting from 479 BNE to 169 BNE.

Capitalism ends when the availability of resources which Capitalism depends on for the unlimited growth that fuels it ends with the end of the Age of Discovery and the subsequent abolition of new frontiers that previously acted as safety valves for displaced workers. When this happens Capitalism turns in on itself and devours its own population, thus making violent insurrection and social chaos inevitable. This then leads to the next Stage of Civilization which may be called Fascism as the masses clamour for social reform and stability.

Globalised Capitalism may only be sustained through the extension of Capitalist society beyond the Earth through the colonisation of celestial spheres as yet untouched by man, however, because of Capitalism’s inherently unstable and divisive nature this is highly unlikely to occur, before Capitalism enters into an advanced state of decay by devouring itself from within.

The optimal Capitalist society may be said to be stellar.

Capitalism’s four main characteristics are:

. Rationalism

. National Integration

. Imperial Expansion

. Wage Based Economy

4: Fascism

The Fourth Stage of Civilization may be called Fascism; it appears as a result of the end of the Age of Discovery and the development of a globalised economy created through the abolition of new frontiers for exploitation that previously fuelled and sustained the rise of Capitalism.

This causes Capitalism to fatally turn in on itself for continued growth; a process known as ‘Globalisation’ that may only be forestalled by the unlikely creation of new geographical frontiers beyond the Earth.

During the final phases of Capitalism established Capitalist society becomes so weakened and porous that predatory or anti-social elements are enabled in systemically penetrating and usurping a Capitalist society’s key mechanisms of culture and government in order to subvert their several functionings towards socially destructive ends, goals and agendas designed to maintain Capitalism in a permanent state of decay.

During this stage the social superstructure and support structures become fundamentally corrupted and gradually detach themselves from the proletariat and the petty bourgeois and in doing so will attempt to merge the latter with cheaper, imported Third World populations representing lower stages of civilization. This is done in order to service the deficit resulting by the loss of new frontiers for economic expansion by imposing ever more aggressive regimes of tax farming, marketing and consumption on what has been built up over previous centuries.

This therefore results in the stagnation of the development of advanced industrial technology in favour of crude, low waged, outsourced or imported manual labour and generates a terminal contradiction between the elites and the established population, in a way mirroring the development of a rootless peasant population under the transition from Feudalism into Capitalism. However, because late Capitalism largely exists in a globalised context there exists no more frontiers for the displaced sections of society to be displaced into and large scale funding is limited to a closed network of corporate giants with vested interests in maintaining obsolete and ever more expensive modes of production and consumption, thereby making violent worldwide insurrection an inevitable outcome of this contradiction.

As this terminal contradiction becomes ever more critical healthy elements from within the greater body politic of society therefore form a parallel social superstructure that eventually destroys and replaces the pre-existing one, thus forming a Fascist State. Like Capitalism this stage carries with it a high risk of collapsing back into a previous stage of civilization as the forces of progress struggle for self-preservation against the forces of reaction and corruption. When a transition from Capitalism to Fascism fails this usually occurs either through military defeat or through an insufficient number of safeguards existing within a Fascist society allowing Fascism to slide back into a state of Capitalism.

It is common for some parasitical elements inherent within Frontierless Capitalism to attempt to pre-empt the progressive course of civilization in order to confuse and mislead the masses with emotionally charged marketing techniques and commercial cults, thus reducing the scientific understanding of society down to a myth-based religion. This is in order to scam the populace into prolonging a decayed state of Capitalism in which such elements thrive, before eventually forcing the society to fall back into a type of parasitic Global Feudalism, geared towards reserving all social advancements to a tiny and invasive minority.

A prime example of this regressive phenomenon is Marxism and a subsequent Trotskyite mutation of Marxism known as Neo-Conservatism; both of which constitute as branches of Judaism.

An advanced state of Fascism may be called National Socialism whereas its early phases may be called Social Nationalism however, each Capitalist society may develop different models of Fascism when transitioning from Capitalism to Fascism. A federal system for example may develop more indirect modes of Fascism than a unitary system with an extremely high level of homogeneity would.

The optimal Fascist society may be said to be interstellar.

Fascism’s four main characteristics are:

. Regulation of Culture

. Elimination of Corruption

. State Coercion

. Consolidation of Resources

5: Utopianism

The Fifth Stage of Civilization may be called Utopianism; it appears as a result of the final victory of Fascism over the inherent contradictions within Capitalism and the resultant technological advances produced by the alignment and concentration of resources and institutions by strong, highly organised Fascist States operating a managed system of capitalistic economics and culture.

The high technologies generated by the intensive cultivation and coercion of resources and culture by Fascist governments gradually give rise to means of production, distribution, expansion and communication rendering all methods of productive employment obsolete through the development of an economy based on total industrial automation.

Thus Utopianism is a Stage of Civilization where sickness, aging, ill health, mortality, scarcity of resources and territory and the necessity of productive labour have all been abolished as involuntary conditions of life. Under these conditions the need for Fascism is rendered obsolete and a new system of government may be formed based on the overseeing of pre-existing technologies.

The optimal Utopianist society may be said to be galactic.

Utopianism’s four main characteristics are:

. Total Industrial Automation

. Abolition of Involuntary Poverty

. Computerised Government

. Resource Based Economy

6: Ultra-Utopianism

The Sixth Stage of Civilization may be called Ultra-Utopianism; it appears as a result of the need for public laws and institutions being abolished.

This is due to the development of technologies so advanced that each citizen has unfettered access to unlimited territory, resources, health and longevity. This will inevitably involve but by no means be limited to the normal capacity for long distance space flight and the normal ability to seed and control entire galaxies and star cluster formations. When human beings reach this stage of civilization they may be said to be gods or to possess god-like attributes.

Ultra-Utopianism could ultimately form part of the explanation for the existence of the universe itself. The optimal Ultra-Utopianist society may be said to be intergalactic.

Ultra-Utopianism’s four main characteristics are:

. Unlimited Technology

. Creation of Higher Man

. Abolition of Government

. Unlimited Territory & Resources

B: Foredirection

In the name of The Divine Creator and Great Spirit of all things we, the Aryan peoples of the Earth, do hereby set forth this Constitution of The Greater European Imperium, in order that we may secure the existence of our people and a future for Aryan children.

The Greater European Imperium is and shall forever remain a Logocracy of the several Sovereign Aryan Nations with democratic, theocratic, autocratic, ethnocratic, demarchic and fascistic institutions founded upon a constitutionally protected basis of negative and pre-existing liberties, derived through the Aryan interpretation of Natural Law. The Aryan People themselves alone, shall collectively serve and function as the primary Sovereign entity both within and of the Greater European Imperium to the exclusion of The State, which shall function as an instrument of The Aryan People through which only Aryan Sovereignty may be expounded.

Central to the ethos of The State shall be the overriding principle that all things are innately unequal in the sight of the Almighty and that The State itself shall be based and founded upon the biological principles of race and nation.

No superior form of Sovereignty to include any Jewish or Semitic power shall ever be acknowledged or accepted.

This Constitution is not and shall never be rendered in order to be served by anyone. This Constitution is and shall forever remain to be in order to serve the Aryan Race as a collective whole, its many nationalities, separate ethnicities, combined racial interest and Plural Sovereignty.

No type of State shall in law be referred to as a noun. All States shall be legally defined as adjectives.

No State in which the whole electorate does not directly form at least one (1) regular and primary working part of the chief legislature shall be legally considered a Democracy. The Jewish concept formerly known as Representative or ‘Parliamentary’ Democracy shall be considered as a sham system of government and may not in law be referred to, or referenced as any type of Democracy.

The Imperium shall never pretend to be a Democracy. The Imperium is not and shall never be a Democracy. Neither shall the Imperium proceed to emulate either the established Polyarchy of the former Judeo-American Empire, nor the established Oligarchy of the former Judeo-Bolshevik Empire, nor any of their several masquerades, deceptions or charades of Democracy. These twin Jewish tyrannies shall forever be prohibited from any kind of fundamental re-emergence, anywhere within the Imperium.

The Imperium shall never accept the Jewish Ethno-Masochist doctrine of Universal Human Rights nor shall the Imperium recognise humanity as constituting as any one single race.

To the Aryan leader who compels the dispossession of Aryan land, property, natural resources or living space or any overall control thereof to any of an alien race: Kill him without process.
The official ideology of the Imperium’s government, state armed forces, police and public institutions is and shall forever remain Aryan Racial Nationalism. In no sense shall the law of the Imperium recognise any form of nationality as constituting any type of civically or non-racially defined entity or concept.

Where and when a Citizen or other actor shall swear an Oath of Allegiance to this Constitution the individual or unit concerned shall swear an Oath according to their own individual, sincere and sound interpretation of this Constitution and not to the interpretation of any other, to include any power, figure or entity within government. Where two individual, sincere and sound interpretations contradict each other there may be legitimate civil warfare or other lesser military or naval civil conflict, coup or political enterprise.

The Führer Adolf Hitler is and shall forever remain the one and only Founding Grandfather of The State. As such His mortal remains shall forever be both sacred and inviolable by law.

Whereas the one and only Founding Grandfather of The State is and shall forever remain The Führer Adolf Hitler the First Founding Father of The State is and shall forever remain George Lincoln Rockwell, whereas Harold Arthur Covington, Collin Jordan, William Luther Pierce and Kai Murros are and shall forever remain The State’s Founding Fathers Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth. As such their mortal remains shall forever be both sacred and inviolable by law.

This Constitution shall be accompanied by Solon’s Laws, by the Twelve Tables of The Roman Law, by the Unamended Magna Carta [868 BNE], by King Edward’s Edict of Expulsion [793 BNE], by the Act of Titular Regius [599 BNE], by the Original English Bill of Rights, by the Constitution of The Confederate States of America [218 BNE], by the First Naturalisation Act of The United States of America [293 BNE], by the Nuremberg Laws [138 BNE], by The Cotswold Declaration [121 BNE] and by Andrew Anglin’s Total Revolution Manifesto [70 BNE], which documents shall serve as the official legal tradition of The State, abrogated only by this Constitution and by the aforesaid order. As a whole this Constitution and the aforesaid accompanying documents shall be known under law as ‘The Aryan Constitution’.

The motto of this Constitution shall be ‘Never Again’.

1: Racehood, Identity, Citizenship & Settlement (54)

Article I. The Greater European Imperium shall be those Homelands solely for the use, habitation and collective ownership of the Aryan people of all nationalities, cultures, religions, classes, customs and creeds worldwide, in order that Western Civilization may be preserved and that Aryan children may be raised to responsible adulthood in safety, prosperity and tranquillity.
We Must Secure The Existence of Our People and A Future for Aryan Children. Such is the overriding principle of this Constitution.
Nothing incompatible with this Prime Directive may be upheld or permitted by any authority to be Constitutional under any circumstances whatsoever to include self-destruction.
Article II. Should any policy in direct conflict with the above Prime Directive be found manifested, either within or by any authority of the Greater European Imperium, such a manifestation and its proponents shall be considered to be in the highest contempt of this Constitution and shall be considered both criminally treasonable and actionable to all State Subjects, under all circumstances and within whatever and all capacity, whether private, public or institutional, whether in concert with others or individually, whether judicially or extra-judicially.

All Citizens of the Imperium are therefore hereby charged with the preservation of the legitimate force appointed in this Constitution and of the supreme authority both within and of the Constitution itself by whatever means may be necessary and extending to such a condition whereby either the violent or the non-violent overthrow of state institutions or public officeholders to include the Praetor becomes most necessary, in order for any re-establishment, protection or maintenance of the right state of obedience to duty demanded or required herein, whether such means be either judicial or necessarily extra-judicial. As such all Citizens shall to the aforesaid end enjoy full standing, impunities and indemnities as may be required by reason of force, opposition or impediment.
Article III. The following shall be designated into law as the correct and literal taxonomical and biological position of people of Aryan race in relation to all other life.
Life: Carbon, Earth Life: Cellular, Domain: Eukaryote, Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Primates, Suborder: Haplorhini Family: Hominini, Subfamily: Homina, Genus: Homo, Species: Caucasian, Subspecies: Aryan, Pure Infraspecies: Nordic, Ibero-Insular, Lappanoid, Armenoid / Mixed Infraspecies: Northwestern, Subnordic, Alpine, Littoral, Pile Dwelling, Dinaric: Then divided into several Forms, Varieties and Kinds in descending order.
All further definition and differentiation in both law and legally defined science shall be based upon the above designation.

1. Throughout all law whether stated or unstated, the term “race” for the classification and codification of people and their physical identities, shall be held to mean the biological taxonomy of living things below the level of any given species, according to cultural, civilizational and above all scientific trends in society reflecting those identities and their corresponding hereditary entitlements to land, territory, resources, employment, military protection, rule of law and government, according to the laws both natural and of the Aryan states, Racial, Capital, National, Colonial or otherwise.
2. Throughout all law whether stated or unstated, the term “race” for the classification and codification of people and their physical identities, shall not be held to mean a “social construct,” whether singular or plural, whether as a product of social perception in itself or as a educationally reversible manifestation of biological identity.
3. Throughout all law whether stated or unstated, the term “race” for the classification and codification of people and their identities; both empirical and social, shall be held to represent factual biological constructs, stemming from the past imposition of evolutionary or creative processes at a physical, genetic and cellular level.

4. Throughout all law whether stated or unstated, the term “past” shall be held to represent the real former disposition of contemporary matter, not imagination or abstraction, not thoughts, words, concepts or ideas: Physical matter independent of all human thought, understanding, information, legislation, law, ideology, religion, language, conceptuality or awareness.
5. The legal definition of the racial composition of the Aryan Race may only be altered after sufficient scientific survey, analysis and peer reviewed conclusion and consensus presented and proven beyond all reasonable doubt in a Court of law by a legitimate, Aryan and scientific agency and on the basis of empirical evidence only. No legal definition may be non-biological.

No other type of evidence shall be submitted or considered therein.

6. For five (5) years hence from the day after the signing and inauguration of this Constitution and forevermore as Racial Government may require, the classification of the unmixed non-Aryan humanoid races shall under law be divided into the following eight (8) distinct primary categories.

6A. Blacks or Negroes otherwise known as ‘Jungle Niggers’.

6B. Browns or non-Jewish Asiatics otherwise known as ‘Sand Niggers’.

6C. Yellows or Orientals otherwise known as ‘Rice Niggers’.

6D. Black Indians or Dravids otherwise known as ‘Curry Niggers’.

6E. Primitive Blacks or Indo-Australids otherwise known as ‘Stone Niggers’.

6F. Pacific Islanders or Polynesians otherwise known as ‘Sea Niggers’.

6G. Red Indians or Amerindians otherwise known as ‘Wood Niggers’.

6H. Kikes or Jews otherwise known as ‘Gold Niggers’.

Article IV. The First Official Racial Language of the Greater European Imperium shall be Albion formerly known as Colloquial English, whereas the term English itself shall be transferred to the former designation of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ or ‘Old English’ which shall become the Official National Language of the English derived peoples of the Imperium. The Second Official Racial Language of the Imperium shall be High German, then Metropolitan French, Classical Latin and Classical Greek Third, Fourth and Fifth. No other language shall be constituted into law for this purpose. The only Official Religious Language of the Imperium shall be Aryan formerly known as ‘Proto-Indo-European’ or ‘PIE’.

Article V. All Racial public works in the Greater European Imperium shall favour particular styles of main architecture, the most favoured style being Neoclassical as the Imperium’s Official First Style of Racial Public Works. The Official Second Style of Racial Public Works shall be Art Deco and then Palladian and Neobyzantine Third and Fourth however, additional lesser styles may be Classical, Colonial, Baroque and Gothic.

Article VI. In the Greater European Imperium The Aryans exclusively are and shall forever remain The People and The People are and shall forever remain The Army: The People, who shall forever be all Aryan are and shall forever be the only legitimate source of law enforcement and authority in the Imperium.

Article VII. All legal and academic concepts of Jewish, Freudian, Boasian, Ghouldian, Gramscian, Kinseyian, Kalergian, Reichian, Marcusean, Monnetan, Adornian, Meadian, Randian, Althusserian, Focaultian, Saidian and New Leftist authority shall be rendered null and void for all time; past, present and future. No type of academic qualification or publication narratively biased in favour of any original aim within any context of the aforementioned disciplines shall be accepted. All such qualifications and publications shall be considered as academically inadmissible.
The doctrine of the Frankfurt School is, ought to be and shall forever remain completely disestablished as the ruling discourse of ideas within Western society, civilization, culture, art, architecture, media, science, religion, academia, civil service, law, education, finance, government, international relations and politics or any part thereof. No similar doctrine shall be permitted to resume its former dominant position.

Any serious attempt to resurrect the New Leftist tyranny shall be prohibited by law and proscribed either as deadly sedition or as deadly Treason as may be the case.

Any serious attempt to infect the body politic of The State with malignantly destructive forms of collective pathological altruism, or any type of collective racial or ethnic autism through the media or through academic teaching, disciplines or discourse, or through religious services, or to either reactivate or once again implement the Kinderladen Movement, shall be prohibited by law, legally classified as a form of cultural terrorism and proscribed either as deadly sedition or as deadly Treason as may be the case. Any Jew or Christian cleric found guilty of a crime on such grounds shall automatically face the death penalty in all instances.

Any serious attempt to use the Jewish quack science of psychoanalysis in order to undermine Aryan racial or national solidarity shall be treated by government and by the Courts as a serious degenerative and subversive act.

Article VIII. All non-Aryan burial sites established by the disinterment or demolition of any Aryan grave, grave marker, memorial, dedication or funerary or cemetery building shall themselves be disinterred and completely demolished and their human remains repatriated to territories existing outside of the Domestic Imperium where such remains may be reinterred, delivered, deposited or destroyed. No Aryan grave shall ever be permitted to be disinterred or in any way demolished or destroyed in order to make way for any form of non-Aryan grave, burial site or any other type of non-Aryan facility.

Article IX. All non-Aryan graves, grave markers, memorials, dedications or funerary or cemetery buildings shall be completely demolished and their human remains repatriated to territories existing outside of the Domestic Imperium where such remains may be reinterred, delivered, deposited or destroyed and unless specially exempted by government under mitigating circumstances pertaining to the science of archaeology.

Article X. All Aryan people of any previous citizenship or Aryan nationality shall have the right to live permanently in the Greater European Imperium as Provisional Citizens.

Article XI. Provisional Citizenship shall be defined as a status of all Aryan residents with legal residence and domicile in the Greater European Imperium and which is before the attainment of Racial Citizenship of the Imperium.

No Provisional Citizen may receive any public subsidy or employment in the Public Sectors without a view to Citizenship.

Article XII. There shall be two types of citizenship in the Greater European Imperium; one National Citizenship issued by the executive branch of National Government; one Racial Citizenship issued by the executive branch of Racial Government. However, National Citizenship shall not be issued without the full attainment of the latter in respect of those applicants not conceived at a time when both parents where both National and Racial Citizens of the Imperium.

Article XIII. There shall be two types of electorship in the Greater European Imperium; one National Electorship issued by the executive branch of National Government; one Racial Electorship issued by the executive branch of Racial Government.

Article XIV. Racial Citizenship and Electorship of the Greater European Imperium, as opposed to Provisional Citizenship, residency and domicile, to include exercise of the franchise of and participation in government and the political process, shall not be automatically conferred at birth, upon the attainment of ages of consent or majority, or through racial identity alone. Racial Citizenship and Electorship shall all be earned through responsibilities fulfilled.

Article XV. Provisional Citizenship, Citizenship and Electorship in the Greater European Imperium shall be restricted, absolutely and for all time, to those persons of unmixed Caucasian racial descent, who shall have no known or identifiable non-Aryan ancestry and no visibly non-Aryan element in their genetic makeup with one (1) exception.

Any non-Jewish person with Aryan ancestry but with some quantity of non-Aryan racial admixture may qualify for Provisional Citizenship or Citizenship in the Imperium with all of the following conditions.

1. Where the applicant is in a certified state of having been irreversibly rendered incapable of begetting another and is thus sterilised, against all further possibility of biological procreation.

2. Where the applicant is proven to be at least fifty percent (50%) genetically Aryan, but less than twenty-five percent (25%) non-Caucasian.

3. Where the applicant shall never attain Electorship in the Imperium.

4. Where the applicant shall be restricted absolutely and for all time from sexual intercourse or congress with pure stock Aryans.

5. Where the applicant in question shall be never baptised into the Aryan Church of The Creator.

6. Where the applicant shall be forbidden from becoming any kind of military or naval officer and from teaching at an Aryan school or university in the capacity of a professional teacher or academic.

7. Where the applicant shall never be permitted to own gold or silver bullion.

8. Where the applicant shall be restricted absolutely and for all time from either entering or residing within any National Republic without a permit issued jointly by both Racial Government and the respective National Government of the National Republic in question, and only then within the bounds and terms of a stated visa which shall expire within no later time than six (6) months.

Those so sterilised may qualify for a public award in recognition of their physical and genetic sacrifice for the greater security and integrity of the Aryan Race as a whole.

Article XVI. The race commonly known as the Jews are in culture and historic tradition an Asiatic people, and shall not be considered Aryan or accorded any type of Aryan racial or national status under law. No Jew shall be allowed to enter or to reside in the Greater European Imperium whether Foreign or Domestic or within the Aryan Empire at large under any circumstances with one (1) exception.

Jews residing in the Imperium may only permanently reside within humanely prepared secure internment for Jewish racial extinction, wherein all Jews shall be isolated from all forms of non-Jewish society, culture, finance and politics general and civil, and in a certified state of having been irreversibly rendered incapable of begetting other Jews are thus sterilised, against all further possibility of biological procreation.

1A. Jewish property is abolished.

2. Jewish access explosives, to incendiaries, to air traffic control systems, to bullion and to all items and systems either contained within or destined for any state monuments, skyscrapers or other high rise buildings is abolished.

3. Jewish access to history lessons, to museum exhibits and to historical programming either intended or destined for non-Jewish consumption is abolished.

4. No Jew shall be permitted to own, possess, transport, import, export, receive, deliver, acquire, transfer, handle, keep, access, procure, pack, prepare, purchase, sell, trade, extract, bank, sequester, serve, hold, store, inherit, insure, survey, refine or manufacture gold, silver or other precious metals, precious or semi-precious stones, pearl, ivory, vellum, precious fabrics, precious resins or secretions, incense, religious or ceremonial blades or blunts, great artworks, vintage or antique items or products, stocks, shares, bonds, chips, lots, commodities, securities, derivatives, financial instruments, structured finances, digital currency, deeds, slaves, animals, commercial cargo, nuclear materials, heavy water, explosives, industrial chemicals or poisons, marine or aviation engines, aerosols, firearms, munitions, military grade ordnances, any projectile or custom made weapon other than the truncheon, or anything of any large or state intelligence value or any item symbolising any non-Jewish race or religion in the Imperium under any circumstances, nor any counterfeit, synthetic or model thereof.

5. No Jew shall be permitted to own, possess, transport, import, export, receive, deliver, acquire, transfer, handle, keep, access, procure, pack, prepare, purchase, sell, trade, extract, bank, serve, hold, store, inherit, insure, survey, refine or manufacture any cash, coins, postage stamps, monetary tokens, monetary payments or donations, gifts, food, land, bribes, debts, bank notes, bank cheques or other notes of credit, not designed and lawfully intended for segregated Jewish transaction, consumption, distribution or circulation only.

6. No Jew shall be permitted to own, possess, transport, import, export, receive, deliver, acquire, transfer, handle, keep, access, procure, pack, prepare, purchase, sell, trade, extract, bank, serve, hold, store, inherit, insure, survey, refine or manufacture thermite, thermate, any thermitic material or any ingredient thereof in the Imperium under any circumstances, nor allowed physical access to state monuments, skyscrapers or other high rise buildings.

7. In the Imperium no Jew shall be permitted to hunt, fish, herd, pasteurise, firebrand, farm, sit or ride on horseback, slaughter or butcher, or to commission any act thereof. Neither shall any Jew be permitted to use or keep dogs, cats, weasels, birds of prey, beasts of the field, beasts of the hearth, pack animals, hunting animals, horses or slaves, or to practice under any circumstances any form of slavery, equestrianism or animal husbandry or to own, rent, use, enter into or reside in any portion of the Greater Aryan Commonwealth. No Jew shall be permitted to be drawn by horses, dogs or people who are not Jews.

8. No Jew shall own, buy or sell property in the Imperium, nor shall any concept of Jewish property be recognised under law.

9. No Jew shall be permitted to formally invite, welcome, unwelcome or issue notice to any non-Jew or to any non-Jewish group, force or population where such invitation, welcome, unwelcome or notice shall pertain to the entry, exit or residence status of any country, territory, colony, city, town, village, hamlet, settlement, building, land, state, association or society. No Jew or Jewish power shall be permitted to alienate any non-Jew or non-Jewish power on behalf of or in the name of any other.

10. No Jew shall be permitted to legally hire, purchase, sell, bank, sequester, serve, insure or own anything of any non-segregated monetary value in the Imperium. No transactions between Jews and non-Jews shall be permitted except those which shall be determined by government as charitable, commerce free and without financial gain or penalty to any party.

11. No place of Jewish internment may exist within the boundaries of any National Republic whether Emigrative or Immigrative, or of any Imperial Colony, Protectorate or Suzerainty, nor within any part of the Imperium either east of the Pale of Settlement or west of the Inter Caetera Line and no Jew shall be permitted to enter, or to reside on the land of any homestead or on the land of any Aryan palace, castle, mansion house, religious building or sanctuary, tomb, cemetery or burial site.

12. In the Imperium whether Foreign or Domestic and throughout the Aryan Empire at large it shall be a serious crime and capital offence to conceive, gestate or give birth to any Jew or any Jewish corpse, foetus or stillborn or to aid any act thereof in any kind of medical or practical capacity whatsoever. The only penalty for such an offence shall be death.
13. Throughout all state documents, hearings and trials etcetera there shall be no prefix that shall precede the name of any Jew other than ‘The Jew’ or ‘The Jewess’. No Jew shall enjoy any other title under law, to include such titles as ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘Miss’, ‘Ms’, ‘Sir’, ‘Lord’, ‘Dame’, ‘Lady’, ‘Madam’, ‘Master’, ‘Mistress’, ‘Reverend’, ‘Justice’, ‘Excellency’, ‘Highness’, ‘Majesty’, Holiness’  or ‘Rabbi’.

14. When travelling between places of internment or residing in any condition of transit thereof, every Jew of whatever age, sex, racial admixture, orientation, disability or social, religious, economic, civic or political status, shall be required by law to adorn and affix an upright, opaque, six pointed Jewish-yellow star, spanning ten centimetres (10cm) to eleven centimetres (11cm) wide on the surface of the left breast and an opaque, Jewish-yellow band, spanning ten centimetres (10cm) to eleven centimetres (11cm) wide on the surface of the right upper arm, just below the armpit. Within the star the word ‘Juden’ shall be visibly inscribed in non-running, indelible and centred script. Within the band the word ‘Juden’ shall likewise be also visibly inscribed.

14A. When passing through the boundaries of any Aryan town or City a public siren shall be sounded so as to alarm the citizenry to the presence or arrival of any Jew or party of Jews.

14B. No Jew shall bequeath anything by death, except to the public estate of the Imperium the proceeds of which and all rights thereof shall be the sole property of Racial Government, to be disposed of as Racial Government may freely determine.

15. There shall be no treaty, compact, alliance, coalition, union or federation between the Imperium and Jews or Jewish statecraft, nor shall any agreement that pertains to Jews be in any way legally binding.

16. All Jews shall be absolutely prohibited from engaging in certain political causes and movements. These causes and movements shall be any cause or movement directly related to sex, sexuality, homosexuality, sexual orientation, masturbation, lesbianism, the teaching of sex to non-Jewish minors or to non-Jewish women, sexual reproduction, group victimhood, racial identity, climate change, global finance, non-Jewish poverty or the distribution of wealth in society.

17. In the Imperium all Jewish residents shall be individually listed both publicly and throughout all regions.

17A. Listed details shall include the full names, current locations, genetic and racial profiles and descriptive photographies of all Jews therein.

17B. Bands shall be lodged at every Imperium government building and at every consecrated building of the Aryan Church of The Creator, all of which shall be made available to public review upon the demand of any free Aryan man or woman.

18. In all applicable instances Rockefeller and Rothschild Jews shall be treated differently from all other Jews.

18A. All Rockefeller and Rothschild Jews found in the Imperium shall if they be female or under the age of fourteen (14) years be interned with all the usual requirements and procedures of internment upon Jews as laid down in this Article however, they shall also be segregated from all other Jews as if from non-Jews.

18B. All Rockefeller and Rothschild Jews who are both male and over the age of fourteen (14) years are hereby proscribed and having had their legal personalities proscriptively revoked by law, are to be immediately set upon and killed at the earliest available opportunity.

All non-Jewish Imperium subjects with legal personality remaining, are hereby outlawed from knowingly providing any form of aid, comfort or shelter to any thusly proscribed individual and are hereby charged by this Constitution to do these individuals significant mortal harm if they are so able, which shall be a legal requirement and civil obligation.

19. No Aryan Government or any institution of the Imperium shall be obliged to in any way activate the aforementioned exception. There shall be no obligation on any form of Aryan Government or State to accept or otherwise, acquiesce to or accommodate any kind of Jewish habitation, life, settlement or residency within any type of jurisdiction or territory. The stated one (1) exception shall be and shall forever remain optional and when having been either chosen or activated shall not be in any sense made irreversible by any type of law, treaty, convention, order, decree or regulation.

20. Any single failure to reasonably identify to the right authorities any Jew who shall appear to be in the commission of any unlawful act shall on the part of any non-Jew constitute as a criminal offence and for any Aryan Citizen as a serious dereliction of civic duty.

Article XVII. The race commonly known as the Jews are as a whole hereby declared insane, genetically and socially, and to whatever degree may henceforth be deemed as being necessary in order to warrant collective committal for the remaining term of this race’s natural existence.
As such Jews past and present shall be explicitly prohibited from all physical and intellectual access to all stock exchanges, banks, mints, casinos, treasuries, vaults, auctions, financial bureaus, chambers of commerce, printing works, broadcasting centres and stations, betting facilities, film studios, internet servers, communications switchboards, university campuses, academies, think tanks, seminaries, chaplaincies, monasteries, convents, orphanages, hotels, brothels, warehouses, abattoirs, breweries, factories, laboratories, armouries, magazines, industrial storage, working cockpits and bridges, working engine rooms, traffic control centres, toll stations, centres of either military or non-Jewish civil administration, official seats of non-Jewish government, unguarded coastlines, lakesides and riverbanks, working mines and mining facilities, working sewers and reservoirs and to all non-Jewish water sources.

Jews shall in identical fashion be also prohibited from all schools, lecture theatres, classrooms, religious buildings, libraries, housing, hospitals, baths, ablutions, clinics, infirmaries, pharmacies, hospices, mortuaries, cemeteries, commercial centres, leisure centres, sports arenas, mills, wells, farms, prisons and markets not intended for segregated use by Jews only, whether by admittance, holding or construction.

1. The only permitted exceptions shall pertain to properly supervised Jewish intellectual access to publishing, broadcasting or scientific projects when qualified by overall merit to the collective natural benefit of Aryan society, civil security, public information, healthy scientific innovation and Aryan positive propaganda.

2. The condition of aforementioned insanity may in law be either partly or wholly defined as an innate, involuntary, biologically driven, group-evolutionary and genetical-psychological pathology, inherited as either a partial or a sole consequence to centuries of parasitical adaptation to selective environmental pressures, sexually fostering explicitly hostile, pervasive, viral, societally pathogenic or anti-social attitudes among Jews towards non-Jews.

3. The Greater European Imperium in accordance with this Constitution, shall undertake whatever preventative measures may within reason be necessary in order to preserve, protect and defend the Aryan Race from the harmful consequences of the aforementioned collective pathology or of any such like it, the sum of which shall in law be classified as a type of social disease and as a mental and hereditary disorder.

4. No introduction of Jewish close presence or potential persuasion shall be permitted by government without the necessary process of due diligence and assessment, wherein all Jews shall be initially assumed as representing an extraordinary scale of risk and hazard to the health and safety of the non-Jewish public at large.

5. No Jew shall be permitted to engage in any conversation, suggestion, analysis, incitement, instruction, communication or meaningful contact with any non-Jewish minor, with any non-Jewish woman or with any non-Jewish non-Aryan under any circumstances. Nor shall any Jew be permitted to engage in any non-medical conversation, suggestion, analysis, incitement or instruction that pertains to sexual orientation, sexual attraction, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse or sexual development, or to any type of gynaecological matter or subject with any non-Jew. Nor shall any Jew be permitted to practice any type of medicine either on or with any non-Jew.

6. No Jew shall hold any academic qualifications, title or tenure whatsoever. Nor shall any Jew hold any title of nobility, whether aristocratic or honourary or any form of military or naval rank. The legal and civic status of all Jews is and shall forever remain below that of Provisional Citizen and Metic.

Article XVIII. No Jew may control, use, direct, distribute or finance the media to include the press. No one may control, use, direct, distribute or finance the media to include the press on behalf of any Jew. No one who is beholden to Jews or a Jew or who is adopted, married or falsely married to a Jew or who has been adopted, married or falsely married to a Jew may control, use, direct, distribute or finance the media to include the press.

Article XIX. Jews in the custody of the Greater European Imperium may be subject to scientific examination to determine extent and presence of higher than average neanderthal or other extra-human physiognomy, anatomy or genetic signature, or of taxonomical rankings within any Jewish group or population or for evidence, signs, marks or genes possibly denoting schizophrenia or any form of narcissistic personality disorder or dysfunction. Imperium agencies shall enjoy full legal and constitutional authority to carry out such examination, applying whatever tests may be reasonably necessary in order to obtain such determination as law may provide.

Article XX. Under no circumstances may any type of yellow or six-pointed star be featured or borne on the colours or insignia of the Greater European Imperium, or of any office, division or subdivision of state thereof.

Article XXI. Malicious chemtrailing or other mass poisoning with the intent to cause harm to the Aryan public shall be outlawed. All such offences commencing on the Jewish Sabbath shall necessarily be punished with the death penalty in all instances. All forms of homicidal worship, ritual and religious sacrifice shall be banned by law.
Article XXII. Government may not act to intervene in any portion of the Aryan economy or in the creation or maintenance of Aryan Law on the advice of any person, body or institution proven to be under the influence of any ideology, or any political or economic agenda or programme hostile to the overall Aryan Racial Interest.
Article XXIII. In the Greater European Imperium there shall be no legislation for the construction or enforcement of newspeak or other similar corruption of language. In the Imperium there shall be no ideas, thoughts, emotions or experiences to include any state of hostility, intemperance, animosity, aggravation, hate or hatred or any incitement thereof that shall be prohibited by law. All Orwellian concepts to include “hate speech” and “hate crime” are and shall forever remain permanently abolished, disowned and repudiated throughout all of the Imperium’s laws and public institutions.

1. With a practical view to the aforementioned the legal definition of language shall be reserved to the monopoly of the Courts and of the Senate.
2. No entry within any university or government approved Albion language dictionary shall be in any way altered or otherwise changed without a majority approval of the Senate for each altered entry.

3. No new entry shall be added to any university or government approved Albion language dictionary without a majority approval of the Senate for each added entry.
4. The Cultural Marxist terms “racist” and “racism”, “sexist” and “sexism”, “scienceist” and “scienceism”, “anti-semitic” and “anti-semitism”, “homophobic” and “homophobia”, “transphobic” and “transphobia”, “islamophobic” and “islamophobia” and “Nazi” and “Nazism” shall not feature in statues or case law, unless to either prohibit or negatively criticise the use or meaning thereof, or to reverse harm sustained or posed to Aryan culture by capturing such terms to Aryan positive ends. Nor shall such terms feature in any university or government approved dictionary whether Albion or otherwise.

5. Government may at any time extend this article by amendment to include the likewise prohibition of Cultural Marxist terms acting as adaptations to the aforementioned to include such terms as “nationist”, “familyist”, “manist”, “scatophobic”, “zoophobic” or “incestphobic” etcetera.

6. No law or government regulation shall attempt to pathologise or criminalise any act, whether lawful or unlawful on the basis of emotional state or the lack thereof. Acts may be outlawed separately, according only to their several, underlying and direct intentions and effects and not according to any state of emotion, opinion or hostility.

7. Under no circumstances may any type of law, judicial ruling, judicial sentencing or government approved Albion language dictionary entry allow heterosexuality, Aryan racial or national pride or positive identification, hostility to homosexuality or the lack of interest in sexual depravity on the part of anyone to include any minor to be classified as any type of pathology or disorder.

8. In the Imperium the Cultural Marxist concept of “heteronormativity” – normal heterosexual relations as a mental disorder is and shall forever remain permanently abolished, disowned and repudiated throughout all of the Imperium’s laws and public institutions. No type of educational, governmental or religious body whether public or private shall be permitted to instruct minors in or incite to minors homosexual relations, masturbation or other sexual perversion as any type of morally acceptable or healthy practice, tradition, norm, phase or behaviour.

9. In the Imperium all public education concerning the faculty of biological procreation shall actively support Aryan positive racial and national eugenics as a legal requirement and shall not in any sense support any type of contraceptive practice, technique or device other than in order to create sterilisation in non-Aryans, or those liable to engage in dysgenic breeding to the serious detriment of the Aryan Race. The same shall apply to all similar education in receipt of public funding.

Article XXIV. The Jewish abomination of ritual circumcision on the non-consenting is and shall forever remain outlawed under all circumstances. No one who having wilfully acquired non-medically circumcised genitalia shall be a Citizen, nor shall any such person be permitted to marry any Citizen.

Those found to have wilfully performed ritual circumcision on non-consenting minors by any means of oral suction shall be prosecuted by The State for sexual assault.

Article XXV. The Jewish abomination of kosher slaughter is and shall forever remain outlawed under all circumstances. In the Greater European Imperium no animal shall be slaughtered or otherwise killed by man in any but the most humane fashion readily available, no abattoir or slaughter house may practice the slaughter of any animal lasting in excess of ten (10) seconds and no one may be permitted either to subject to cruel sports or cruel examination or to use or despatch as live fodder any horse or animal of the hearth. No one who having wilfully conducted or solicited any kind of kosher or slaughter shall be a Citizen, nor shall any such person be permitted to marry any Citizen.

1. Those found to have wilfully partaken in kosher slaughter, shall be prosecuted for animal cruelty or for assault, torture and ritual murder in respect of any human.

2. This Article shall apply to halal slaughter and to all other forms of Semitic slaughter with equal affect.

Article XXVI. The people commonly known as Muhammadans are in culture and historic tradition an Asiatic people, and shall not be considered Aryan or accorded Aryan racial status under law. No Muhammadan shall be allowed to enter or to reside in the Greater European Imperium under any circumstances.

1. Quranic authority is abolished.

2. Muhammadan access to political office, to ownership of Aryan land, people or resources, and to Aryan women of childbearing age in particular is abolished.

3. Muhammadan Heads of State, statesmen and government officials may in the Praetor’s determination be exempted from this Article on foot of diplomatic necessity, or in solidarity against a common interracial threat, Jewish conspiracy or other malevolent alien agenda.

Article XXVII. The people commonly known in modern times as Liberals but more accurately as Cultural Marxists are in culture and historic tradition a supremely tyrannical, subversive and anti-Aryan Jewish inspired political cult, and shall not be considered Aryan or accorded Aryan racial status under law. No Liberal shall be allowed to enter or to reside in the United British Kingdom under any circumstances.

1. The Frankfurt School and all intellectual movements associated therein are abolished as the ruling discourse of ideas within society.

2. Liberal access to the media, to the education system, to universities and to academia at large, to the arts and to organized religion is abolished.

Article XXVIII. The Greater European Imperium may at any time exchange diplomats with non-Aryan or non-Imperium states, who shall be protected by treaty. Non-Aryans other than diplomats may only be admitted into the Imperium as Metics, who shall be non-Aryans with privileged visitor status, the terms of which and conditions thereof shall be reserved solely to the determination of Racial Government or as non-Aryan Slaves as defined in Section 3 Article XXXIII of this Constitution.

1. No Metic may have any Jewish racial admixture or ancestry.

2. All non-Aryan Metics shall be restricted from all public areas of the Imperium unless accompanied by at least one (1) male minder, who shall be a pure stock Aryan Citizen and a police officer of the Imperium or other competent government official.

3. No male Metic may be permitted to be in any private space in the company of any Aryan woman or child, unless accompanied by at least one (1) male minder, who shall be both a pure stock Aryan Citizen and a police officer of the Imperium or other competent government official.

4. Metics may not reside or travel freely within any part of the Imperium existing outside of any City, without a case-by-case, written permit where issued by Racial Government.

5. The number of non-Aryans with Metic status may never exceed one (1) person for every ten-thousand (10,000) Imperium Citizens and Provisional Citizens combined.

6. Prior to entry to the Imperium each Metic shall have at least three (3) competent Aryan sponsors, willing and able to provide for and support any Metic in time of need whether as individuals or as plural sponsors and who shall all be free Imperium Citizens.

7. Prior to entry to the Imperium each Metic shall have purchased medical insurance within the Imperium covering the sum of the average annual Aryan income within the states that the three (3) sponsors shall reside.

8. Any National, Capital Government or Protectorate Government may at any time peaceably expel any Metic from its National, Capital or Protectorate territory for any reason.

Article XXIX. No non-Aryan to include any non-Aryan Metic or non-Aryan person with diplomatic status shall be permitted to give birth, or to reside in a state of late term pregnancy, to conceive, or to engage in sexual intercourse within any part of the Sovereign jurisdiction of the Domestic Imperium, to include all National Republics and The Capital States.

1. All offspring given birth to in violation of this Article shall by law be irreversibly rendered incapable of begetting another and shall be thus sterilised, against all further possibility of biological procreation.

2. Any violation of this Article shall constitute a criminal offence.

2A. In non-diplomatic cases where there is wilful violation the only penalties shall be ether sterilisation against all further possibility of biological procreation, followed by imprisonment for the term of one’s natural life, or death.

2B. In any non-diplomatic case where the violation is not wilful the convicted offender shall at least be sterilised against all further possibility of biological procreation.

2C. In any diplomatic case the convicted offender shall be permanently expelled.

3. The grounds of all non-Imperium diplomatic missions or embassies located within any National Aryan Republic or Capital State shall be exempt.

Article XXX. Racial Citizenship in the Imperium and the right to exercise the Racial Electoral franchise shall be divided into four (4) tiers, with each tier of citizenship holding the right to civil contract, the right to one (1) vote, the right to two (2) votes and the right to four (4) votes respectively. Those who demonstrate superior civic and political responsibility, and who display the greatest dedication to state service, and who thereby achieve a higher tier of Citizenship, shall thereby have the greatest say in the political process, as Private Citizen or Elector 3rd, 2nd or 1st Class.

1. All unmarried women shall be barred both from attaining and from holding Electorship unless widowed or holding contemporary active membership in the Special Service (ϟϟ).

2. No one who is not an adherent either to the Aryan Church of The Creator or to one of the official secondary religions shall become a Citizen.

3. No one who is not an adherent to the Aryan Church of The Creator or an adherent to one of the official secondary religions may be permitted to either become or remain an Elector, nor may any such person either receive or hold any type of Imperial military commission.

4. Withstanding all serving executive chiefs of government and all legislators, only those Citizens in sole and direct private ownership of non-mortgaged land which shall be at least one twelfth (1/12) of an acre, shall be qualified to accede to and hold Electorship 1st Class.

This final qualification may be set aside by government in the event of any extraordinary catastrophe rendering usual methods of settlement, habitation or free expansion deadly.

Article XXXI. All promotions in National Citizenship and the exercise of the National Electorate franchise shall be initially determined by and shall initially occur in synchronicity with advancements attained in Racial Citizenship and the exercise of the Racial Electorate franchise. However, the several National Governments shall be free to revoke, to demote and to restore National Citizenship independently of Racial Government and in complete disregard of the National Citizen’s Racial Citizen and Racial Electoral status.

Article XXXII. Provisional Citizenship, Citizenship and Electorship in the Greater European Imperium Racial, Capital and National, may be subject to a writ for breach of civil contract and legally reduced, revoked or sanctioned by the Supreme Court, by the Racial Court, by an Aryan National Court, by a Metropolitan or Magistrate’s Court, by the Special Genetical Service (SGS) or other competent Aryan governmental authority, by act of the Senate, or by decree of the Praetor, which bodies and authorities may also grant, restore, freeze or suspend any aforementioned status or offer to accept payment in lieu of such.

Civil grounds for the sanctioning, revocation or reduction of residence, Provisional Citizenship, Citizenship or Electorship whether Racial, Capital, National or Colonial in the Greater European Imperium, shall be.

1. Conviction of a felony. [BLACK]
2. Medically certified mental defect or insanity. [PURPLE]
3. Proven non-Aryan racial descent to include Jewish ancestry. [RED OR JEWISH YELLOW]
4. Miscegenation to include sexual contact with any person of non-Aryan race. [RED]

5. Factual proof of the commission of acts of homosexuality.

Sexual acts between men and feminine or true hermaphrodites shall be defined under law as acts of androgyny. However, no one shall be a feminine hermaphrodite who shall not appear and sound female or who shall be a father. [FUSCHSIA]

6. Factual proof of the commission of acts of androgyny. [BLACK]

7. Factual proof of the commission of acts of other gross sexual perversion to include the sexual intercourses of paedophilia, necrophilia, scatophilia, sado-masochism, transvestism, incest, sodomy, pederasty and bestiality. [FUCHSIA]

8. Adultery or bigamy. [BLACK]

9. Creating a state of lewd public undress.

Nudity without obvious intent to morally outrage or to morally compromise Aryan culture or society shall be exempt. [FUSCHSIA]

10. Use or distribution of any contraceptive device or substances with a view to curtailing the healthy Aryan birth rate. [RED]

11. Malicious sexual activity with the intent to deceive. [FUSCHIA]

12. Calling for the moral or political overthrow of Aryan Man through the imposition of gynarchy or other destructive Feminist system, culture, creed or agenda. [FUCHSIA]

13. Self-harm with intent to arouse pity or protective concern in others. [PURPLE]

14. Wilful solicitation of a sexual prostitute in a National Republic, Capital State, Imperial Colony or other unexempted region.

Within a standing army female personnel assigned to venereal duties may be exempt. [BLACK]

15. Wilful solicitation of a Degenerate’s goods or services. [GREEN]

16. Practicing the prohibited religion of Political Correctness. [PURPLE]
17. Practicing the outlawed abomination of ritual circumcision or other gross ritual genital mutilation. [FUCHSIA]

18. Factual proof of subversive penetration into any society, organisation, group, business, charity, company, institution, corporation, school, college, university or government agency for the advancement of any type of Politically Correct, Marxist, Feminist, sexually perverted or Jewish political, religious or ideological agenda. [PURPLE, RED, FUSCIA OR JEWISH-YELLOW]

19. Wilful obesity or self-starvation.

Self-starvation shall be exempt when and where it may not be in vain. [PURPLE]

20. Wilfully self-induced dipsomania or other drug addiction. [PURPLE]

21. Any act of heresy, sacrilege or apostasy against the Aryan Church of The Creator. [RED]

22. Besmirching or dishonouring the native deities, pantheons or traditional religious beliefs of the racial ancestors. [RED]

23. Factual proof of gross cowardice. [BLACK]

24. Gross cruelty to children or animals. [BLACK]

25. Abuse of marriage or family to include any denial of natural marital intercourse. [BLACK]

26. Wilful false education of an Aryan child. [RED]

27. Exploitation of unemployment to the direct detriment of The State or of the Aryan Race or of any Aryan Nation. [GREEN]

28. Reckless judgement or deception directly resulting in gross loss of life, property, lawful assets or owed income of others. [GREEN]

29. Hoarding residential housing, city land or dormant industrial estates or other dormant infrastructure for the undermining of Aryan living standards. [GREEN]

30. Founding or wilful collaboration in any practice that shall require the deliberate stifling or suppression of new technology or the development thereof as a means of corporate self-interest, or personal enrichment at the expense of wider Aryan society. [GREEN]

31. Deliberate destruction of crops, food, livestock, commodities or other economic resources in an attempt to raise the market value thereof as a means of corporate self-interest, or personal enrichment at the expense of wider Aryan society. [GREEN]

32. Socially irresponsible vending or retailing. [GREEN]

33. Perjury under oath or bearing false witness against another Aryan. [BLACK]
34. Public defamation of the Aryan Race as a whole. [RED]

35. Public negation of the literal, physical, taxonomical or biological existence of the Aryan Race. [RED]
36. Public incitement to Aryan racial guilt, racial self-loathing or racial self-disgust. [RED]

37. Holding the Aryan Race in public contempt. [RED]

38. Any direct attempt to import, introduce, impart or teach values, habits, terms, customs, norms, mores or  memes entirely alien to decency and to Aryan society with a view to Aryan cultural acceptance or conditioning to acceptance, whether at large or in part. [RED]

39. Any direct attempt to niggerise or otherwise ethnically degrade the mind, customs, dress, linguistic inflections, attitudes or cultural habits of any Aryan person, group, society or population. [RED]

40. Blasphemous public ridicule of the Aryan Church of The Creator, its theology, founders, institutions, symbols or religious traditions. [RED]

41. Failure to attend within reason any regular Aryan church service as a baptised member of the Aryan Church of The Creator. [RED]

42. Public defamation of the Imperium, her Praetors, Senators, Senate, State Presidents, Pontiffs, Governors, Magistrates, Aryan Priests and High Priests, navy, military or badges or offices of state. [RED]

43. Publicly insulting the Founding Grandfather of The State The Führer Adolf Hitler, His memory or relics. [RED]

44. Publicly insulting the Founding Fathers of The State George Lincoln Rockwell, Harold Arthur Covington, Collin Jordan, William Luther Pierce or Kai Murros, their memory or relics. [RED]

45. Unlawful sedition against the Imperium or any direct fermentation thereof. [RED]

46. Jew Worship [JEWISH YELLOW]

47. Providing food, clothing or shelter to any enemy alien or Jew as a private Citizen [RED OR JEWISH YELLOW]

48. Crying out, uttering or displaying the word ‘Shekinah’ or the phrase ‘Shekinah Glory’ in religious ceremonies, rituals or sermons.

The word ‘Shekinah’ shall also be defined under law as an obscene, blasphemous and most repugnant exclamation denoting intrinsically evil and satanic forces with extreme sexual, homosexual, sado-masochistic, masturbatory, necrophilic, rape based, rectal and bodily waste related connotations. [JEWISH YELLOW]

49. Proselytising, preaching from or promoting any type of pro-Jewish theology within a Scofield Reference Bible or any other Judeo-Christian translation, tract, verse, script, reference or propaganda. [JEWISH YELLOW]

50. Attempting to file a lawsuit on behalf of any Jew. [JEWISH YELLOW]

51. Attempting to supply or furnish any Jew with any type of monetary aid, finance, cash or asset or with gold, silver, firearms, munitions, poisons, powdered metals or explosives. [JEWISH YELLOW]

52. Attempting to harbour from the forces of law and order any Jew, felon or convicted fugitive. [BLACK OR JEWISH YELLOW]

53. Wilful solicitation, facilitation or conspiracy to affect the enslavement or continued enslavement of any Aryan by any non-Aryan. [BLACK]

54. Wilful solicitation of or incitement to any act of sexual intercourse or sexual interaction between any Aryan and any non-Aryan. [BLACK]

55. Public distribution of sexual images, words, information, aids or pictures not reasonably intended to promote the health and fitness of the Aryan Race. [FUCHSIA]

56. Factual proof of wilfully accessing or distributing obscenity as a means of personal gratification or unlawful blackmail. [FUCHSIA]

57. Wilful dysgenic procreation. [RED]

58. Gross and active tax avoidance. [GREEN]

59. Acting without duly informed consent to sell or to redistribute personal details received through an honourable application for employment, internship or any other form of labour. [GREEN]

60. Forming and then holding in contempt a valid and legally binding contract. [GREEN]

61. Public promotion of any state of non-Aryan political, economic, social, religious, theological, spiritual, sexual or cultural supremacy over any Aryan or Aryans or over Aryan life whether real or imagined, or of any power thereof. [RED]

62. Public utterance or rendering in any language other than the official National Language of the National Republic wherein one shall reside or the five (5) official languages of the Imperium as a whole.
All schools, academies, universities, seminaries, places of religious prayer or worship, private property and border posts shall be exempt. [BLACK]

63. Holocaust denial. [JEWISH YELLOW]

63A. Publicly denying the systematic genocide of at least sixty-six million (66,000,000) Aryans in modern times, as a specifically and consciously targeted racial denomination and by the deliberate, premeditated and intended design and commission of Jewish ideology its servants, pawns, organisers, promoters, instigators, proponents and orchestrators, both Jewish and non-Jewish.

63B. Publicly denying the existence of an historic and prolonged period of deliberate and systematic genocide, perpetrated against the Aryan Race as a whole between 166 BNE and 0 NE.

63C. Publicly denying the essential validity of the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion as an accurately sourced historical document.

63D. Publicly denying the uniquely subversive natural character of overall Jewish behaviour whether past or present.

63E. Publicly denying the historical concept of ‘Żydokomuna’ as an actual phenomenon.

63F. Publicly denying the premeditated murder of Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili [Joseph Stalin] by both the hand and the commission of Jews or a Jew.

63G. Publicly denying the factually established Jewish history of sectarian Jewish ritual murder.

64. Attempting to publicly express any type of guilt or admission of morally defined wrongdoing on behalf of any Aryan Nation collectively or of the Aryan Race in general. [RED]

65. Attempting to publicly express any type of guilty remorse or penance on behalf of any person declared an Aryan Hero by the Senate or on behalf of any Aryan Nation for any legitimate act undertaken in any battle against non-Aryan forces. [RED]

66. Attempting to publicly express any type of guilty remorse for any act of racial colonisation by Aryans in The Americas, Africa or in Eurasian territories recovered from non-Aryan expansion, invasion or settlement. [RED]

67. Publicly condemning the Aryan enslavement or ethnic cleansing of non-Aryans on humanitarian grounds alone, to include the European Aryan establishment of or collaboration in the institution of the Transatlantic Slave Trade whether historic (581 BNE - 195 BNE), or modern (0 NE onwards). [RED]

68. Cursing the Aryan Race. [RED]

69. Supporting the public propagation of the fraudulent Jewish myth of The Shoah otherwise known as ‘The Blood Libel’ through the rendering of any significant aid, finance, media, solicitation, asset or transport. [JEWISH YELLOW]

70. Paying or soliciting a Kosher Tax. [JEWISH YELLOW]

71. Public singing, chanting or poetry reading in the Esperanto, Yiddish or Hebrew languages or dialects whether modern or ancient in the absence of any objective or derisive licence or reason to do so. [JEWISH YELLOW]

72. Public body rocking or other manifestation of mental retardation as a means of religious prayer or worship. [PURPLE]

73. Issuing the Muhammad call to prayer or conducting any Jewish, Muhammadan or otherwise non-Aryan ritual, incantation, ordinance, sacrifice or ceremony within the borders the Domestic Imperium or within the precinct of any place or building that shall have been consecrated by the Aryan Church of The Creator. [BLACK OR JEWISH YELLOW]

74. Active collaboration with or membership in any freemasonic group, lodge or organisation or any hidden group, lodge, organisation, cult or agenda purposefully obscured by the presence or the actions of freemasonry or freemasons acting in concert. [JEWISH YELLOW]

75. Institutional discrimination against an Aryan on grounds either of holding or of espousing pro-Aryan ideas, attitudes or opinions. [RED]

76. Pathologising pro-Aryan ideas, attitudes or opinions in regards to race, sex, sexuality or gender in any official or institutional capacity. [RED]

77. Infantilising any Aryan generation in order to maintain any Aryan group or individual in a permanent mental or physical state of infancy, childhood or adolescence. [PURPLE]

78. Preaching or earnestly encouraging any type of pacifist ideology, creed or doctrine whether secular or religious, in order to seriously neuter the natural imperialistic, national, racial and warlike tendencies and impulses within the Aryan Youth, or in order to morally undermine the Patriot Spirit within any Aryan Nation. – An act that shall be defined under law as ‘Leukocide’. [PURPLE]

79. Reactivation of the Kinderladen Movement. [FUSCHIA]

80. Publicly denying the existence of Truth. [RED]

81. Publicly deriding the concept of Truth. [RED]

82. Publicly denying the existence of Aryan National or Racial Sovereignty. [RED]

83. Publicly deriding the concept of Aryan National or Racial Sovereignty. [RED]
84. Publicly denying the empirical existence of Race. [RED]

85. Publicly deriding the empirical concept of Race. [RED]

86. Publicly promoting the concept of total innate biological equality in exclusion to the possibility of racial inequality between the several nations and races of mankind. [RED]

87. Publicly denying the primary and superior role of the able bodied, adult Aryan Male in the founding, establishing and institutionalisation of Western Civilization, its art, science, literature, technological capabilities and overall technical and moral progress in general. [RED]

88. Giving, granting, providing, soliciting or volunteering any significant aid, comfort, finance, military advantage or moral support to any declared public enemy or enemies to the Imperium. [RED]

89. Mounting or participating in a coherent program of Bolshevization against Aryan society, whether directly or by stealth to include stealth by implementation of The Frankfurt School’s disciplines or doctrines. [RED]

90. Publicly pathologising the identification of one’s racial ancestors with one’s national homelands. [RED]

91. Publicly denying that any territory within Europe is an ‘Aryan’ or ‘White Country’. [RED]

92. Publicly denying the concept of an Aryan or White Country or Homeland [RED]

93. Publicly calling for any form of non-Aryan government, leader or leadership over any Aryan or ‘White’ country, nation or population within in the Domestic Imperium or within Europe explicitly. [RED]

94. Publicly promoting or sponsoring the creation, maintenance or resurrection of any form of Jewish Homeland, Jewish Country, Jewish Government or Jewish State. [JEWISH YELLOW]

95. Wilfully insulting a specific Metic without just cause or reason. [BLACK]

96. Instigating or promoting a condition of racially miscegenous cuckoldry against the Aryan Race or any trend in favour of consortation between any Aryan and any non-Aryan. [RED]

97. Civil non-compliance with the requirements of the Bill of Responsibilities. [BLACK]

98. Attempting to subvert the Bill of Rights or the Bill of Governance from within government. [BLACK]

99. Personal nomination for Degenerate status by the Praetor or by Racial or National Referendum Initiative. [BLUE]
99A. No more than two (2) Citizens may be so nominated by any one Praetor.

99B. No more than one (1) Citizen may be so nominated by any one Racial Referendum Initiative and only then at a rate of no more than one (1) Citizen every two (2) years.

Article XXXIII. Former Citizens and Provisional Citizens whose Citizenship having been completely revoked by law are without either Citizen, Provisional Citizen or Elector status shall be officially classed as Degenerates. The government of the Greater European Imperium may at any time restrict the residence and movements of Degenerates to the limited boundaries of humane enclosures such as officially designated reservations, ghettos and other gated areas etcetera, may interdict their presence or movements elsewhere and may compulsory purchase Degenerate property, businesses, goods or services at market value in order to facilitate such restrictions as may be necessary for the public good.

1. When in the public domain of the Domestic Imperium, every Degenerate shall be required by law to adorn and affix an upright, opaque, coloured triangle, spanning ten centimetres (10cm) to eleven centimetres (11cm) wide on the surface of the left breast and an opaque, coloured band, spanning ten centimetres (10cm) to eleven centimetres (11cm) wide on the surface of the right upper arm, just below the armpit. Immediately above the triangle of each Degenerate who has been proven to have fallen into a state of Degeneracy for especially aggravated ideological causes, a single coloured strip spanning two-hundred and ninety-millimetres (295mm) to three hundred millimetres (300mm) shall be added.

The colours assigned to each Degenerate shall correspond to the colours stipulated in the above Article XXVIII, by order of most serious cause for contemporary loss of civic status.

2. Degenerates that shall be interned shall be so required to adorn the aforementioned symbols and shall be additionally marked by a black dot of no less than three (3) centimetres in diameter, within a round black circle of no less than twenty-five (25) millimetres in thickness and with a spatial separation of no less than fifty (50) millimetres between the two. This symbol may be superimposed upon the internees mark by the affixed coloured triangle.

3. Degenerates who shall be suspected of attempting to breach internment may be marked with an identical symbol, but where the circle shall be black and the dot red. This symbol may be superimposed upon the internees mark by the affixed coloured triangle.

Article XXXIV. On no account shall the government of the Greater European Imperium be obligated to enforce, protect or defend the rights of Degenerates without full rendered payment, the terms of which and acceptance thereof shall be determined solely by government and at the government’s own discretion. All Electors shall enjoy full indemnities for wrongs committed against any Degenerate. The Elector may not be subject to any lawsuit filed on the part of any Degenerate or any lawsuit claiming damages or compensation on behalf of a Degenerate.

Article XXXV. Degenerates assigned Degenerate status for sexual reasons may be interned without trial in the event that the Greater European Imperium finds itself in a state of war with a sexually perverted society or culture.

Article XXXVI. Standards of Aryan identity and Racial residence shall be established by the Special Genetical Service (SGS) which shall set all ethnic parameters and codes, establish scientific and cultural standards of ethnic identity, and which shall make determination in individual cases where applicable.

Article XXXVII. The Greater European Imperium being a state for the federal government of Aryans settled both within and outside of that traditional European realm west of The Urals and north of The Caucuses, shall preside over two (2) types of Aryan National Republic, with one (1) type being absolutely entitled to maintain a core ethnic and national identity to the exclusion of all others within the Aryan Race and elsewhere and with the other being an open territory for immigration and settlement to any sane, free Aryan Citizen of good moral character.

Whereas the first type shall be referred to under law as an Emigrative Aryan National Republic the second shall likewise be referred to as an Immigrative Aryan National Republic. No government of the latter type may in any way either prohibit or exclude the immigration, transit or settlement of any such aforementioned Aryan from its territory, but nor shall any layer of government deprive any Citizen of the right to discriminate freely between one Aryan and another in the course of their own private actions and efforts for the preservation of any pre-existing Aryan economy or culture.

Article XXXVIII. Whereas the basis of all human civilization has been, and shall remain, the traditional nuclear family based on the institution of marriage, with the wife and mother as the heart and the gainfully employed father as the head, the Greater European Imperium herewith acknowledges this traditional family unit and the values historically attached to it as the foundation of The State, and declares that the protection of The Aryan Family shall be and shall forever remain a primary goal and supporting pillar of the Imperium, its laws and institutions.

1. Whereas no form of marriage shall deviate from the normal standard definition of marriage, no marriage shall consist of any other than that of a union between one biological man and one biological woman, both of whom shall have been born into the genders and sexes in which they shall concurrently occupy at the first moment of union.

2. The legal principle of ‘No Fault Divorce’ is and shall forever remain totally abolished.

3. The legal principle of ‘Marital Rape’ is and shall forever remain totally abolished.

4. In Aryan marriage divorce or other marital separation may only be permitted on the following conditions.

4A. Adultery or bigamy.

4B. Infertility in one spouse but not the other.

4C. Miscegenation to include sexual contact with any person of non-Aryan race.

4D. Factual proof of the commission of acts of homosexuality.

4E. Factual proof of the commission of acts of other gross sexual perversion to include the sexual intercourses of paedophilia, necrophilia, scatophilia, sado-masochism, incest, sodomy, pederasty and bestiality.

4F. Continued marital absence amounting to more than nine (9) years.

4G. Excommunication from the Aryan Church of The Creator.

4H. Treason.

5. Annulment of an Aryan marriage may only be permitted on the following conditions.

5A. Pre-marital bigamy.

5B. Non-consummation.

5C. Proven non-Aryan racial descent to include Jewish ancestry.

5D. Absence of full religious communion between both spouses at the first moment of union.

5E. Union within a National, Capital, Colonial or other jurisdiction wherein neither spouse shall have resided as native born Aryan Citizens, or wherein neither spouse shall have normally resided for no less than five (5) years.

5F. Union without the wilful consent of the father or eldest capable male relative of The Bride.

5G. Proven age of non-consent at the first moment of union.

5H. Medically certified mental defect or insanity at the first moment of union.

5I. Wilfully self-induced circumcision on the part of either spouse at the first moment of union.

5J. Either spouse having wilfully performed kosher slaughter before or at the first moment of union.

6. Marriage and sexual relations between the men and women of the Special Service (ϟϟ) shall be exempt in such a way that high eugenic polygamy may be fostered among the Special Service (ϟϟ) membership, so as to advance the racial projects of The State.

7. In the Imperium no marriage shall be lawful where either bride or groom, are non-Aryan, or where the marriage is not blessed at the moment of union by at least one (1) Aryan priest or high priest.
8. Within the society of the Aryan Nuclear Family no husband, wife or offspring may be charged with any crime in relation to acts committed against one another with the exception of the following, which limited to the confines of the aforementioned society shall all constitute as criminal offences.

8A. Destruction of the Aryan Family.

8B. Reckless endangerment to the Aryan Family.

8C. Wilful abandonment of the Aryan Family.

8D. Dishonouring the Aryan Family.

8E. Patricide, Matricide, Mariticide, Uxoricide, Prolicide, Fratricide or Sororicide.

8F. Clan Treason [Treason to one’s own Family as opposed to Treason to The Aryan Public]

9. Repeated divorce or remarriage may not be permitted where it shall reflect an arrested state of hypergamy among Aryan woman.

10. The term “virgin” shall have no standing under law with regards to men and sexual history. This term may only have legal standing in regards to women. No male may be legally conceptualised as a virgin.

11. In the Imperium all Aryan marriage vows shall be the following exactly.

I, _____, take you, ______, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I hereby faithfully receive you into my life that together we may be as one.
As is The Creator to His body, The Church, so I will be to you a just and faithful husband. Together we will be vessels for His service in accordance with His divine plan, so that in all areas of our life the will of The Creator will have pre-eminence over all else.

As is our Praetor to our temporal realm, The Imperium, so I will be to you a loyal and courageous steward. Together we will be loyal Citizens of our Imperium in accordance with the self-evident needs and interests of The Race, so that in all areas of our life the life of The Race itself shall assume absolute and full priority over all other things, so that the divine plan of The Creator may be realised through us.

Always will I perform my headship over you even as The Creator does over me, knowing that His Lordship is one of the Holiest needs for my life. As such our union will form the bedrock of The State, our Race and Nation, their institutions, armed forces, national territory, overseas empires, colonies and dominions.
I hereby promise you that I will live first unto The Race rather than to others or even to you.

I hereby promise you my mortal body through which The Creator’s Creations may be worshiped as a living temple.

I hereby promise you my seed through which The Spirit of The Creator may live through the continuance and furtherance of The Race.

I hereby promise you that I will defend and uphold your honour as an Aryan woman, to slaughter any offspring forced upon us by the enemies of our race and nation and to slay all those who shall so defile the sanctity of our bodies made Holy by this union that shall be sealed under the divine auspices of The Creator.

I hereby promise you that I will lead our life into a life of faith and hope in The Race. Ever honouring The Creator's guidance by His spirit through the Word of our Lawgivers and of the divine, uncorrupted authority of The Church, And so for throughout life and before God, I hereby take you to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part.


I, _____, take you, ______, to be my lawfully wedded husband. I hereby faithfully come into my life with you that together we may be as one.

As is The Church in her relationship to The Creator, so I will be to you a dutiful and obedient wife. Together we will be vessels for His service in accordance with His divine plan, so that in all areas of our life the will of The Creator will have pre-eminence over all else.
As is our Imperium a temporal realm under the crowned governorship of our Praetor, so I will be a loyal and submissive subject. Together we will be loyal Citizens of our Imperium in accordance with the self-evident needs and interests of The Race, so that in all areas of our life the life of The Race itself shall assume absolute and full priority over all other things, so that the divine plan of The Creator may be realised through us.

As you have pledged to me your life, so I too happily give you my life, and in confidence totally submit myself to your headship as to The Creator. As such our union will form the bedrock of The State, our Race and Nation, their institutions, armed forces, national territory, overseas empires, colonies and dominions.

I hereby promise you that I will live first unto The Race rather than to others or even to you.
I hereby promise you my mortal body through which The Creator’s Creations may be worshiped as a living temple.

I hereby promise you my womb through which The Spirit of The Creator may live through the continuance and furtherance of The Race.

I hereby promise you that I will defend and uphold my honour as an Aryan woman, to slaughter by miscarriage or infanticide any offspring forced upon us by the enemies of our race and nation and to offer up prayers and curses of racial hatred against all defilers of our race, so that they themselves may by the divine Wrath of God be defiled.

I hereby promise you that I will observe and obey all of your faithful commands and in doing so follow your lead into a life of faith and hope in The Race. Ever honouring The Creator's guidance by His spirit through the Word of our Lawgivers and of the divine, uncorrupted authority of The Church.

I hereby confirm that The Creator has prepared my soul and my body for you and so I will ever strengthen, help, comfort, sex and encourage you. And so for throughout life and before God, I hereby take you to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part.

12. Any manifest breach of the exact aforementioned marriage vows shall in the Imperium constitute as a criminal offence known under law as Marital Sacrilege. The minimum penalty shall be medium corporal punishment, heavy fines or light imprisonment.

13. It shall not be the right of women to men nor the right of men to women, but rather it shall be the right of the Aryan Race and Nations collectively, their unbegotten and unborn generations and their posterity to require birth in commensurate numbers and stable society of marriage and family on the part of all fit Aryan men and women. Those who should deny this right may be prosecuted and judicially punished for Dereliction of Racial or National Duty.

Article XXXIX. Within the Greater European Imperium those deceased Aryan Citizens that shall have died free and shall have been lawfully interned shall be interned with a special plaque or mark of honour bearing the Seal of The State & Senate for having befallen any one of the following types of death.

1. Death in military combat as an enlisted or commissioned soldier of the Imperium.

2. Death in eugenical child birth.

3. Death in religious persecution and in defence of the Aryan Church of The Creator.

4. Death in political persecution and in defence of The State of the Greater European Imperium.

Article XL. Spartan Race shall be especially favoured and sponsored so as to form part of the fabric of national life within each National Republic and between National Republics, with each National Republic forming its own distinctive set of Spartan Race obstacle races. As such annual attendance of Spartan Race by Citizens of both sexes shall be rewarded and encouraged by The State. Spartan Race may also be used in order to mediate inter-Aryan conflict occurring between the several Aryan National Republics.

Based on the original obstacle course series as founded in 82 BNE, Spartan Race in the Greater European Imperium shall be modified to inculcate military weapons training, close quarter combat and guerrilla warfare tactics alongside traditional obstacle course objectives.

Article XLI. It shall be a criminal offence under both military and naval law to practice blasphemy, heresy or apostasy against the Aryan Church of The Creator, or to partake in homosexual intercourse, or to attempt either to ferment or to solicit any acceptance thereof within the ranks of the military or navy of the Greater European Imperium.

Article XLII. For each Emigrative National Republic of the Imperium there shall be one (1) Citizen with the special status of Praeteritan.

1. Every Praeteritan shall be descended from the last legitimate royal dynasty to have previously presided over the Nation in question as a practising, native Sovereign royal monarch, by order of male primogeniture subsequent to disestablishment. No judicial pronouncements upon what may define the aforementioned shall beyond the National level be legally binding.

2. Every Praeteritan shall be legally entitled though not compelled to an Imperial Honour Guard, a basic public pension, one (1) public estate and a National State Funeral.

3. The status of Praeteritan Rex shall not maintain nor imply any public office, authority, Sovereignty or station whatsoever but shall constitute as an extraordinary type of Citizenship. The status of Praeteritan shall neither act so as to exclude or otherwise disqualify the bearer from any specific public occupation, post, office, vocation or function to include the Praetorship.

4. No female maybe a Praeteritan, every Praeteritan shall be the closest living, pure stock Aryan male descendant to the previous. Where there are no such male descendants the closest living, pure stock Aryan male relative shall accede and all those who shall accede shall be automatically confirmed as a Citizen of the Imperium upon accession.

5. No royal dynasty incumbent after 137 BNE shall be eligible. No royal dynasty incumbent after 137 BNE shall enjoy any legal definition or status as any kind of legitimate former royal dynasty. All such dynasties shall be considered as illegitimate and their royal affiliations legally terminated in full.

6. No same individual shall hold Praeteritan status in more than one (1) National Republic.

Article XLIII. With the sole exception of the political martyrs Edgar J. Steele, John F. Kennedy, George S. Patton, none of the following shall be permitted to rest in peace within the borders of the Greater European Imperium, unless individually listed and cited as righteous persons by the Senate.

1. Those who did directly engage in the arena of professional Western politics, journalism, law and academia or having held any Western government post, office, advisory position or judicial appointment between 137 BNE and 0 NE.

2. Those Aryans who did engage in any type of sexual, procreational or other consortational intercourse with any person of non-Aryan race, or those non-Aryans who did engage in any type of sexual, procreational or other consortational intercourse with any person of Aryan race.

3. Those who before 0 NE did actively sponsor, lobby for, market in favour of or finance either sustained or higher levels of non-Aryan immigration into Aryan countries or Aryan communities.

4. Those who before 0 NE did either teach, lecture, preach or advocate any discipline excoriated in Article VII, to any student, woman or minor within the official capacity of a professional teacher, a university lecturer, an academician, a professional journalist, a professional psychiatrist or other mental health specialist, a professional minister of religion, a professional theologian or a professional politician.

5. Those who did wilfully receive anything of any monetary value from The Jew Schwartz György.

6. Those who did actively participate in the making of any production directed by The Jew Eli Roth.

All human remains found in violation of this Article shall in timely fashion be unambiguously committed to the sea in unclaimed deep waters, whereas the area of disinterment shall be irradiated and thus rendered sterile of all that may be organic.

Article XLIV. The Government of the Greater European Imperium may at any time claim, demand or extract reparations from any of the estates or direct descendants of those mentioned in the above Article XLIII as compensation for the Aryan wealth, lives, property and affects stolen, taken, abused, damaged or seized either by or on behalf of Jewry or of any institution that did represent the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism during the period of The Holocaust. Grounds for the necessary financial reparations shall include the following.

1. Financial Terrorism

2. Cultural Terrorism

3. Political Subversion of Aryan society

4. Corruption of The Aryan Youth

5. Corruption of The Aryan Public

6. Leukocide of the healthy Aryan male gender or in the society of any Great Aryan Power or Historic Nation.

7. The instigation or wilful facilitation of massive non-Aryan migration into Aryan Lands, as a form of asymmetrical genocidal warfare.

8. The criminal sanctioning of pro-Aryan allegiance or public expression.

9. The political, racial or ethnical blacklistment of Aryan Patriots from employment, ownership, fair treatment or public services during the period of The Holocaust.

10. Any False Reparations incurred on foot of The Blood Libel also known as the fraudulent Jewish myth of ‘The Shoah’.

Article XLV. No Aryan who may be a direct first to twelfth generation descendant of any Aryan traitor or active enemy collaborator during the period of The Holocaust shall be permitted to accede to Elector status, without a scientific examination clearing the candidate beyond all reasonable doubt of possessing any sociopathic or psychopathic mental, psychological or personality disorders. No such candidate with a criminal record may be permitted to accede to Electorship in the Greater European Imperium.

Article XLVI. All spouses and direct first to twelfth generation descendants of veterans of the White Revolution and all direct first to twelfth generation descendants of Aryan Anti-Bolshevist veterans who fought for the Axis Powers between 166 BNE 138 NE or against Judeo-Bolshevism in general prior to 133 BNE without defecting to the opposing forces, shall be entitled to receive a special state pension.

Spouses and direct descendants of veterans of the White Revolution and descendants of Aryan Anti-Bolshevist veterans may be excluded where it is proven beyond reasonable doubt, that an adjoining descendant or spouse fought against the White Revolution, or in any way acted to either dishonour or publicly disgrace the name of the Führer Adolf Hitler. Degenerates shall be excluded automatically.

Article XLVII. No part of or entity within the Greater European Imperium shall be lawfully subject to any type of Jewish, Semitic or otherwise non-Aryan law, jurisdiction, emulation, mitigation, mediation, procedure or requirement, to include the law of The Talmud. No revealed text derived either from or through any non-Aryan source shall be in any way recognised under law as the actual word or law of God.

Article XLVIII. The organisations formally known as the ‘United Nations’, the ‘North Atlantic Treaty Organization’, the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’, the ‘National Endowment For Democracy’, ‘Freedom House’, the ‘International Republican Institute’, the ‘Centre For Democracy, Development & The Rule of Law’, the ‘Centre For International Private Enterprise’, the ‘Trilateral Commission’, the ‘Cato Institute’, the ‘Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’, ‘Amnesty International’, ‘Médecins Sans Frontières’, the ‘Bilderberg Group’, the ‘New American Century’, the ‘American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee’, ‘B'nai B'rith’, ‘Opus Dei’, the ‘United Church of Christ’, the ‘Lotus Society’, the ‘Community Security Trust’, the ‘Military Religious Freedom Foundation’, the ‘Community Security Trust’, the ‘World Jewish Congress’, the ‘Southern Poverty Law Centre’, ‘Goldman Sachs Incorporated’, the ‘Soros Foundation’, the ‘Open Society Institute’, the ‘Centre For American Progress’, the ‘American Civil Liberties Union’, the ‘Task Force on New Americans’, ‘Welcoming America’, ‘Media Matters For America’, ‘National Amusements Incorporated’, Viacom or ‘Video & Audio Communications Incorporated’, CBS or ‘Columbia Broadcasting System Incorporated’, ‘Kiev Post Media’, the ‘Smithsonian Institute’, the ‘Rockefeller Foundation’, the ‘Federal Reserve’ of the Federal Reserve Act 1913, the ‘European Union’, the ‘European Council’, the ‘European Jewish Parliament’, the ‘European Jewish Congress’, the ‘American Jewish Congress’, the ‘Canadian Jewish Congress’, the ‘Russian Jewish Congress’, the ‘Conference of European Rabbis’ and the ‘State of Israel’ are hereby declared and shall forever remain outlawed, criminal Jewish entities and shall under law be recognised as constituting as a single, illegal international organisation, political cult and crime syndicate, referable in law as the ‘International Jewish Power Structure’,  or simply as ‘The Cult’ or ‘The Conspiracy’.

1. All corporate privilege and legal status referenced in the aforementioned designation are hereby absolutely abolished by this Constitution.

2. The aforementioned designation may never be revoked or otherwise mitigated by law, whether in whole or in part. The existence of these organisations shall under law be regarded as absolute for as long as each bears free and clearly discernible devotees to their collective harmful agenda.

3. To the aforementioned list of proscribed Jewish entities may be added any ANTIFA, FEMEN or similar Cultural Terrorist organisation.

4. To the aforementioned list of proscribed Jewish entities may be added any entity calling itself any type of Jewish Congress, Parliament, Senate, Board, Chamber, Ministry, Government, Force, League, Committee, Army, Bureau, Agency, Academy, Trust, Charity, Foundation, Organisation, Order, Brigade, Company, Fund, School, Group, Forum, Assembly or Institute, any entity in which Jews are found to be present or to have presided over, imbued or inspired, or any entity in which any of the following may have participated in, or in which any of the following may have formed any type of intellectual, monetary, financial, moral or direct foundation for.

György Lukács, Franz Boas, Felix Weil, Karl Greenberg, Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse, Friedrich Pollock, Erich Fromm, Otto Kirchheimer, Leo Löwenthal, Franz Leopold Neumann, Jürgen Habermas, Claus Offe, Axel Honneth, Oskar Negt, Alfred Schmidt, Albrecht Wellmer, Siegfried Kracauer, Alfred Sohn-Rethel, Walter Benjamin, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, Jean Monnet, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Karl Wolfgang Deutsch, Altiero Spinelli, David Mitrany, Antonio Grasci, Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault, Saul Alinsky, Betty Friedan, Ernst Bernard Hass, Schwartz György (otherwise known as ‘George Soros’), Murray Rothstein (otherwise known as ‘Sumner Redstone’), Barbara Lerner Spectre, Adrea Rita Dworkin, Leslie Moonves, Michael Kaufman, Jed Sunden, Helmut Josef Geier, any Rothschild and any Rockefeller.

5. All persons known or found to have received anything of any value from the aforementioned list of proscribed Jewish entities, shall be required by law to be criminally investigated and may be charged with Treason, sedition, unlawful genocide, cultural or financial terrorism or any similar crime as the case may require. No such person may ever be allowed to work in any kind of financial, teaching or media profession or in the armed forces or be permitted to establish any business, think tank, lobby or charity without individual permission from government.

Article XLIX. Acting on behalf of the abrogated and abolished state of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the Greater European Imperium as its direct and natural heir and successor, hereby retrospectively revokes the Treaty of Paris of September 3rd 300 BNE from July 17th 221 BNE, thereby rescinding the legal right of the Treaty’s victorious American powers to an existence or former existence in a Sovereign and independent character separate from the institutions of the mother country.

All treaties, alliances, compacts, laws, rulings, ordinances and inaugurations established by any subsequently proscribed entity after July 17th 221 BNE, are hereby retrospectively revoked and denied in perpetuity. The Sovereign and legal existence of the United States of America as originally established in the American Revolution of the Thirteen Colonies, are hereby retrospectively limited to a period of time falling after July 3rd 307 BNE but before July 18th 221 BNE. As they are and were after July 17th 221 BNE, such entities are hereby declared unlawful rebel entities found to be in a dissolute state of perpetual constitutional crisis and subject to military liquidation.
Article XLVII. The Greater European Imperium shall honour all its righteous pre-histories.

1. All government buildings within the maximum extent of the former Confederate States of America (214-218 BNE), shall publicly fly and display a large, well made Confederate Battle Flag within the front precinct. Any attempt to remove or censure such an aforementioned device shall be strictly prohibited.

2. All government buildings within the maximum extent of the former National Socialist German Third Reich (150-138 BNE), shall publicly fly and display a large, well made Swastika Banner of The Third Reich within the front precinct. Any attempt to remove or censure such an aforementioned device shall be strictly prohibited.

3. All government buildings within the maximum extent of the former South African Republic (122-89 BNE), shall publicly fly and display a large, well made Apartheid Era South African National Flag within the front precinct. Any attempt to remove or censure such an aforementioned device shall be strictly prohibited.

Article L. Within the Domestic Imperium any Aryan Citizen or Provisional Citizen, or pure stock Aryan whether slave, imprisoned, degenerated or free shall have the inalienable and full right to stop, halt and challenge any apparent Jew, Nigger, Asiatic, Amerindian, Halfcaste or any other Person of Colour found travelling, in transit or settled on Aryan territory with a view to reasonably establishing the aforementioned’s right to be physically present within the Domestic Imperium’s territory. Any person thusly challenged may be detained until true identity and right of abode shall be reasonably established.

Article LI. In the Greater European Imperium the seasonal and festive tradition of Black Pete or ‘Zwarte Piet’ shall be enshrined with the law of every National Republic, Capital State and Imperial Protectorate and within the Racial law at large. Continuing and partaking in the ancient European rite of Black Pete is and shall forever remain an alienable right of each and every Imperium Citizen.

Article LII. No law of the Greater European Imperium shall not under any circumstances accept the naming of any planet or other celestial body with any name not originally found in Ancient Roman or Ancient Greek mythology, nor shall any serious scientific society, organisation, academic entity or journal be permitted to formally validate or institutionalise any such naming.

1. The Planets known as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune and the Dwarf Planets known as Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Orcus and Salacia shall all retain the aforesaid names into law.

1A. The Dwarf Planets formally known as Makemake, Haumea, Quaoar, Sedna, Varuna, Varda shall be renamed into law Tellus, Candelifera, Janus, Venilia, Volturnus and Lysithea respectively and for all time.

Article LIII. In the Greater European Imperium there shall be military and naval honours awarded to the best and bravest of The Empire’s troops and other military or naval personnel. Though Racial and National Government’s may act to establish awards and decoration as may befit active service in a time of war there shall be five (5) highest honours, which shall take precedent over all others and which shall be the following in order of least to most prestigious.

1. The Title of Hero of The Imperium. Awardable to only three-hundred (300) living persons at any one time all of whom shall continue to enjoy the title when deceased, unless revoked by due process of law.

2. The Title of Son of The Imperium. Awardable to only twelve (12) living persons at any one time all of whom shall continue to enjoy the title when deceased, unless revoked by due process of law.

3. The Title of Father of The Imperium. Awardable only to those who have been deceased for at least twenty-five (25) years and only then to no more than four (4) persons per century. Such a title once bestowed shall never be revoked.

4. The Title of Founding Father of The Imperium. Awardable only to those men who originally led the White Revolution in the founding of The Imperium and who were born at a time before 42 BNE.

5. The Title of Founding Grandfather of The Imperium. Reserved to The Führer Adolf Hitler for all time. The sole recipient is and shall forever remain the person and memory of The Führer Adolf Hitler to which shall also be inferred the honourary and posthumous rank of Ultra Supreme Commander-in-Chief or Seven Star General in outmoded ranking.

No woman, non-Citizen or non-pure stock Aryan shall receive any one of the aforementioned highest honours of The State.

Article LIV. No form of Temporal Sovereignty above that of The Aryan Race as a collective whole shall be in anyway either acknowledged or accepted in law. It shall hence forth be outlawed for any institution of the Greater European Imperium to in anyway recognise, conform to or comply with any type of power not in full and original accordance with this Constitution.

There shall be no form of political, legal, judicial, legislative or executive union, organisation, convention or law, binding any institution of the Imperium to any non-Imperium or supra-Imperium power. It shall be deadly Treason for any Aryan to attempt to commission or to commence any such bond or union.

2: Government & Administration (48)
Article I. The Greater European Imperium shall be a unitary and single-party state, with the Aryan United Racialist Party (AURP) serving as the official party of Racial Government.
 Article II. The government of the Greater European Imperium shall consist of two branches, executive and legislative.
 1. All central, tributary and local governments, offices and agencies thereof which existed under previous regimes are herewith abolished.
 2. Pre-existing rural communities and cities within the Imperium shall create such local governments within the parameters of this Constitution as appear to be necessary for the maintenance of health, order, and prosperity, but all ordnances, laws, and functions of said local governments shall be subordinate to the central government, to the laws of the Imperium, and to the authority of the Senate and Praetor.

3. Rural local government shall be constituted as Counties presided over by one (1) Magistrate per County who shall each assume local supremacy as bearers of the highest local office of executive government and judicial authority. All Magistrates shall be appointed directly by the National Governor, the Racial or Supreme Governor General or the Praetor.

4. Metropolitan Government shall be constituted as Cities presided over by one (1) Metropolitan Governor per City who shall each assume local supremacy as bearers of the highest local office of executive government and judicial authority. All Metropolitan Governors shall be appointed directly by the National Governor, the Racial or Supreme Governor General or the Praetor.

5. Local metropolitan government shall be constituted as Urban Districts presided over by one (1) Urban Magistrate per Urban District who shall each assume local supremacy as bearers of the highest local office of executive government and judicial authority. All Urban Magistrates shall be appointed directly by the Metropolitan or National Governor, the Racial or Supreme Governor  General or the Praetor.

6. The executive branch of government may at any time devolve executive power at County, City, Urban District or National level with the creation of informal elections and either appointed or democratically elected offices such as Mayor, National Chancellor and National Prime Minister etcetera and may delegate executive control to such offices. The executive branch of government may also reverse such structures, thereby both rescinding created executive offices and abolishing devolved government.

Article III. The Greater European Imperium shall not among its many subdivisions maintain a standing local police force but shall maintain a local law enforcement presence in the form of the Magistrates and Urban Magistrates, their several Sheriffs, Undersheriffs, Watchmen and Underwatchmen. It shall be the responsibility of the citizenry themselves to recruit, hire and deploy civil militia as additional local police for the protection of life, liberty and property both private and public to within each County, City and Urban District.

Article IV. Each National Republic shall establish and maintain a standing National Civil Guard [Police Force]. Each National Civil Guard shall be responsible for licensing, monitoring, regulating and overseeing all civil militia [local police] within the National Republic, for guarding National officials, higher courts and other National Government installations and for providing professional support and oversight to local law enforcement as may be necessary.

Article V. Any National Governor may be recalled and removed from office on foot of a National Referendum of Rejection of the National Republic in question. Any National Referendum on the rejection of a National Governor may be passed by the National Parliament without the signature of the sitting National Governor, nor shall he have any power of veto thereon.

The Praetor shall recall and remove all National Governors so rejected within ninety (90) days of served notice. The Praetor may not reappoint any former National Governor so rejected to any public office of the National Republic concerned, unless the reappointment is first ratified by the constituent National Parliament.

Article VI. Landowners whose combined rural estates that are found to be in excess of one thousand (1,000) acres shall be compelled by law to be conferred as Knights to The National Republic, whereas those same landowners under either Colonial or Racial administration shall be similarly compelled as either Knights to The Colony or Knights to The Imperium respectively.

As such all rural lands and commercial entities longing to any Knight of The Republic or ‘Republican Knights’, shall be designated as Manors and subject to a separate regime of manorial civil laws and taxation, which shall be established by the respective National Governments.

The Manors shall be independent from the Counties and shall form an entirely separate administrative tier of government under Aryan National Government. Knights shall be subject to National military law, holding the equivalent rank of colonel without external portfolio. As such Knights may be free to raise, train, lead and deploy independent military units in accordance with the laws of the incumbent National Republic.

Any Manor may for any reason be broken up and sold by National Government, thus disbanding the landowner of his Knighthood and reducing his holdings from one thousand (1,000) acres or more to between one hundred (100) and nine hundred (900) acres.

Article VII. Any single plot of rural land in excess of one thousand (1,000) acres found to be consolidated into the sole ownership of the Special Service (ϟϟ) shall be made a Special Service (ϟϟ) District with a separate regime of Special Service (ϟϟ) laws and taxation, to be independently established by the properly constituted administrative body of the Special Service (ϟϟ).

Any Special Service (ϟϟ) District may for any reason be revoked by Racial Government, thus removing Special Service (ϟϟ) civil administration in the affected areas.

Article VIII. Any single plot of rural land in excess of one thousand (1,000) acres found to be consolidated into the sole ownership of the Aryan Church of The Creator shall be made an Aryan See with a separate regime of clerical civil law and taxation, to be independently established by the properly constituted administrative body of the Aryan Papacy.

Any Aryan See may for any reason be revoked by Racial Government, thus removing clerical civil administration in the affected areas.

Article IX. Each Magistrate and Urban Magistrate shall appoint as public servants ancillaries for the official information and advice of the Citizenry and who shall be apportioned pay and necessary provisions on an equal basis. These ancillaries shall include a medical expert or ‘Medical Procurator’, a legal expert or ‘Legal Procurator’, a criminal expert or ‘Civil Procurator’, an education expert or ‘Academic Procurator’, a consumer expert or ‘Commercial Procurator’, an expert on trade and business or ‘Mercantile Procurator’ and a military expert or ‘Martial Procurator’.

Their function shall be in order to dispense specialised professional and legal aid and advice to the constituent citizenry, free of charge at the point of service and may appoint beneath them Subprocurators as may be necessary.

Article X. This Constitution shall be enforced and interpreted by a standing Constitutional Committee of the Senate, to whom constitutional issues may be referred for determination by the Senate as a whole, by the Aryan executive branch, by Aryan state agencies, and by the Aryan Courts.

Article XI. The basis of the body politic of the Greater European Imperium shall be the roster of all persons holding Racial Electorship in the Imperium, which electorship role shall function as the lowest level of government and the foundation of all states, Racial, Capital, National and Colonial.
The citizenship roll shall function in this capacity through General Deputations to the Aryan Senate and also through the institution of the Aryan Racial Referendum.
 Article XII. Aryan Racial Referendums shall take place as needed in conjunction with General Deputations to the Aryan Senate.

Article XIII. The primacy of the Aryan United Racialist Party (AURP) in governing the Greater European Imperium is formally acknowledged and enshrined in this Constitution. No public office maybe either held or occupied by one who is not first a member of the Aryan United Racialist Party (AURP).

Should any Racial public office holder be expelled from the aforementioned Party the individual in question shall be thereby automatically struck down from office without impeachment. None but the State President shall be exempt, to include the Praetor.
Article XIV. No one shall hold office at a National level until they are first a member of the Racial Nationalist Party of the Nation amongst whom they reside.

All Racial Nationalist Parties shall be free and independent from the organisation of the Aryan United Racialist Party and may not be legally compelled to create, form, instigate, abolish or apply any policy or membership by any exterior organisation or structure.

Article XV. The chief executive of the Greater European Imperium shall be the Praetor, who shall be an Elector 1st Class and Racial Party member not less than thirty-one (31) years of age and not less than ten (10) years of Racial Party membership, and who shall be an Imperial military veteran.
Article XVI. The Praetor shall serve as head of the executive branch of Racial Government, as Commander-in-Chief of all military, naval, paramilitary and militia forces of the Greater European Imperium and of all Aryan Civil Guards (police forces of the Imperium), as Chief Secretary General of the Special Service (ϟϟ), as Chief Secretary General of the Double Service, as Chief High Priest, as Chief Magistrate, as Chief President of all universities, as Chief of the Public Sector, as Chief Executive of all Imperium Banking Institutions and as an honourary Bishop and Cardinal to the Aryan Church of The Creator.

The Praetor shall not be excluded from serving as the Chairman of the Aryan United Racialist Party (AURP), nor shall the Praetor be specifically entitled to do so.
Article XVII. The Praetor shall have the authority to appoint a council of Racial Ministers of his own choosing or to either appoint or commission a Racial Chancellor, Racial Prime Minister, Supreme Governor General or similar official, to assume or further delegate Racial executive powers, and to create or dissolve ministerial portfolios as he deems necessary, with the following exceptions: He may not dissolve or allow to fall into abeyance the Racial Ministries of War, Interior, Finance or Aryan Identity or to dissolve the office of Racial Governor General or Imperial Governor General.

1. The Praetor shall have the authority to assume one (1) ministerial portfolio himself for all or part of his term.
2.The Praetor shall serve as Chief Magistrate of the Greater European Imperium and shall exercise full recourse over all actions and decisions of the judicial system and the Racial Honour Court, specifically including the power of full or partial pardon or commutation of any civil or military sentence of death, confinement, corporal punishment, loss of Racial or National residence or Racial or National Provisional Citizenship, Citizenship or Electorship, amercement, or exile, with the following exception: The Praetor may not overrule or set aside any Jury or other Court verdict of Not Guilty, Not Proven, or other acquittal.

Article XVIII. The Praetor shall be elected by direct popular vote of all Electors, through two (2) rounds of Racial Elections, wherein the top two candidates shall be subject to exclusive voting in the second round and wherein all candidates for the office shall fulfil the basic requirements of eligibility, and will on that qualified basis constitute as the entire 1st Class Racial Electorate itself.

There shall be no other pool of candidates other than the 1st Class Racial Electorate, until such time as the tier ceases to exist. There shall be no electoral college: Each vote cast shall be counted individually.

Article XIX. Subsequent to the Primary Election, a Final Election between the two front runners shall take place. The candidate receiving a simple majority of votes shall become Praetor.

Article XX. Every incoming Praetor shall undergo a Praetorian Coronation within five (5) working days of having been inaugurated into the office of Praetor. The Praetorian Coronation shall be a ceremony whereby the Praetor shall be crowned with the Praetorian State Crown, which shall represent all Racial, Imperial and Supreme state authority within the Aryan Empire and Greater European Imperium.

Only after the Praetorian Coronation, may a serving Praetor be permitted to govern as Praetor. Until such time, the office of Praetor shall be conducted by the Vice Praetor or other constitutionally designated successor as Acting Praetor.

Article XXI. The Praetor shall serve a single term of forty (40) years in office, and may not be re-elected to the office of Praetor for one (1) consecutive term.
 1. In the event of his death, illness, or other incapacity, the Praetor shall be succeeded in office by the Vice Praetor. In the event of his death, illness, or other incapacity, the Vice Praetor shall be succeeded in office by the Deputy Praetor. In the event of his death, illness, or other incapacity, the Deputy Praetor shall be succeeded in office by the Deputy Vice Praetor. In the event of his death, illness, or other incapacity, the Deputy Vice Praetor shall be succeeded in office by Racial Ministers of State [Cabinet members] by order of date of attainment to Racial Citizenship. In the event of the death, illness, or other incapacity of all Racial Ministers of State the last presiding minister shall be succeeded in office by the Speaker of the Senate.

1A. In the event of the death or incapacity of the Praetor, the Vice Praetor, the Deputy Praetor, the Deputy Vice Praetor, all Racial Ministers of State and the Speaker of the Senate, executive power shall be collectively assumed by the properly constituted ruling body of the Aryan United Racialist Party (AURP) for a period of no longer than thirty (30) days, who shall during that time appoint a caretaker Praetor who shall hold office for a maximum of ten (10) years and until a special Praetorian Election can be held.

2. The Praetor may either be impeached and removed from office on foot of a Racial Referendum Initiative of Impeachment or removed from office on foot of a Racial Referendum Initiative of No Confidence.

2A. Any Racial Referendum Initiative on the Impeachment and removal of a Praetor or on the removal of a Praetor by a vote of No Confidence, may be passed by the Senate without the signature of the sitting Praetor, nor shall he have any power of veto thereon.

2B. A Racial Referendum Initiative on the Impeachment and removal of a Praetor or on the removal of a Praetor by a vote of No Confidence shall be initiated by the Racial Electorate itself via a Racial Referendum Initiative, requiring only twelve per cent (12%) of all Racial Elector votes obtainable within any National Republic or Capital State in order to initiate.

2C. In order for the affirmative verdict of a Racial Referendum Initiative on the Impeachment and removal of a Praetor or on the removal of a Praetor by a vote of No Confidence to be passed by the Senate into law, the Referendum Initiative shall carry a simple majority of all Racial Electoral votes cast throughout the Greater European Imperium and at least one third (1/3) of all Racial Electoral votes cast within every National Republic.

2D. Should the Senate reject the affirmative verdict of a Racial Referendum Initiative on the Impeachment and removal of a Praetor or on the removal of a Praetor by a vote of No Confidence by refusing to pass the verdict into law, any subsequent National Referendum Initiative on the overruling of the Senate’s decision may automatically pass the rejected Racial Referendum Initiative verdict into National law by a simple majority of both chambers of the constituent National Parliament.

The result of such a National Referendum Initiative and its legal implications may only be revoked or otherwise legally actioned within the framework of the respective National Constitution only.

2E. In the event of the impeachment or removal of a Praetor under National law but not Racial law there may be more than one (1) legitimate Praetor within the Imperium, with each Praetor presiding over different Imperium jurisdictions for so long as the constitutional disharmony between National and Racial states persists.

3. No one who is genetically non-male may be lawfully inaugurated into the office of Praetor.

4. No one who bears any Jewish mark or symbol or who is circumcised may be lawfully inaugurated into the office of Praetor under any circumstances.
Article XXII. The legislative branch of government shall consist of the first chamber which shall be the Senate and the second chamber which shall be the Racial Electorate itself. The Senate shall be appointed every two (2) years by the popular sortition of non-elected Sortitioned Senators from all Electors 1st Class, or else from the remaining highest tier in the event of a numerical insufficiency of candidates and by the popular election of Elected Senators who shall collectively represent the several Aryan National Republics and Capital States of the Greater European Imperium. The Senate shall be presided over by a Speaker who shall be elected in caucus by each incoming Senate, and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Senate as a whole.

All Senatorial Sortitioning shall be random and carried out by lottery within the precinct of The Senate only, before no less than twelve witnesses, at least five (5) of whom shall be Sortitioned Senators and at least another five (5) of whom shall be Elected Senators. No one witness shall represent the same Guild or Republic as another.
Article XXIII. Racial Ministers of State [Cabinet members] shall have the right to attend all sessions and participate in the debate and work of the Senate as Executive Senators, appointed by virtue of the Government Cabinet status and with full equal rights to vote on all legislation and resolutions.

Article XXIV. No Racial Cabinet shall exceed in its number of members more than ten per cent (10%) of the sum total of all Opposition Senators, unless a surplus addition is transferred from the Senate Opposition Senate itself. Such transference shall be terminated upon the expiration of a sortitioned Senator’s term as Senator.

No more than one quarter (1/4) of the Senate Opposition may cease to oppose Racial Government policy by transfer to the Racial Cabinet. All and any transfers from Opposition to Cabinet may be vetoed by a popular vote of the Senate as a whole.

Article XXV. The Senate shall be the first chamber in a Racial bicameral legislature. The Racial Electorate shall itself directly assume the second chamber after the Aryan Senate and shall exercise the proper function thereof as a direct democracy.

To this end, permanent public polling stations called pynx shall be erected and established for the legislative action of the second chamber. All pynx and their immediate public compounds shall constitute as falling under the full special jurisdiction of the Senate Precinct in exclusion to any and all other jurisdiction. Therefore the Senate shall appoint a special Superintendent to preside over each pynx in order to execute and administer the its special jurisdiction and shall be granted a complimentary unit of at least twenty (20) Senatorial Guards, whose command structure shall exclude all except for the lawful committees and institutions of the Senate itself.

No pynx shall constitute an area of more than one (1) acre per County, Urban District, See or Manor.

Article XXVI. All Senate legislation may only be passed into law by a direct popular vote of the Racial Electorate, representing a simple majority of all Racial Electoral votes cast throughout the Greater European Imperium and a simple majority of all Racial Electoral votes cast within every National Republic.

Article XVII. Any Aryan Elector may file for the creation of a constitutionally sound Racial Referendum Initiative, which shall take place within one-and-eighty (180) full working days from final litigation.

1. No Racial Referendum Initiative may be permitted to undermine this Constitution however, the Racial Referendum Initiative shall be empowered to all else to include the repeal of non-Constitutional laws, treaties with foreign powers and the impeachment of members of government.

1A. Racial Referendum Initiatives on the Impeachment and removal of a Praetor or on the removal of a Praetor by a vote of No Confidence shall follow the procedure outlined in Article XVIII.

2. In order to file for the creation of a Racial Referendum Initiative there must first be a petition in favour, bearing at least twelve per cent (12%) of all the National Electoral votes obtainable within any one (1) National Republic, or within any one (1) Capital State.

3. A Racial Referendum Initiative shall be non-amendable and carried forward into Racial Law upon a simple majority of all Racial Electoral votes cast throughout the Greater European Imperium and at least one third (1/3) of all Racial Electoral votes cast within every National Republic.

4. Any Racial Referendum Initiative may be struck down on foot of a successful subsequent Racial Referendum Initiative specifically repealing its existence in law.

Article XVIII. Any Aryan Elector may file for the creation of a constitutionally sound National Referendum Initiative, which shall take place within one-and-eighty (180) full working days from final litigation.

1. No National Referendum Initiative may be permitted to undermine this Constitution however, the National Referendum Initiative shall be empowered to all else to include non-Constitutional laws, rulings, decrees, orders and statutes impinging upon the National law of the National Referendum Initiative in question and the impeachment of members of the respective National Government.

1A. National Referendum Initiatives on the Impeachment and removal of the respective National Governor or on the removal of the respective National Governor by a vote of No Confidence shall follow the procedure outlined in Article III.

2. In order to file for the creation of a National Referendum Initiative there must first be a petition in favour, bearing at least six per cent (6%) of all the National Electoral votes obtainable within in the National Republic in question.

3. A National Referendum Initiative shall be non-amendable and carried forward into National Law upon a simple majority of all National Electoral votes cast throughout the National Republic in question.

4. Any National Referendum Initiative may be struck down on foot of a successful subsequent National Referendum Initiative specifically repealing its existence in law.

Article XXIX. With respect to the passing of any legislative motion into law all legislators shall be presented with four (4) voting options:

YES – The legislator votes for the motion to be passed into law.

NO – The legislator votes against the motion being passed into law.

POSTPONE – The legislator votes for one further round of voting in no sooner time than one (1) working day.

ABSTAIN – The legislator votes neither for nor against the motion being passed into law.

Article XXX. With the sole exception of legislation concerning the Praetor’s own impeachment from office, no legislation shall be passed into law without the personal assent of the Praetor [The Praetorian Assent].

Article XXXI. The Senate shall consist of three elements: Cabinet, Sortitioned Opposition and Elected Opposition.
 1. Sortitioned Senators of the Senate shall be selected by a random lottery of popular sortition from among the 1st Class Electorship roll on the basis of two (2) members for every Racial Guild within the Imperium.

2. All Sortitioned Senators shall represent no more than one (1) Racial Guild and all Racial Guilds shall be represented in the Senate by exactly two (2) Sortitioned Senators.

3. Elected Senators shall be elected by popular vote through two (2) rounds of Racial Elections by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class Electors wherein all free, native 1st Class Racial Electors shall automatically be eligible candidates.

4. All Elected Senators shall represent no more than one (1) Aryan National Republic each and all Aryan National Republics shall be represented in the Senate by exactly nine (9) Elected Senators.

 5. With the sole exception of Praetorian Impeachment proceedings all Senate legislative process shall be initiated by the Praetor, who may accept, amend or forward proposals for Senate legislation from any quarter to include the Racial Government.

6. Racial Ministers of State [Cabinet members] shall also serve as Senators, but shall not represent any particular Guild, whether Racial, Capital or National or any one National Republic. The number of Executive Senators appointed by virtue of Government Cabinet status shall not constitute more than ten per cent (10%) of all Opposition Senators.
Article XXXII. The Senate Opposition shall form and maintain a standing select committee in order to preside over the formation of Racial Guilds and criteria for the induction of Racial Guild members. Each Racial Guild shall represent a single Trade or a single Profession and all Trades and Professions shall be represented by a single Guild.
Article XXXIII. In the event of an extraordinary catastrophe rendering the parliamentary mechanism inoperable, all legislative powers shall be assumed by the properly constituted ruling body of the Aryan United Racialist Party (AURP) for a period of no longer than thirty (30) days, who shall during that time appoint a caretaker Senate Opposition who shall hold office for a maximum of three (3) years and until a special Racial Parliamentary Deputation can be held.

Article XXXIV. The Senate shall remain in constant session during the two (2) years of its term and may recess only twice per year, for a cumulative period of not more than sixty (60) days per year.

1. Neither the Praetor nor any other body may prorogue, dismiss, or dissolve the Senate, except for the Speaker of the Senate immediately prior to a Racial Parliamentary Deputation, [Sortition of Sortitioned Senate Opposition & Election of Elected Senate Opposition].

2. No Senator or other functionary of the Senate may receive or accept any salary, commission, fees, royalties, or other income, benefits, perks, or any other thing of value other than basic food, clothing and shelter obtainable only within the Senate Precinct of the Senate, for exercising the office of Senator.
3. All Senators and functionaries of the Senate and all Racial Ministers of State, specifically including the Praetor and Vice Praetor, must each file an annual full and complete financial disclosure statement with the office of the Speaker detailing their current net worth, financial status and all property held, etcetera which disclosure statements shall be matters of public record and available for inspection to any Citizen or Elector of the Imperium.

 4. The Praetor may in time of Racial Emergency or legislative recess rule by Special Praetorian Decree solely in order to preserve life, property, and the existence of the Greater European Imperium. All such decrees shall be non-renewable and must be either confirmed or rejected within sixty (60) days by the Senate in full session

Article XXXV. The Government Parliamentary Party and the Speaker of the Senate shall set aside a regular day of full session no less often than once per calendar month, for public questioning of the Cabinet Senate and all ministers of state, including the Praetor by the Opposition Senate on specific policies and issues facing the Aryan Race.

1. Said Racial Ministers of State shall make themselves available and render public responses to such questions, except on such infrequent occasions when genuinely sensitive matters of Racial Security are involved, in which case the Praetor or government minister concerned shall have the right to respond to such questioning to a select committee in closed session, under all applicable laws and regulations of official and military secrecy.
2. The Opposition Senate and the Speaker of the Senate may require the presence of any Racial Government Minister, Imperial military officer, National military officer, Special Service (ϟϟ) officer or other Racial or National functionary or person to respond to such questioning.

The Opposition Senate and the Speaker of the Senate shall have legally enforceable subpoena power to compel the appearance of any person for the purpose of public examination with the exception of agents of the Bureau of State Security (BOSS) and the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS). The Praetor shall have the power to interdict the appearance of any member or operative of the Bureau of State Security (BOSS) or the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) when, in his determination, it is in the overriding Racial interest that he do so.

Article XXXVI. All members of the Aryan Senate shall enjoy full Parliamentary Privilege and immunity from any arrest, prosecution, or investigation in connection with their official duties as members of the Senate or in connection with any written or oral communication, public or private, made in connection with their official duties as Senate legislators or as members of Racial Government.

1. The Speaker shall as necessary convene a special investigatory committee of Senators, which shall act as a tribunal to resolve questions of immunity, ethics, and specific allegations of unethical or criminal conduct against Senators.

2. No Senator may be stripped of his Parliamentary Immunity or expelled from the Aryan Senate except on the recommendation of the investigatory committee aforesaid, which recommendation must be confirmed by a vote of the Senate in full session.

Article XXXVII. Laws of the Greater European Imperium shall be enacted upon introduction of a bill by the Praetor, into the Senate.

1. Such bills may pass by majority vote of the Senate only after two (2) readings separated by a time period of not less than five (5) and not more than thirty (30) working days, and only after two (2) public debates on the Senate floor pertaining to each individual bill. Such bills must then within five (5) working days be presented to the Racial Electorate by the Senate for public referendum for a period of not less than ten (10) and not more than thirty (30) working days and may be ratified by majority vote of the Racial Electorate.

Bills both passed by majority vote of the Senate and ratified by majority vote of the Racial Electorate must be received and presented to the Praetor by the Senate for signed assent [Praetorian Assent] within five (5) working days of electoral ratification.

2. The Praetor may veto all or part of any bill presented to him by the Senate for signed assent.

3. A Praetorian Veto of all or part of any bill presented to him by the Senate may be overridden, so that the bill shall become law on a three quarters (3/4) majority vote of the Senate in full session.
4. Any Racial law contingent upon this Constitution may be struck down by a majority vote on foot of a Racial Referendum Initiative without reference to any other process.
No Praetor shall have the power to overrule such a Strike.

Article XXXVIII. Any Aryan National Parliament may separately either suspend or strike down any Racial law within its National jurisdiction for whatever reason, unless it shall be specifically required by this Constitution however, such exception may be reversed by a National Referendum Initiative of the National Republic on a simple majority or by the Senate on grounds of overriding Constitutional protocol.

Article XXXIX. The Racial Government shall have the sole power to levy all excise and customs duties, taxes, and other imposts, including any and all fees charged by government for any goods or services that cross the non-National boundaries and jurisdiction of the Greater European Imperium, both domestic and foreign.
All monies due to the Racial State or any agency thereof shall be paid directly into the Racial Treasury and shall be apportioned according to a budget laid out by the Racial Finance Minister when approved by the Senate as a whole by a majority vote.

Article XL. Neither The State nor any local government or authority shall levy any tax or impost upon peacetime income or upon real property in the form of land, rivers, lakes, streams, springs domestic housing, or homestead, nor upon any family owned working farm. Income and inheritance taxes may be levied upon any unproductive estate in excess of one hundred (100) acres, upon commercial corporations or upon the organisations of any commercial, social, religious or non-Aryan or degenerate character as and when deemed necessary by Racial Government however, the institution of the Aryan Church of The Creator, its property and incomes shall be wholly exempt from taxation.

Property taxes may be levied upon any land, buildings, structures, manufactories, or facilities used for commercial purposes, corporate agribusiness, or for non-Aryan or degenerate purposes.

Article XLI. The power to declare a State of War is reserved to the Racial Government.

Article XLII. The Praetor in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of all military, naval, paramilitary and militia forces of the Greater European Imperium shall have the power to initiate and implement any and all military activity he deems necessary for the immediate defence of the independence and territorial integrity of the Imperium, and for the defence of the lives and property of any of its residents without any requirement of recourse to the Senate, with the following exceptions.

1. Any Declaration of Racial Martial Law within the boundaries of the Imperium must be submitted to the Aryan Senate by the Praetor within fourteen (14) days, and either rescinded or confirmed by majority vote and renewed for such time as the Senate shall deem fit.

2. The Praetor may not order military action of any kind outside the borders of the Imperium or in any foreign country, except by a Special Praetorian Decree in cases where the Imperium has actually become unlawfully invaded by alien military, naval or paramilitary forces, and then for only a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days.

3. Such orders shall be renewable for a second period of fourteen (14) days should the Senate deem it necessary.

4. On the twenty-ninth (29th) day such Special Praetorian Decree must be confirmed by majority vote of the Senate in full session which must then be ratified by the Praetor, and any extension granted on such orders may not exceed a single thirty (30) day period, at which time there shall be a full session debate in which the Praetor shall either report to the Senate the successful conclusion of such military operations outside the Imperium’s borders, or else he shall ask the Senate in full session for a formal Declaration of a State of War.

Article XLIII. Each tier of executive government shall enjoy an executive mansion or palace with gardens for the abode and privilege of each executive head, Magistrate’s, Urban, Metropolitan, National, Capital, Colonial, Imperial, Protector and Praetorian, their immediate families, close relatives and dependents. Each aforementioned seat of executive government and their legitimate inhabitants shall be entitled to adequate military protection from illegal or foreign activities by Aryan armed forces.

Article XLIV. All treaties between the Greater European Imperium and any alien power shall be interpreted into law by the Racial Government only however, to the Senate shall be reserved the right to terminate any such treaty.

Article XLV. No treaty between the Greater European Imperium reducing the status of the Imperium to any sort of subsidiary, suzerainty, protectorate or client of an alien power, whether symbolically, theoretically or actually shall be either legitimate or legal. The signing or activation of such an instrument from within government shall constitute as a criminal offense of Political Treason.

Article XLVI. Government shall pass no law parting legal obligations and observable reality. No non-constitutional legislation derived on the contrary to empiricism or to the scientific method shall be passed into law in the Greater European Imperium.

Article XLVII. In the event that traitors have taken over the reins of Racial Government in both executive and legislative branches and have thereby seized overwhelming political power in The State, all Imperial military officers who are traitors to include if need be the Commander-in-Chief, shall be automatically relieved of all military command and stripped of all non-private military rank by this Constitution. In this event the Imperial Guard shall seize all control over the Racial Government, executive and legislative and shall appoint a new Senate of its own choosing from among the loyal 1st Class Racial Electorate. This new Senate shall then declare a State of Martial Law for a period of no less than six (6) consecutive months with a full view to the restitution of lawful Racial Government.

1. In the event that the Imperial Guard has itself become irredeemably corrupted beyond the point of Constitutional purpose the Special Service (ϟϟ) alone, shall then fulfil the aforementioned role.

2. In the event that the Special Service (ϟϟ) has itself become irredeemably corrupted beyond the point of Constitutional purpose the Loyalist elements of the Aryan United Racialist Party (AURP/LAURP), shall have full and actual authority to mobilise the Loyalist Citizen Militias of the Greater European Imperium for the seizure of all Racial Government powers and for the rectification of law, order and legitimate society.

Article XLVIII. Whenever twelve (12) or more Magistrates, Knights or Governors shall earnestly see beyond all reasonable doubt that a Praetorship, or any state security or intelligence gathering organisation answerable to a Praetor have fallen into the grip of organised Jewry or have become penetrated by radical Jewish or Marxian elements, or in any way have become suborned to any form of Jewish, Bolshevist or non-pro-Aryan cause or agenda, such officials combined shall collectively enjoy the automatic right to all powers, protocols and immunities necessary to extra-judicially declare the office of Praetor to be in a State of Ocranic Corruption.

Once such declaration shall be made the Magistrates, Knights or Governors concerned may collectively relieve the Praetor of his Praetorian office with full indemnities and impunities and in doing so may name a caretaker Praetor who shall hold office for a maximum of one (1) year and until a special Praetorian Election can be held.

This constitutional mechanism shall be known under law as the ‘Stolypin Principle’.

3: Trade & Employment (60)
Article I. The Economy of the Greater European Imperium shall be Jew Free [Judenfrei].

Article II. The Economy of the Greater European Imperium shall be an Autarchy, protected from all foreign imports, foreign control and foreign manipulation and customised specifically for Aryan interests only.

1. The Economy of the Greater European Imperium shall maintain full Racial Autonomy at all times.

2. It shall be the combined, collaborative economic objective of all Citizens to establish the largest Aryan scale of affluence feasible among all free Racial Citizens.

Article III. No legally binding patent shall be held over any type of service or physical procedure.
Article IV. No legally binding patent shall be held over any type of non-manufactured or living material.

Article V. No one shall be permitted to legally own any medium of public communication to include the internet and the function of the press, or any method thereof.

Article VI. No violent or commercial action undertaken in order to cause by intent any artificial scarcity of goods or services within any lawful market shall be permitted.

Article VII. No commercial provision of any good, service or performance maybe established in order to cause by design any market or outlet to incur customer dissatisfaction.

Article VIII. No non-Aryan shall be permitted to own, transport or take possession of buildings, land, raw natural resources, or gold or silver bullion in the Greater European Imperium, nor commercially export arms or munitions, nor shall any Aryan who is not a lawful resident of the Imperium.

Article IX. Government shall make no law respecting the private issuance of currency or the free transaction thereof.
Article X. The solicitation of sexual intercourse by Citizens for any form of payment or commerce shall be prohibited as a criminal offence throughout every National Republic, Capital State and Imperial Colony of the Greater European Imperium.

Within a standing army venereal services and customs may be exempt with respect to female personnel assigned to venereal duties.

Article XI. Gambolling in excess shall for Citizens be prohibited as a criminal offence throughout every National Republic, Capital State and Imperial Colony of the Greater European Imperium as provided by law.
Article XII. All lawful contractual agreements shall be enforceable under law. No one may in any sense alter or change the legal validity of a contractual agreement without the full prior knowledge and adequately informed consent of all parties, except by those prohibitive powers of parliamentary legislation pertaining to contraband or the public health.

Article XIII. All legally binding contracts shall represent an exchange of goods or services. No goods, services, tasks, requirements, procedures or substances demanded from an employee or contractor by way of contract shall in any way be honoured within contract law, unless already agreed on.

Article XIV. No civil agreement attained by forced duress shall be legally binding.
Article XV. It shall be a criminal offence for any employer or contractor to refuse to honour the lawful stated terms of any contract after any due time of payment, unless previously declared. All such offences shall under law constitute as ‘Pay Fraud’.

Article XVI. It shall be a criminal offence for an employer to ignore or contradict a health or safety procedure carried out on the part of any employee once the employer has legally required, trained or ruled the employee in question to undertake such a procedure. All such offences shall under law constitute as ‘Safety Fraud’.

Article XVII. The Courts shall protect the dignity of The Citizen by establishing a sixty (60) day ‘cooling off period’ on all significant sales pertaining to cures, treatments or goods or services marketed as such for the alleviation of actual impediments likely to reduce the ability of The Citizen to form successful and proper marital, sexual or familial relations to include involuntary hair loss, involuntary incontinence or erectile dysfunction or the involuntary radiation of repugnant bodily odours or secretions. All such sales made to any Citizen shall be fully refundable on the aforementioned basis regardless of the medical application or nature of any goods, products or services or of any date of expiry whether real, established or alleged.

In cases where it has been established that the female form was used in order to market such goods, products or services to the male Citizenry the ‘cooling off period’ in question shall be automatically extended to an unlimited time in perpetuity.

Article XVIII. No person or group may be permitted to establish any charity or limited firm more than once per decade, using the same official address or place of commerce.

Article XIX. The executive branch of government may at any time terminate the legal right of any individual to act as the founder, director or co-director of any charity or limited firm in order to safeguard the public good.

Article XX. Aryan businesses employing more than thirty-nine (39) persons shall cease to be private and shall automatically transfer to the Outer Public Sector. The Outer Public Sector shall consist of several publicly owned trusts which shall compulsively adhere to the Racial Government’s constitutionally sanctioned policy and rules of commerce, but no more. The Outer Public Sector shall be publicly owned yet privately liable as opposed to the Inner Public Sector which shall be both publicly owned and publicly liable.
Those areas of Outer Public Sector employment and commerce determine by Racial Government policy and rules shall be non-retrospective and limited to the following.

1. Employment criteria regarding the gender, religious identity and marital status of recruits, employees, interviewees, internees or contractors.

2. Employment criteria regarding the gender, religious identity and marital status of all promoted and demoted employees or contractors.
3. Terms of employment or contract.
4. Minimum and maximum wage limits.

5. Minimum and maximum hours per category.

6. Internal income and sales tariffs and all and any correspondingly indexed income and sales based property, corporation, emissions, capital gains or other taxes.
7. Health and safety standards and procedures.

8. Employee and contractor insurance schemes, their terms and conditions.

9. Disciplinary and investigation procedures and protocol.

10. Acceptance and exclusion of custom.

11. Prohibitions on products, services or methods considered by Racial Government as generally harmful to the health, education or cultural progress of the public or of Aryan society at large.

12. The observance of National, Racial and religious holidays and festivals.

13. The promotion of State, religious and Party political propaganda, oratory and ideology within the workplace and elsewhere.
14. Styles, aesthetics and depictions in respect of commercial or company architecture, décor and advertising.

15. Choice or changes in brand names and commercial or company patterns and logos.

16. Culture and programming in respect of art, theatre, commercial advertising and entertainment.
17. Participatory collaboration in sound government projects, industrial, scientific, civil, military or colonial and all terms and conditions thereof.

18. Investments in government stocks, bonds, shares and assets.

19. Loans, grants and financial concessions made to the government or any agency thereof.
20. The appointment, promotion, demotion and occupancy of executives, directors, managers, trustees, governors and committees.
21. The acceptance of government issued currencies, contracts, bonds and investments.

The maximum number of persons an Aryan business may employ without induction into the Outer Public Sector may be reduced to twelve (12), if it can be proven in an Aryan Court that the business or businesses in question did act in a way that shall be determined as harmful to the overall interests of the Aryan Race. No Public Sector enterprise may constitute as a mosaic of subcontractors.

Article XXI. Within the Greater European Imperium there shall be a colour bar and a gender bar established and maintained against occupations of male interest wherein women and persons of colour shall be proscribed by law from particular forms of employment.

1. Occupations restricted from persons of colour under the colour bar shall without exception constitute as the following.

1A. All blue collar, industrial, managerial, unskilled and semi-skilled occupations.

1B. All occupations requiring membership to any board or committee.

1C. All occupations requiring the occupant in question to be a shareholder.

1D. All Aryan National military and naval occupations.

1E. All unionised occupations.

1F. All occupations pertaining to Aryan unemployment, underemployment or any remedy thereof.

2F. All occupations pertaining to land sale, finance, accountancy, trading and security that are not self-employed occupations.

1G. Land ownership or land supervising occupations.

1H. Vessel owning or vessel supervising occupations.

2. Occupations restricted from women under the gender bar shall constitute as the following unless exempted by virtue of Special Service (ϟϟ) membership or any direct affiliation thereof.

2A. All blue collar, industrial, public transport and skilled occupations that are not self-employed occupations.

2B. All occupations requiring membership to any board or committee.

2C. All Imperial military and naval occupations.

2D. All political, police and state executive occupations.

2E. All occupations pertaining to Aryan male unemployment, underemployment or any remedy thereof that are not self-employed occupations.

2F. All occupations pertaining to land sale, finance, accountancy, trading and security that are not self-employed occupations.

Article XXII. All commercial entities, charities, companies, non-profit organizations, businesses and news outlets found to have at any point either voluntarily adopted or voluntarily practiced any policy, rule, guideline, agenda, protocol or affirmative action either enforcing or abetting the racial programme of the Frankfurt School or of the New Left generally, to include the exercise of any censure against any pro-Aryan or pro-Fascist comment, product, information, design or propaganda denounced by any one of the New Leftist Orwellian concepts of “Hate Speech”, “Hate Crime”, “Hate” and “Discrimination”, shall be permanently terminated and their directors, co-directors, former directors and former co-directors, their spouses and descendants banned from trading in the Greater European Imperium, or with any person or entity therein, banned from working with minors or in education and declared bankrupt in perpetuity, unless individually listed and cited as righteous persons by the Senate.

Article XXIII. With the exception of the following, no person to include any minor shall receive public welfare payments from government, before having first been declared incapable of begetting another through procreation.
1. Welfare subsidy for the education of Citizens where issued by National Government.

2. Welfare subsidy for the treatment of non-heritable illnesses of Citizens where issued by National Government.

3. Income subsidies for the economic independence and mobility of eugenically fit Citizens where issued by National Government.

4. Child per household based mortgage relief for eugenically fit married Citizens where issued by National Government.

5. Public arms and munitions loans for the defence of the Aryan Citizenry in dangerous areas liable to alien attack or incursion.

6. Welfare payments by Racial Government to employees of the Imperial Guard, the Special Service (ϟϟ), the Double Service(DS), the Racial Civil Service and Racial Government members their immediate families, spouses and dependents.
7. Welfare payments by National Government to employees of the National Guard, the National Civil Service, the National Civil Guard and National Government members their immediate families, spouses and dependents.

8. Provisional food, water, clothing, fuel, shelter, sanitation, medical supplies, protective equipment, arms or ammunition accrued or lawfully acquired for the event of an extraordinary natural disaster, unlawful armed insurrection or foreign invasion.

Article XXIV. There shall be no tax on income or purchases in the absence of a Standing Declaration of a State of War by the Senate. In such event the Racial Government shall be the sole levier of any tax on income or purchases. In the event of Civil War the aforementioned role of the Senate may devolve to the remit of the Aryan National Parliament, but on the sole condition so as to facilitate an
Aryan fraternal war to a swift, speedy and chivalrous conclusion wherein loss of Aryan life, liberty and property shall be regulated and minimised by the establishment of rules of action, engagement and compromise.

Article XXV. All non-defence revenues drawn from the taxation of property in National Republics and Protectorates shall take place at the National and Protectorate level respectively; the Racial Government may separately deduct up to twenty per cent (20%) of all National and Protectorate tax revenues and may itself levy direct Racial taxes on property for the Racial military and naval budgets, without reference to any lower tier of government.

1. All taxation of property shall be based upon the actual value of property as opposed to the number of users or workers per property.

2. At any time National Government may choose either to abolish or to suspend its taxation of property.

3. There shall be no other Racial deductions on taxation, except for emergency taxation for the prevention of tax evasion, fraud and crime in general: Emergency taxation on property may be levied by any tier of government within its own separate jurisdiction, whereas emergency taxation on income and purchases may only take place during a Standing Declaration of a State of War by the Senate and as an additional percentage on pre-existing taxes.

4. Landed property shall be the only form of property eligible for taxation.

Article XXVI. All tariffs goods and services imported into the Greater European Imperium shall be set and imposed by Racial Government.

1.  All proceeds shall be awarded to the treasury of the Racial Government without exception.

2. Such goods and services shall not be exempt from separate emergency taxation for the prevention of tax evasion, fraud and crime in general: Emergency taxation of goods or services not imported into the Imperium may be levied by any tier of government within its own separate jurisdiction.

Article XXVII. The Aryan Church of the Creator may independently of the State levy tithes on the gross annual tax revenue of any or all National, Capital and Racial state treasuries. Such tithes may never within each treasury exceed to within more than fifteen-percent (15%) of the recorded amount of gross annual revenue for that year.

Article XXVIII. Unless provided as and through a military remit, The State shall not own or operate civilian hospitals, other civilian medical facilities or civilian dental facilities in its capacity of employer of the Inner Public Sector.

Article XXIX. Under no circumstances shall the Inner Public Sector subsidise, grant to or bail either the Outer Public Sector or the Private Sector, whether in part or in whole.
Article XXX. Under no circumstances shall any government of the Greater European Imperium either loan or borrow money from any banking institution existing outside of the Inner Public Sector.

Article XXXI. No one shall be permitted to be employed within or contracted to more than one (1) banking institution at any one (1) time.

Article XXXII. Commercial and investment banking actions shall be segregated and maintained as such in perpetuity.

Article XXXIII. Within the Greater European Imperium all banks shall be directly owned by The State and shall be reserved to the monopoly of the Inner Public Sector, and within the Inner Public Sector the only institutions permitted to direct, operate or control banks shall be the institution of government and the institution of the Special Financial Service (SFS). In the Imperium no person or entity other than The State itself shall be permitted either to own or to found a bank.

Credit Unions and Building Societies etcetera shall not be counted as banks.

Article XXXIV. No law of the Greater European Imperium shall directly determine the financial, economic or employment policies of any institution, business or individual within the Private Sector, provided that such policies are not found to be fraudulent and are in accordance with this Constitution.

Article XXXV. No credit rating agency within the employ of any registered commercial business or corporation whether private or public, may exist within either the orbit or the registry of any political institution, country, society, nation or state other than that of the Capital States of the Greater European Imperium only.
Article XXXVI. Every City shall be obliged to provision at least one area for recycling, for the efficient conversion of most reusable materials disposed of as refuse within the City by her residents.

Article XXXVII. Slavery shall be permitted to take place under certain conditions.

1. The institution of slavery shall be divided into two (2) varieties; punitive and servitive. Whereas the latter shall be the general slavery and enslavement of the displaced or wild nigger the former shall be the State slavery and enslavement of those dissolute Aryans found within a state of legal purgation by virtue of special jurisdiction.

2. No Aryan may be made a Slave until they are first under a state of capture by the military armed forces of the Greater European Imperium, as a barbarian, rebel military or paramilitary combatant without obvious uniform or insignia, or are both native born and a current civilian resident to a region declared by the Senate to be in a contemporary State of Rebellion and are of child bearing years or younger; at which point onwards the Slave in question shall be the property of the Racial Government to be sold, maintained or exported as the Racial Government may freely determine.

3. Slave holders shall not be permitted to bestow upon any Aryan Slave any order or punishment directly destructive to the healthy purposes of Aryan settlement, procreation or society.

4. Offspring conceived by female Aryan Slaves shall be born as Serfs to The State, being either Villeins or Cottars. The Bills of Rights & Responsibilities shall not automatically be applied to Serfs, though Serfs shall unlike Slaves enjoy full legal personality.

5. Any Aryan Slave or Serf may be freed and therefore recreated as a Provisional Citizen by their holder or holders or by the incumbent National, Colonial or Territorial Governor or by the Praetor. However, Aryan Slaves and Serfs used by Racial Government in order to colonise a particular region or area for the demographic primacy of the Aryan Race may not take leave of that region or area, until such time as the Racial Government explicitly authorises, whether before or after any period of slavery or serfdom.

6. No Slave within the Domestic European Imperium may be a non-pure stock Aryan person with one (1) exception nor shall the sale of non-pure stock Aryan Slaves commence privately however, the Racial Government may either create and reform Territories, Colonies and Protectorates for the captivity and extraction of labour of non-Aryan Slaves captured in war.

6A. Non-Aryan Slaves may under certain conditions be imported into the tropics of the Domestic Imperium for the purposes of agricultural slave labour, or to within the several boundaries of the Aryan Cities of Liverpool, Bristol, Nantes, Bordeaux, Lisbon, Cadiz and Amsterdam of no more than one thousand (1000) in each City and only then bound in chains in the manner of a caught slave and under curfew of night.

6A1. No non-Aryan Slave whether pure or mixed may be imported into the Domestic Imperium without having been irreversibly rendered incapable of begetting another and therefore sterilised against all further possibility of biological procreation, prior to actual importation.

6A2. No non-Aryan Slave may have any Jewish racial admixture or ancestry.

6A3. No female non-Aryan Slave whether pure or mixed may be imported into any part of the Domestic Imperium whether tropical or otherwise under any circumstances.

6A4. Only Jungle Nigger Slaves who are both male and neutered may be imported into the American and African tropics.

6A5. Only Jungle, Stone, Sea & Rice Nigger Slaves who are both male and neutered may be imported into all other Domestic tropics.

6A6. Each and every non-Aryan Slave residing within any tropical National Republic shall be restricted to within the vicinity of a Servitive Slave Plantation which shall be officially registered and licenced by both Racial and National Government. Unless provided by reason of commercial transportation alone no non-Aryan Slave may be permitted leave or release from The Plantation, unless licenced as such by National Government and to within a limited period of no more than three (3) months of absence.

6A7. No Servitive Slave Plantation may commercially produce anything other than one (1) or more cash crops with the exception of cereals other than rice. Non-rice cereals shall never be produced, processed or packed either at or by any Servitive Slave Plantation for any commercial purpose whatsoever, nor shall the natural products of any animal or nigger with one (1) exception.

Any Servitive Slave Plantation may at any time humanely farm and harvest nigger wool, nigger dung, nigger urine, nigger blood, nigger keratin, nigger wax, nigger saliva or any other natural secretion for any lawful form of commercial sale, distribution or export. Natural nigger products generally shall be known under law as ‘niggery’.

Niggery may also legally define natural nigger products derived through slaughter, such as nigger skins or nigger meat, bone, offal, fat or gelatine etcetera. Such goods may be freely imported or sold in the Imperium and where such goods shall be found to be non-human in origin either produced or exported, unless prohibited by law.

6A8. All non-Aryan Slaves shall be restricted from all public areas of the Domestic Imperium unless accompanied by the owner or a chosen delegate of the owner, who shall be an Aryan man having attained at least fourteen (14) years of age and who shall at all times have about his person at least one (1) good working slave flagellum of no less than one hundred centimetres (100cm) in length and at least one (1) certification or accreditation of licence, bearing lawful ownership or custody of the non-Aryan Slave or Slaves in question.

6A9. No non-Aryan Slave may be permitted to be in the presence or company of any Aryan woman or child.

6A10. The number of non-Aryans with Slave status within a tropical National Republic or Capital State may never exceed one (1) Slave for every fifty (50) National or Capital Citizens and Provisional Citizens combined, or one (1) Slave for every ten (10) National or Capital Citizens and Provisional Citizens combined where the National Republic or Capital State in question shall be an island state within the tropics.

6A11. No non-Aryan Slave shall be permitted to enter or to reside in the Domestic Imperium either north of the Tropic of Cancer or south of the Tropic of Capricorn under any circumstances. All non-Aryan Slaves so captured shall suffer a penalty of instant death.

7. No Aryan Slave may be owned, sold or rented, or may in any way service or produce for a person who is a non-pure stock Aryan and no Slave may within the Domestic Imperium be owned, sold or rented, or in any way permitted to service or produce for a person who is a non-pure stock Aryan.

8. Lawful commands given to slaves resulting in criminal damage or injury, or civil liability, shall be charged to the responsibility of the lawful commander in question and not the offending Slave or Slaves.

9. All prior status of the Imperium shall be terminated upon one’s enslavement and a new civic status of ‘Slave’, shall be instituted.

10. All Senators, the Praetor and the State President shall be immune from enslavement.

11. The Bills of Rights & Responsibilities shall not be applied to Slaves, nor shall Slaves enjoy any form of legal personality.
Article XXXVIII. No services or goods may be imported into the Domestic Imperium, except with the following conditions.

1. That any import goods in question are not staple food products, clothing products or manufactured products already obtainable in relative abundance whether actually or potentially, within the Domestic Imperium.

2. That any import services in question are purely in order to facilitate the exchange of raw materials or essential data between the Domestic Imperium and areas outside of the Domestic Imperium and do not pose any kind of foreign control over any aspect of Aryan Imperium finance, its Racial autonomy or independence, or bring non-importing Aryans residing within the Greater European Imperium into direct visual, audial or written contact with non-Aryans residing outside of the Domestic Imperium.

3. That a first permit has been obtained from the bearer’s own National or Capital Government, certifying that the transaction or movement of goods or services in question are compatible with the law.

4. That a second permit has been obtained from the Racial Government, certifying that the transaction or movement of goods or services in question are both compatible with the law and in keeping with Racial Government policy.

5. All trade commencing between Citizens resident within the Domestic Imperium and Citizens residing within the Foreign Imperium shall be except from this Article.

Article XXXIXL. No person, other than a lawful resident shall be permitted to publicly vend edibles for human, animal or vegetable consumption within the Domestic Imperium. The Foreign Imperium shall consist of those territories outside of the several National Republics and Capital States of the Imperium, yet under Sovereign Imperium control by means of Colonial, Protector or military administration.

Article XL. No law shall recognise the practice of usury or enforce contracts pertaining to usury.

Article XLI. Fractional reserve banking or lending shall not take place between banks.

Article XLII. The Greater European Imperium shall issue and maintain two major currencies and two minor currencies or currency groups.

1. The Racial Government shall create and maintain a Standard Racial Currency for consumption within the Domestic Imperium as a whole called The Dollar. The Dollar’s issuance and fiscal value shall be assigned by the Racial Government.

2. The Imperium shall create and maintain a Racial Foreign Exchange Currency for general consumption called The Stater. The Stater’s issuance and fiscal value shall be assigned by the Capital Government in perfect alignment with the actual price of pure physical gold. This currency shall not be debased or depreciated by the decrees, legislation, regulations or orders of government.

Article XLIII. Racial Government shall retain full rights of veto over public fiscal policy.

Article XLIV. No one may be restricted by law from the creation, issuance, trading or promulgation of private currency in a non-governmental capacity, unless created or issued from outside the Domestic Imperium.
Article XLV. All contracts to render services or provide goods that take place within any non-Imperium territory or space, shall be permanently non-legally binding for all time.

Article XLVI. No private financial institution or mint shall be permitted to represent by name either the Aryan Race, a Nation of the Aryan Race, any legitimate government of the Aryan Race or the Greater European Imperium as a whole, its laws and institutions.

Article XLVII. The Stater shall be entirely backed by 24ct Gold and Fine Silver, held by the Treasury of The Capital States under the Racial government and measured in either minted bars or minted coins, which shall signify the Capital States and the Capital States only. There shall be no other commodity used for this purpose by Capital States Government.

Article XLVIII. All Staters shall be wholly exchangeable for their equivalent in 24ct Gold or Fine Silver upon demand to any bearer of at least one Stater at any time.

Article XLIL. No one, including any institution, agency, bank, business, corporation, commercial group, enterprise, mission, church, military formation or person, whether in a public or a private capacity, shall in a legally binding contract be permitted to lend Staters, except within the form of legitimately printed, physical bank notes issued by Capital Government in direct accordance with this Constitution.

Article L. All gold and silver for the backing of Stater bank notes shall be owned by the Capital States Government and shall be held in reserve within the Public Treasury of the Capital States, until such time as it may be exchanged for legitimately tendered Stater bank notes.
Article LI. The Public Treasury of the Capital States shall be represented by an institution called The Bank of The Capital States, whose members shall be directly appointed by Racial Government.

Article LII. All foreign currency entering into the Domestic Imperium may only be exchanged for gold or silver at the border. All gold or silver exchanged for foreign currencies must be converted into Staters immediately prior to use in the Domestic Imperium.
Article LIII. The Stater shall be non-convertible to all currencies except The Dollar.

Article LIV. The Capital Treasury shall accept only gold, silver or other non-degradable mineral commodities in exchange for Staters. None but the physical possession thereof shall qualify.

Article LV. No Citizen shall be permitted to personally earn more than the threshold of three times (3x) the average individual income of all Citizens combined within their respective National Republic or the Capital States in the form of either salaries, commissions, fees, sales, shares or interest as an employee or contractor of either public sector, except through lawful foreign trade, or by the lawful exploitation of areas within the Foreign Imperium or beyond with one exception.

A points-based table of bonuses shall be instituted in order to allow for the incentive of certain objectives, approved of as healthy and beneficial to the overall sustainable growth, political progress and general quality of life throughout the Imperium’s Citizenry as a whole.
The private sector shall remain independent.

Article LVI. The Racial Government may in any way intervene in order to either censor or amend any form of art, culture and public relations technique employed by the Outer Public Sector in order to engage with the public.

Article LVII. No one person or private institution shall be permitted to own more than ten (10) domestic estates in any one City or County.

Article LVIII. It shall be outlawed in the Greater European Imperium for any Aryan resident or former resident to wilfully finance any non-Aryan race, nation, people, culture, religion, creed, state or entity to the direct detriment of the progress and welfare of the Aryan Race or to privately hoard and withhold vital commodities in excess of one (1) tonne, thus creating serious artificial scarcity for industrial use within the Aryan economy.

All such acts shall constitute as a form of Economic Treason punishable by death. Provisions shall be set forth for the trial in absentia and overseas execution by assassination of Aryans having refused to abide by any Court summons for any charge of Economic Treason, or having not complied with such summons within a reasonable time.

Article LILX. With the sole exception of the Planet Earth, a minimum of eighty per-cent (80%) of each individual planet, planetoid, moon, comet, asteroid and meteor according to surface area, not already colonised by an existing extraterrestrial civilization, shall be hereby claimed and where applicable maintained as Sovereign territories by and for the Greater European Imperium, for the Imperium’s own economic and scientific advantage.

Article LX. The Greater European Imperium has and shall maintain the right to demand of all Aryan residents their financial allegiance to the economic empowerment of the Aryan Race, People and Racial Community before all others.

4: Judiciary & Judicial Procedure (43)
Article I. Government shall pass no law which shall be fundamentally opposed to the self-evident interests of the Aryan Race. Any law fundamentally opposed to the Aryan Racial Interest shall not and shall never form any part of the law of the Imperium or of the Aryan Empire at large, whether in whole or in part.

Article II. Civil law and litigation as known under former regimes shall be forever abolished.

Article III. The Greater European Imperium shall maintain a Racial Court of Appeal to hear cases indicted from the Aryan National Courts, with its own Racial Chief Justice who may if necessary be assisted by subordinate Judges appointed by law and the rules of judicial procedure.

Article IV. The Greater European Imperium shall maintain an Imperial Court of Appeal to hear cases indicted from the Colonial Courts within each Imperial Dominion, with its own Superimperial Chief Justice who may if necessary be assisted by subordinate Judges appointed by law and the rules of judicial procedure.

Article V. The Greater European Imperium shall maintain a Supreme Court of Appeal to hear criminal cases indicted from either the Racial or the Superimperial Court of Appeal, with its own Supreme Chief Justice who may if necessary be assisted by subordinate Judges appointed by law and the rules of judicial procedure.
Article VI. The purpose of the Courts and judiciary shall be solely to serve as bodies for the determination of fact in criminal cases or non-criminal matters such as property ownership, inheritance etcetera. The Courts and judiciary shall have no governmental or policy-making role whatsoever within The State; these powers are reserved to the legislative and executive branches.

The institution and practice of judicially determined case law is hereby abolished.
Article VII. All Racial, Superimperial and Supreme Judges shall be appointed by a special Judicial Committee of the Senate, on nomination of any Senator or the Praetor. The said Judicial Committee shall draw up and enforce rules of procedure for the Racial Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court and the Imperial High Court.

Article VIII. Any extra-National judicial ruling, precedent, conviction or sentence maybe overturned by within the jurisdiction of any National Republic by the incumbent National Convention, on grounds of incompatibility with this Constitution. Such an overruling may only be overturned by the Senate.
 Article IX. In no courtroom or tribunal, civilian or military, shall any Magistrate, Judge, Chief Justice, presiding officer, or Jury be seated at any elevation higher than or above any Aryan defendant or other Aryan person in said courtroom or chamber. However, colonial judicial procedure shall be segregated in such a way as to require by law the Magistrate, Judge, Chief Justice or presiding officer be seated at least a quarter elevation higher than any non-Aryan defendant.
 Article X. All judicial appointments Racial, Capital, National and Colonial shall be subject to confirmation by the Praetor in his capacity as Chief Magistrate.

Article XI. Each chief executive shall preside over a judicial Court as follows.

1. Watchman: Watchman’s Court wherein the Watchman shall preside over less than small cases that shall judged by a Subwarden.

2. Undersheriff: Undersheriff’s Court wherein the Undersheriff shall preside over minor small cases that shall be judged by a Warden.

3. Sheriff: Sheriff’s Court wherein the Sheriff shall preside over small cases that shall be judged by an Alderman.

4. Urban Magistrate: Urban Magisterial Court wherein the Urban Magistrate shall preside over cases that shall be judged by an Urban Judge.

5. Magistrate: Magisterial Court wherein the Magistrate shall preside over cases that shall be judged by a County Judge.

6. Knight: Manorial Court wherein the Knight shall preside over cases that shall be judged by a Manorial Judge.

7. Metropolitan Governor: Metropolitan High Court wherein the Metropolitan Governor shall preside over serious cases that shall be judged by a Metropolitan Chief Justice.

8. National Governor: National High Court wherein the National Governor shall preside over cases of national importance that shall be judged by a National Chief Justice.

9. Racial Governor General: Racial High Court wherein the Racial Governor shall preside over cases of racial importance that shall be judged by a Racial Chief Justice.

10. Supreme Governor General: Supreme Court of Appeal wherein the Supreme Governor shall preside over cases of supreme racial importance that shall be judged by a Supreme Chief Justice.

11. Colonial Governor: Colonial High Court wherein the Colonial Governor shall preside over cases of colonial importance that shall be judged by a Colonial Chief Justice.

12. Imperial Governor: Imperial High Court wherein the Imperial Governor shall preside over cases of grand colonial importance that shall be judged by an Imperial Chief Justice.

13. Imperial Governor General: Superimperial Court of Appeal wherein the Imperial Governor General shall preside over cases of supreme colonial importance that shall be judged by a Superimperial Chief Justice.

14. Praetor: Praetorian Audience wherein the Praetor shall act as Chief Magistrate to the Greater European Imperium. The Praetorian Audience shall be the highest Court of Appeal throughout the whole Imperium both Foreign and Domestic.

Article XII. Throughout all judicial proceedings the right to pass actual criminal sentence shall be reserved to the executive branch of government only. Although Chief Justices, Judges, Aldermen and Wardens may sit in judgement the power to ratify, reduce, increase, overturn, quash, indict or nullify any conviction, judicially recommended or actual sentence or finding of liability thereof shall be reserved to the executive branch which shall form the presidency of the judiciary, or to the legislative branch in its capacity of Judicial Veto.

Article XIII. Jury Nullification that shall be consistent with this Constitution shall be enshrined in the law of the Greater European Imperium. However, any Jury Nullification may be overturned by a Court of Appeal or by the Praetor in his capacity as Chief Magistrate.

Article XIV. The overturning of any Jury Nullification by any Court of Appeal or by the Praetor may at any time be set aside by a Racial Referendum or Initiative, by a Capital Referendum Initiative or by a National Referendum Initiative of the National Republic of any National jurisdiction concerned, or by a simple majority vote of the Senate.

Article XV. No Citizen or resident of the Greater European Imperium shall be fined or amerced, or subjected to loss of life, property, citizenship or civic status or otherwise punished, except upon indictment and return of a true bill by a grand jury comprised of Citizens of the County, Urban District, Manor or See wherein an offense was alleged to have been committed, and except upon subsequent conviction by a jury of Citizens or other Electors.

 1. Bills of indictment may be presented to the grand jury for consideration by the National or Capital Prosecutor for a County, Urban District or Manor, by any Citizen, or by any Citizen acting for any resident of the Imperium, so long as such a Citizen receives no pay or emolument for such action.
 2. No Citizen or resident of the Greater European Imperium may be placed under lawful arrest except on foot of a warrant issued and signed by a Magistrate, Urban Magistrate, Knight, presiding Governor or the Praetor, or except by officers or agents of a National Civil Guard, Special Service (ϟϟ) or Double Service acting in their official capacity, in order to prevent immediate civil disorder or criminal behaviour.

Article XVI. All persons arrested in ordinary criminal matters not subject to the jurisdiction of the Double Service (DS) shall be brought before a Magistrate within forty-eight (48) hours of arrest for a Habeas Corpus determination, and shall either be discharged, or allowed release on bail.

1. Arrested persons shall be held in custody for presentment to the grand jury only if said person is believed to be a flight risk, to present a danger to the community, or to be in danger from the community.

2. No Judge, Magistrate, Urban Magistrate, Knight, presiding Governor or Praetor shall impose any bond for appearance or good behaviour which is demonstrably outside the available resources of any defendant or accused person.

3. No Judge, Magistrate, Urban Magistrate, Knight, presiding Governor or Praetor may order any arrest or detention in the absence of a formal criminal charge based upon a true bill or indictment by a grand jury, except on conclusion of a Habeas Corpus hearing and pending presentment to a grand jury within the next thirty (30) days.
 4. No officer or other rank serving in the military shall exercise powers of lawful arrest or detention over a civilian, except during a state of Martial Law lawfully proclaimed by the Praetor in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief, or on the premises of any military or naval base, facility or installation.

Article XVII. In the Greater European Imperium the legal power to employ and deploy professional bailiffs shall be reserved to the executive branch of government.

1. Within the Imperium all professional bailiffs shall first be affiliated to the Court of a Magistrate, Urban Magistrate or Governor or to the Praetor in his judicial capacity of Chief Magistrate and shall in service don uniforms to the affect, whereas all claimants shall enjoy full and automatic legal rights to themselves enforce Civil Court judgements finding in their favour, or to do so on behalf of any spouse or close kinsman or kinswoman.

2. Bailiff enforcement of the civil law and of the judicial rules of procedure and process shall be provided free to all Citizens at the point of service.

Article XVIII. The Double Service (DS) shall be governed in its operations and conduct by a special protocol to be determined by the Praetor and a standing Security Committee of the Senate.
Said protocol may, at the discretion of the Praetor and the said committee, exempt officers and agents of the Bureau of State Security (BOSS) and the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS), acting in good faith and on foot of Racial necessity and the Racial Interest, from compliance with any and all laws or constitutional safeguards, until such time shall come when the existence and Sovereign independence of the Greater European Imperium shall be deemed to be no longer at risk.

Article XIX. No resident, Citizen, or other person charged with a criminal offense before the Courts of the Greater European Imperium shall be denied the right to counsel and advocate of his or her choice, provided such counsel or advocate shall accept no fee, reward, emolument in money or kind, property or thing of value, officially or unofficially, for the performance of such function, and shall affirm such on oath before the commencement of trial or other proceeding.

Article XX. Within the Greater European Imperium the Aryan Church of The Creator shall not be exempt from the laws of the Imperium, yet shall institute a separate judicial system of civic and theological courts known under law as Ecclesiastical and Canonical Courts respectively. Within these Courts The Papacy of the Aryan Church of The Creator shall practice its own separate jurisdiction over all ordained clergy, monks, nuns, Templars and Papal guards with the sole exception of any case pertaining to the crime of blasphemy, heresy, sacrilege or apostasy in respect of any ordained clergy, where jurisdiction shall be shared.

Article XXI. A Court Summons may be refused twice before an Order of Attainder may be issued by any Court for the arraignment of a defendant. If a standing Order of Attainder shall not be satisfied within a period of no less than three (3) months the Court may issue a Judicial Proclamation of Attainder requiring the defendant in question to appear. No Judicial Proclamation of Attainder may stand for any less time than two (2) years before the Court in question may then try the defendant in absentia.

Article XXII. There shall be ten (10) types of treason which shall be criminally recognised throughout all Racial, Capital, National and other Imperium law, and which shall be the following.

1. Racial Treason – Any wilful act of sexual, procreational or other biological intercourse by an Aryan with any person of non-Aryan race. / Any wilful act of pre-natal infanticide for the life abortion of any healthy Aryan embryo, foetus or child, without a due necessity for protecting pre-existing Aryan life.

1A. Within the jurisdictions of those Colonies and Protectorates designated as foreign areas of Imperium administration, control and Sovereignty over any general, non-Jewish and non-Aryan civilian population, the above prohibition on the mixing of racial stock may for members or a member of the Aryan male sex be temporarily or indefinitely suspended as Treason by local Aryan Government, on the following two (2) conditions.

1AA. No act of sexual, procreational or other biological intercourse by an Aryan with any non-Jewish person of non-Aryan race may be permitted, except in an area of Foreign Aryan Settlement, where it is in order that those bonds of control existing in the Domestic Imperium over a particular Colony or Protectorate might within reason be significantly strengthened and with negligible detriment to the Aryan Race as a whole, its integrity, self-interest and domestic purity, whether present or future. In all cases such exemption shall render preference to The Asiatic & Amerindian over The Negroe.

1AB. No aforementioned suspension may ever apply to a current or former member of the Special Service (ϟϟ) or to a current or former Praetor or State President.

1B. Within the Territories retributional mass rape or other racially dominant seeding by non- Special Service (ϟϟ) Aryan troops may be permitted as a weapon of war by which the pacification of any enemy civilian population in a declared State of Barbarism might be achieved, thus compromising the enemy’s ethnic pride and purity and inflicting a state of moral confusion and disarray on the enemy’s collective national or cultural identity, community solidarity, psyche or character.
2. Political Treason – Any act whereby an Aryan either affects or seriously attempts to affect the unlawful abolition of any part of the Imperium, its political Sovereignty or this Constitution.
3. Economic Treason – Any act whereby an Aryan wilfully transfers any monetary wealth or asset, whether financial or physical or gold or silver from the Aryan Race to a non-Aryan race or population without cited permission derived from government and in the name of the Aryan public good. / Any act whereby an Aryan wilfully hoards any valuable commodity in excess of one (1) tonne, thus denying its productive use within Aryan society.

4. Commercial Treason – Any act whereby any Aryan contractor or shareholder intentionally causes by design any type of costly deficiency or artificial scarcity, in the commercial rendering of goods or services to the military or naval forces of the Imperium.

5. Sexual Treason – Any act whereby any Aryan shall knowingly and willingly undertake to deceive the Aryan public, so as to be regarded as a member of the opposite sex to the genetic sex that they were originally and naturally assigned by means of public transvestism or hormonal mutilation.

6. Military Treason – Any act whereby an Aryan wilfully communicates information or discharges aid or firepower and in so doing causes by intent serious harm to the security of the Aryan Race from alien military or naval invasion, or from any form of anti-Imperium military, naval or paramilitary rebellion, insurrection, revolt or mutiny.

7. Border Treason – Any act by which any public servant or any public institution to include the institution of government, wilfully neglects any one of the Greater European Imperium’s Racial or Imperial frontiers to the detriment of the security of Aryan life, liberty or property.

8. Mercenary Treason – Rendering any voluntary service or enlistment in any military, paramilitary, naval or economic capacity whatsoever under a Jew or in exchange for any Jewish money, goods or services, or in such a way as to accept any form of contract with or payment from any non-Aryan source so as to inflict harm upon the society of any Sovereign Aryan Nation or upon the Aryan Race as a whole.

9. High Treason - Any act whereby any Aryan attempts to either take or seriously threaten the life of any incumbent Praetor or State President, to unlawfully overthrow or in any way disestablish either office thereof or to wilfully disempower or diminish the political status of any Aryan population within domestic Aryan territory by means of grand betrayal or by serious deeds of espionage or sabotage against the welfare of the Aryan People, whether actual or financial.

10. Petty Treason – Any act whereby any Aryan or Aryan subject directs insult against or offers any offence to the dignity of any combatant, unit or formation under the command of a commissioned military or naval officer of the Imperium, or denies the authority of this Constitution or the collective Sovereignty of the Aryan Race or of any Aryan Nation within the boundaries of such as Nation’s National Republic.

10A. No charge of Petty Treason shall apply to any insult or offence issued in clear deference of the Aryan Race or of any Aryan Nation or in the defence thereof from any form of serious corrupt or unlawful government, whether alleged or actual.

In all cases pertaining to the above the death penalty shall be made available to any judicial sentencing with the sole exception of Petty Treason, wherein the death penalty shall be made so available to repeat cases only.

Article XXIII. The original legal concept of “Rassenschande” as known under the Nuremburg Laws of the Third Reich shall be abolished to be reconceptualised as meaning the Honour Killing or male-on-female Corrective Rape of any Aryan by any other Aryan, in retribution for either the act or the commission of actual Racial Treason. Thusly defined all acts of Rassenschande, whether lawful or unlawful shall be exempted with legal impunity from all public law enforcements and their victims denied all legal rights to justice and redress.

No public office or directive thereof shall be permitted to intervene in order to either prevent or punish acts of Rassenschande.

1. No attempt at Rassenschande proven on the balance of probabilities to have been committed in error shall enjoy such impunity.

2. The legal impunity of Rassenschande shall apply only to those cases carried out against an act or commission of Racial Treason. Therefore the legal defence of Rassenschande may be overturned on the basis of insufficient evidence, or else reasonably convincing proof to the contrary.

3. The legal defence of Rassenschande may extend to the impregnation or normal rape of the victim or to the plain murder or attempted murder of unborn mixed race children, but no further.

Article XXIV. The original legal concept of “Blutschande” as known under the Nuremburg Laws of the Third Reich shall be abolished to be reconceptualised as meaning the Honour Killing of any Aryan by any other Aryan, in retribution either for the act or for the commission of any political, economic, financial, Cultural Marxist or Racial Marxist subversion of the Aryan Race as a whole by any serious attempt to limit or severely curtail the neutral or sustainable birth rates, basic sexual morality or living space of Aryan people through either direct persuasion or force. Thusly defined all acts of Blutschande, whether lawful or unlawful shall be exempted with legal impunity from all public law enforcements and their victims denied all legal rights to justice and redress.
No public office or directive thereof shall be permitted to intervene in order to either prevent or punish acts of Blutschande.

1. No attempt at Blutschande proven on the balance of probabilities to have been committed in error shall enjoy such impunity.

2. The legal impunity of Blutschande shall apply only to those cases carried out against an act or commission of any political, economic, financial, Cultural Marxist or Racial Marxist subversion of the Aryan Race as a whole through any attempt to limit or severely curtail the birth rates, basic sexual morality or living space of Aryan people through either direct persuasion or force. Therefore the legal defence of Blutschande may be overturned on the basis of insufficient evidence, or else reasonably convincing proof to the contrary.
 Article XXV. In order to instil and maintain the highest standards of personal courtesy, deliberation, maturity, integrity and courage in the manhood of the Greater European Imperium, the Praetor in his capacity as Chief Magistrate shall establish and supervise a Racial Honour Court.

The said body shall in turn create and enforce all necessary regulations, procedures, and protocols for the resolution of personal differences between individual male Citizens of the Imperium, up to and including private combat by mutual consent, in accordance with the ancient and historic traditions and practices of the Aryan Race.

1. Any male Citizen may challenge another male Citizen of a different Nation in the Racial Honour Court on foot of any grievance pertaining to an honourable and dignified dispute between Aryan gentlemen, or on the basis of any one of the following terms of defamation that shall be defined under law as ‘Fighting Words’.

1A. Attorney

1B. Sozi

1C. Judaiser

1D. Wigger

1E. Homosexual

1F. Neocon

Under Aryan law alleged defamation shall not be considered as actual defamation where it is proven on the balance of probabilities to be factually truthful.
 2. No act or result of personal combat by mutual consent of both parties, having received prior sanction by the Racial Honour Court, shall be deemed criminal or liable to legal proceeding or interdiction.

3. Serving members of the Military, Navy, Civil Guards, the Armed Special Service (ϟϟ) and Double Service may be regulated or prohibited from issuing or accepting a duelling challenge, or from participating in a legal duel in any other capacity by the appropriate regulations of their service or by order from a superior officer.

4. All statements, actions, or proceedings by Senators in connection with their official duties shall be deemed subject to full Parliamentary Immunity and shall not be subject to challenge or the jurisdiction of the Racial Honour Court.

 5. No serving member of the Military, Navy, the Civil Guard, the Special Service (ϟϟ), the Double Service (DS) or any person acting in any governmental capacity whatsoever may be subject to a challenge on foot of their performance of any lawful or legally mandated exercise of their official duties.

Article XXVI. Unless qualified by last will and testament, the default position for all private inheritance shall be through the male line of primogeniture.

Article XXVII. Unless exempted or qualified by court order or by Special Service (ϟϟ) or Papal law, coverture of income and property shall be held by the Aryan Man whether by virtue of Aryan fatherhood or guardianship over a single woman or by virtue of lawful Aryan marriage. In the Greater European Imperium there shall be no general recognition of the concept of Femme Sol.

Article XXVIII. Jews may only be tried in Special Service (ϟϟ) courts and may only be prosecuted under Special Service (ϟϟ) military law.

Article XXIX. Citizens shall assume full priority over Degenerates with respect to any inheritance law.

Article XXX. Calling for the moral or political overthrow of Aryan Man through the imposition of gynarchy or other destructive Feminist system, culture, creed or agenda as a female or the sexual or social abasement of any group of Aryan men in general as a female shall be codified in law under the designation of witchcraft, whereas the former legal definition of witchcraft shall be transferred to the designation of ‘Wiccan’ as associated with the practice of Wicca – a religious tradition. Thus any woman found to be have committed witchcraft shall be codified in law under the designation of ‘witch’ and discriminated accordingly.

Article XXXI. The Cultural Marxist ideology of Feminism shall be stricken from the judiciary. No judge or court official found to be under the influence of any explicit Feminist belief, doctrine or principle shall be permitted to continue in the legal construction of Imperium case law. The Western Sexual Revolution shall be unequivocally denied both precedence and integration within the Aryan judicial system and within all official Aryan legal proceedings at large.

Article XXXII. Fraud shall be divided into two (2) kinds; Fraud and Jewfraud. Whereas the latter shall entail any fraud committed either by or on the behest of Jews or with Jews or a Jew the former shall entail all other forms of fraud.

Article XXXIII. At any time the Praetor may request the Senate to proscribe an individual with the Senate having the full legal power to do so on a majority vote, thus revoking such an individual’s entire legal personality. All such proscripts shall therefore neither enjoy nor have any rights under law.

1. The Senate may only proscribe an individual on the following conditions.

1A. Where the individual is a fugitive from the law with an unspent criminal conviction of Treason or is the immediate family member or spouse of such an individual.

1B. Where the individual is reasonably suspected of Treason by the Praetor and as such cannot physically be placed on trial, or is the immediate family member or spouse of such a person.

1C. Where the individual is a military enemy combatant to the Greater European Imperium or is the immediate family member or spouse of such a person.

1D. Where the individual is a Jew.

2. The Senate may proscribe no more than twelve (12) persons per year.

3. The Senate may at any time rescind such proscription without reference to any other body of government.

Article XXXIV. No non-Aryan shall be permitted to inherit from an Aryan.

Article XXXV. No non-Aryan shall be permitted to inherit gold or silver bullion, mines, woodland, farms or great estates located within the borders of the Domestic Imperium.

Article XXXVI. In the Courts of the Greater European Imperium the testimony of an Aryan Patriot shall be twice that of the testimony of any person proven to be unpatriotic.

Article XXXVII. The Greater European Imperium shall maintain custodial or other consignment sentencing however, this penalty shall be limited to the following methods of execution.

1. Imprisonment

2. Probation

3. Penal Exile

4. Internal Exile

5. Foreign Exile

Article XXXVIII. The Greater European Imperium shall maintain the corporal penalty however, this penalty shall be limited to the following methods of execution.

1. Corporal punishment by Rod

2. Corporal punishment by Scourge

3. Corporal punishment by The Stock.

4. Corporal punishment by The Branding Iron.

5. Corporal punishment by Corrective Rape & Forced Childbirth in the case of any fertile witch.

No type of corporal punishment pertaining to corrective rape shall be permitted to be non-heterosexual, all types of corporal punishment resulting in conception and child birth shall be subject to adoption by The State.

Article XXXIX. The Greater European Imperium shall maintain the death penalty however, this penalty shall be limited to the following methods of execution.

1. Death by Hanging

2. Death by Beheading

3. Death by Firing Squad

4. Death by Hanging, Drawing & Quartering

5. Death by Crucifixion

6. Death by Casting Down

7. Death by Hunt

8. Death in The Arena

9. Death by Suicide

10. Death by Lethal Extradition

11. Death by Medical Experimentation

12. Death by Brazen Bull

Under all circumstances Death by Brazen Bull may only apply to Aryans for the crime of High Treason whereas Death by Firing Squad shall be reserved for military offences only and Death by Hanging, Drawing and Quartering reserved to convicted felons who shall not be women.

The mortal remains of any Jew lawfully condemned to death and criminally executed shall not be released from the custody of The State under any circumstances, until they be totally vaporised and then committed to the high seas in unclaimed deep waters in the absence of any Jewish or religious ceremony, rites or ritual.

Article IL. No criminal sentence entirely unusual or especially cruel by comparison to the historical tradition of the applied penalty in question may be levied upon the person of any convicted felon. The administration of all and any criminal sentence passed within the Greater European Imperium shall correspond directly, to the several methods of execution and punishment sanctioned in this Constitution, their historical norms, precedents and rules of procedure.

Article ILI. Imperial Territories of the Greater European Imperium shall be those territories that shall be ruled by the Imperial Military directly. Within the Imperial Territories any non-Aryan population may be declared to be in a State of Barbarism by any General military officer.  Populations declared to be in a State of Barbarism may be subject to collective punishment or extermination and thus to an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions or otherwise subdued or terrorised into a state of civil submission by The Sword.

1. Grounds for declaring any population within an Imperial Territory to be in a State of Barbarism shall be the following.

1A. Mass murder of pro-Imperium servicemen or civilians by enemy civilians or by non-uniformed enemy combatants.

1B. Gross mistreatment of any pro-Imperium serviceman or civilian by enemy civilians or by non-uniformed enemy combatants who shall be the sole determining political agency of the offending society or culture as a whole.

2. At any time the Military or Naval Aryan Government of any Imperial Territory may without a declaration of a State of Barbarism and in the usual course of anti-insurgency warfare, take and humanely execute hostages or suspects on the balance of probabilities, provided that such hostages and suspects shall be male, above the age of fourteen years of age but below the age of seventy years and generally fit for military service.

The number permissible for execution in anti-partisan reprisals shall be no more than twenty (20) per one (1) pro-Imperium serviceman and no more than sixty (60) per one (1) pro-Imperium civilian.

Article ILII. A National Republic may on the following conditions secede from the Greater European Imperium by electoral referendum thus becoming an independent Sovereign entity apart from the Imperium.

1. Violation of the Prime Directive as iterated in Article I Section I of this Constitution on the part of Racial Government.

2. Any collective act of Treason on the part of Racial Government or any official thereof.

3. All such secessions must be mandated by the incumbent National Convention or National Electorate.

Article ILIII. In the event that general public society within the Greater European Imperium is found within reason to have transitioned into a long term, sustained and reasonably sustainable State of Utopianism as expounded in Section A of this Constitution, a Council of Lictors shall be established by the Senate consisting of twelve (12) representatives for each National Republic and for each Capital State, who shall then be convened within the Senate Precinct to serve a term of no less than fifteen (15) years, excluding those periods when the Imperium shall be in a State of Dictatorship.

The function of the Council of Lictors shall be to examine, evaluate and criticise the condition of public society generally within the Imperium in order to ascertain whether its state of being has transitioned into the aforementioned State of Utopianism. Having positively determined that the aforementioned State of Utopianism has been created the Council of Lictors shall then command the assembly of multiple branches and tiers of government, thus representing every National Republic, Capital State, Colony, Protectorate and Suzerainty of the Imperium.

The assembly which shall be called the Aryan Fascist Grand Assembly may then introduce an extraordinary bill of either Total or Partial Dissolution to the Senate and which shall direct the dissolution of either part or all of the Imperium on the grounds that the portion in question has by this time transitioned into the aforementioned State of Utopianism.

No Council of Lictors may be established during a State of Dictatorship as expounded in Section Twelve of this Constitution.

5: Religion & The Church (II) (5)
Article I. The Greater European Imperium shall reserve two (2) versions of Section Five of this Constitution, only one (1) of which shall be activated at any time. The other one (1) of the two (2) reserved versions of Section Five shall not be simultaneously activated under any circumstances and shall remain entirely inactive and dormant.

Article II. Whatever version of the aforementioned Section Five that shall be activated shall be subject to election every twelve (12) years with a further one (1) between election and activation, wherein the Racial Electorate shall either re-elect the presently activated version or elect the other version of the two by a simple majority.

Article III. In the event that a new version of Section Five shall be elected the previously elected version shall be entirely de-activated and expunged from all active law, whereas the newly elected version shall be retroactively activated from the time of the inauguration of this Constitution onwards.

Article IV. Upon the election of a version of Section Five the all active related terminology contained within this Constitution shall revert to its terms and required institutions.

Article V. The two (2) possible versions of Section Five of this Constitution shall be as follows but only one (1) shall be active at any one time whereas the other shall be legally void for the duration of the former.

5I: Religion & The Church (27)

Article I. The Greater European Imperium shall maintain one (1) and only one (1) official primary religious tradition which shall be New Roman Catholicism and nine (9) official secondary religious traditions which shall be Old Western Roman Catholicism, Old Eastern Roman Catholicism and the seven (7) Pre-Christian Aryan Tribal religions known as; Druidism, Odinism, Rodnovery, Romuva, Hellenism, Getaeism and Suomenusko.

1. The one (1) and only official primary religious tradition shall collectively form the Aryan Church of The Creator.

2. The main recognised symbols of the Aryan Church of The Creator shall be and shall forever remain The Sign of The Cross and the Sign of Jesus Christ otherwise known as the Chi Ro.

3. No religious building not under the full ownership of the Aryan Church of The Creator and no Jewish building shall be considered under law as consecrated, or in any sense either sacred or inviolable.

4. The aforementioned official religious traditions, primary and secondary shall be the only religious traditions in the Imperium eligible for consecration status under Imperium law.

5. No Turk, Jew, Arab, Muhammadan or other religious adherent to the Arabian religious prophet Muhammad shall be allowed to enter or to reside within the boundaries of the City of Constantinople, within the boundaries of the City of Rome or within the lands of Thrace or Latium under any circumstances.

6. The Imperium is and shall forever remain a Christian and Aryan State, temporally and spiritually. However, the Imperium shall fully honour all her natural and ancestral religious traditions and shall permit them all such growth and nourishment as they might so naturally attain without harassment or molestation on the part of either Church or State.

Article II. Within the Greater European Imperium, all buildings originally constructed in the land of the Domestic Imperium as non-Aryan religious buildings shall be demolished and there remains crushed, powdered and dissolved in corrosive acid, such that no physical trace may remain. These buildings shall by law be classed as abominations and the former settlement of their non-Aryan communities as a gross and extraordinary aberration.

Upon their former sites the Aryan Church of The Creator shall set up and consecrate buildings for the establishment of Aryan religious worship.

Places of Jewish internment for guaranteed extinction and Dharmic religious buildings sited within the abolished frontiers of the former Qing Empire (245 BNE) maybe exempted.

Article III. The religion of Political Correctness is hereby prohibited in the Greater European Imperium. Political Correctness shall not be permitted to be practiced by either worship or proselytism anywhere in the Imperium, or any place under Imperium Sovereign control. All places of Politically Correct activity, worship, indoctrination or study shall as such be disbanded, their willing congregations barred from all further entry or access thereof and their ministers prosecuted under statutes for the prevention of social cancer.

Article IV. All persons proven to have at one time constituted as an adherent to the prohibited religion of Political Correctness shall be entirely prohibited from entering or residing within any National Republic, other than those National Republics of their birthright. Nor shall any such person be permitted to publish, broadcast or lecture abroad or permitted to practice finance, banking, teaching or the arts as any type of profession.

Article V. No Muhammadan shall be permitted to enter or to reside in the New World, unless as a Slave or Serf who may never enter or reside either north or south of the American tropics.

Article VI. Rabbinical Judaism is hereby outlawed from practice by non-Jews. The cultural cancer formally known as ‘Christian Zionism’ shall under law be defined as a Judaist cult entirely alien to Christianity and shall not be defined as any type or form of Christianity weather heretical or otherwise.

Article VII. The Scofield Reference Bible is hereby declared utterly heretical and as an abomination against both God and Church. Proselytising, preaching from or promoting any type of pro-Jewish theology within a Scofield Reference Bible shall for The Clergy of The Creator constitute as a prohibited criminal act of heresy.

Unauthorised possession or purchasing of a Scofield Reference Bible or any other proscribed Judeo-Christian literature, shall automatically excommunicate the possessor or purchaser where the possessor or purchaser in question shall do so as a baptised member of the Aryan Church of The Creator.

Article VIII. Any criminal act of assault with battery upon a New Roman Catholic or a Pagan by anyone who shall not be either a New Roman Catholic or a Pagan shall punished with the death penalty where the assailant shall be found to be a non-Aryan, not of pure Aryan stock or beholden to a non-Aryan religious tradition. Such an assault shall be considered as an act of utmost profane blasphemy on the part of Aryan Church of The Creator.
Article IX. The Greater European Imperium shall be both consorted by and adjutanted to the institution of the Aryan Church of The Creator, which shall be both the successor of and replacement to the Roman Catholic Church of the Christian Roman Papacy (1703 BNE – 118 NE).

1. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall maintain a Caesaro-Papacy and one (1) College of Cardinals, representing the Aryan Church of The Creator as a whole that shall elect to the office of Pontifex Maximus a spiritual minister from among their number, whose official office title shall be and shall forever remain ‘The Pope’.

2. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall maintain a traditional priestly hierarchy of Priests, Bishops, Archbishops and Grand Archbishops.  This priestly hierarchy shall be known as ‘The Clergy’, the governing body of and within which shall be known as ‘The Papacy’ and shall consist of the aforementioned with Cardinal status.

3. The Aryan Church of The Creator as a whole may erect, consecrate and maintain Churches, Cathedrals, Chapels, Missions, Seminaries, Convents, Monasteries, Sacred Groves and Temples. However, there may be no more than seven (7) New Roman Catholic Cathedrals for every Diocese and no more than one (1) New Roman Catholic Temple for every Diocese.

3A. Whereas every Anew Roman Catholic Monastery, Priory and Friary shall maintain a body of Monks, Friars, Priors, Abbots and High Abbots and every Convent a body of Nuns, Prioresses, Abbesses and High Abbesses, the Temples shall maintain a body of Templars, High Templars and Hierophants who shall serve and maintain their respective Temples, discharging rituals, rites and ceremonies as according to prescribed religious tradition.

4. No one may be ordained an Aryan New Roman Catholic Priest until they have been Papal University qualified in the following biased disciplines.

Latin, Greek, Medicine, Astronomy, Theology, Heresiology, Apostology, Christology, Hagiology, Hagiography, Campanology, Demonology, Deontology, Ecclesiology, Ontology, Eschatology, Soteriology, Divinity, Mythology, Astrology, Parapsychology, Phenomenology, Greek & Roman Theogony, Cosmogony, Theurgy, Divinity, Parapsychology, Epistemology and Quantum Mechanics.

5. No woman shall be permitted to be ordained as an Aryan Priest or High Priest (Bishop, Archbishop or Grand Archbishop) or as a Monk, Friar, Prior, Abbot, Templar, High Templar or Hierophant.

The wife of an ordained New Roman Catholic Priest or High Priest (Bishop, Archbishop or Grand Archbishop), shall be known as an New Roman Catholic Priestess or High Priestess (Bishopess, Archbishopess or Grand Archbishopess) and shall also be ordained only by virtue of marriage.

6. The actual head of the Aryan Church of The Creator shall be the Praetor in his capacity as Chief High Priest, whereas the titular head of the Aryan Church of The Creator shall be the State President in his purely symbolic and inactive capacity as Supreme Chief High Priest.

Article X. Clergy remaining traditionally Christian after the conversion of the Roman Catholic Church to the Aryan Church of The Creator shall be recognised under law as a new entity called 'The Church of The Western Dark Ages'. The Roman Catholic Church as formerly known is and shall forever remain permanently abolished.

The Church of The Western Dark Ages shall be transferred exclusively to the control and leadership of those Aryan clergy expelled from the non-conciliar former Society of Saint Pius X between 121 BNE and 0 NE on foot of transgressions pertaining to fundamental criticisms of the former Roman Catholic Church, its leadership and doctrinal reformations. All excommunication of those so previously expelled is hereby rescinded for all time.

Eastern Orthodox Christianity shall be reorganised as ‘The Church of The Eastern Dark Ages’.

Article XI. Within the Greater European Imperium the seven (7) traditional pre-Christian religions shall be recognised as a secondary state religious tradition collectively known under law as Paganism.

Paganism will be defined in law as a metaphysical objectivist polytheistic Aryan ethnic religious tradition distinct from Heathenism and accorded at all times special and sublime protected status by both State and Church. To this exceptional religious tradition shall under law be ascribed the Holy Fifth Commandment: “Honour Thy Father & Thy Mother”.

Article XII. Subsequent to the establishment of the Aryan Church of The Creator, all properties, estates and buildings originally constructed with the intention to serve as places of religious devotion or worship, or places of administration, education or accommodation for the purposes of any religious community, sect, mission, retreat, enterprise, church or organisation and all national parks and wildlife sanctuaries shall immediately hence fourth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Aryan Church of The Creator, with no exceptions.

Article XIII. Subsequent to the establishment of the Aryan Church of The Creator, all property, monies, finances, stocks, shares, bonds, commodities, materials and relics, previously owned or rendered into custody prior to the establishment of the Aryan Church of The Creator by any church, religious sect, religious community or religious organisation established within the jurisdiction of the Greater European Imperium or by the Holy See of Rome, shall immediately hence fourth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Aryan Church of The Creator, with no exceptions.

Article XIV. The Aryan Church of The Creator and the nine (9) secondary official religious traditions of the Greater European Imperium shall be entirely exempted from all and any taxation by the Imperium and from all and any tariffs, tolls, imposts and duties on all and any imports and exports. No other form of religion, organisation, charity, institution, church, lobby, independent power or group, shall be Constitutionally Exempt from the usual taxes, tariffs, tolls, imposts or duties of the Imperium.
Article XV. There shall be four (4) types of Court established under the jurisdiction of the Aryan Church of The Creator that the Imperium shall recognise.
1. Ecclesiastical Courts; for the prosecution of Aryan Church of The Creator clergy formerly charged with non-heretical criminal offenses, for litigation and for inquiry, conducted on the basis of church property, clergy and institutions.

2. Canonical Courts; for the administrative regulation of the institution of the Aryan Church of The Creator and of the official theological interpretation and interpolation of Aryan religious doctrine, rites, rituals and ceremonies.

3. Heretical Courts; for the prosecution of Aryan Church of The Creator clergy formerly charged with heretical criminal offenses.

4. Papal Courts for the judicial administration of Papal States within the Greater European Imperium.

Article XVI. The Clergy of the Aryan Church of The Creator shall forever remain outside of the jurisdiction of the temporal judicial process.

Therefore, the Aryan Church of The Creator shall be required by law to institute and operate separate Ecclesiastical and Heretical Courts and a separate legal system within the Greater European Imperium, for the express purpose of the establishment of an independent judiciary and judicial procedure under the sole jurisdiction and direction of the Aryan Church of The Creator Papacy and of the Praetor in his capacity as Chief High Priest.

Such Courts shall operate in order to arrest, search, seize, issue, serve, jail, arraign, try, convict, sentence, imprison, execute, legally investigate and legally hear, clergymen and other members of the estate of the Aryan Church of The Creator and for the litigation of disputes, as may be the case. 

Article XVII. The Ecclesiastical Courts of the Aryan Church of The Creator, shall under all circumstances assume full precedence over all other forms of jurisdiction to include the Temporal Courts in regards to issues and cases of property, finances or as to the legal disposition of individual members of The Clergy, Monasteries, Convents, Temples, Henges, Sacred Groves, Missions, Retreats, Seminaries, Universities, Clerical Palaces and Chaplaincies of the Aryan Church of The Creator.

Article XVIII. All spaces contained and located to within the precincts of Churches, Cathedrals, Basilicas, Monasteries, Convents, Temples, Seminaries, Sacred Groves, Clerical Palaces and Sees of the Aryan Church of The Creator, shall fall under the aegis of the Aryan Church of The Creator and as such shall be indefinitely exempted from any jurisdiction and from the exercise of any law enforcement officer or agency not of the Aryan Papacy, with the sole exception of the Double Service (DS).

All spaces contained and located within the precincts of Churches, Cathedrals, Basilicas, Temples, Clerical Palaces and Sees of the Aryan Church of The Creator shall physically constitute as territories of the Papal States themselves.

Article XIX. It shall constitute a criminal offense for any Priest, High Priest, Monk, Nun, Abbot, Abbess, Templar, High Templar, Hierophant, Cardinal, Canon, Pope, Papal Guard, Deacon, Archdeacon or Papal academic or any other minister of the Aryan Church of The Creator, or any institution of the Aryan Church of The Creator or for the Aryan Church of The Creator as a whole, to in any sense deviate from any aspect of the pro-Aryan official Papal Doctrine of The Aryan Church of The Creator.

This type of criminal offense shall be the only type of criminal offense which may be both prosecuted to the point of criminal conviction and sentence within both the Temporal Courts and the Ecclesiastical Courts and shall be legally defined as ‘Heresy’, ‘Blasphemy’, ‘Apostasy’ or ‘Sacrilege’ as maybe the case.

Article XX. The religious creed of the Aryan Church of The Creator, shall under law be defined as the combined religious and spiritual beliefs of Traditional Roman Catholicism, Paganism, Mormonism, Christian Identity and Kinism, based on the following listed scriptures applied as a code of morality, ritual, tradition, ceremony and spiritual devotion and worship in accordance with the institutional structures, framework and legitimately faithful directives of the Aryan Papacy.

1. The King James Old Testament

2. The King James Apocrypha (Including The Dead Sea Scrolls)

3. The Theogony

4. The King James New Testament

5. The King James Pseudepigrapha (Including all Gnostic & False Gospels)

6. The Sagas & Eddas

7. The Book of Mormon

8. The Doctrine & Covenants

9. The Pearl of Great Price

8. The religious and spiritual teachings of Joseph Smith, Wesley A. Swift and Richard Girnt Butler [THE LAWGIVERS: 278 BNE - 79 BNE] with precedence accredited in order of the most recent, shall predicate all liturgical, theological, theosophical, heresiological, apostalogical, judicial and doctrinal activities within all aspects of the Aryan Church of The Creator and its proclamations. 

8A. Joseph Smith, Wesley A. Swift and Richard Girnt Butler [THE LAWGIVERS: 278 BNE - 79 BNE], shall be perpetually established in both law and religion as the last, final and sealing religious prophets for all Aryan Lifekind sent by The Divine Creator for the spoken and written transmission of the will of The Almighty Creator, for one final time.

Article XXI. Whereas the previous listed seven (7) scriptures shall constitute as the New Roman Catholic Bible known as ‘The Praetorian Bible’, the following shall constitute as the official Articles of Faith of the Aryan Church of The Creator.

1. We believe in God The Eternal Father and in His Son Jesus Christ and in The Holy Spirit.

2. We believe in the Three Lawgivers; Joseph Smith, Wesley A. Swift and Richard Girnt Butler.

 3. We believe that men and women will be punished for their sins and in the inevitability of Sin through The Original Sin of The Garden of Eden.

4. We believe that The Original Sin of The Garden of Eden was the sexual union through miscegenous race mixing of Eve and Satan and their conception of Cain Brother of Able and Blood Ancestor to all Jewry past, present and future.

5. We believe in the non-Semitic Indo-European Aryan racial origins of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, of the Hebrew People through tribes of Hurria and Hyksos, of John The Baptist, of Jesus of Nazareth, of The Apostles and of The Saints.

6. We believe in the Curse of Ham; namely that the Negro Race, being descendants of Ham Son of Noah are Cursed by God to a state of abject inferiority and servitude under the other races of Man.
7. We believe that through the atonement of Christ’s Passion all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

8. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of The Gospel of Jesus Christ are:

8A. Faith in The Lord Jesus Christ.

8B. Faith, hope and celebration in the Purity of The Aryan Race; the only Chosen People of God.

8C. Repentance of Sin.

8D. Baptism by Immersion for the remission of Sin.

8E. The Laying on of Hands for the divine intervention of The Holy Spirit.

9. We believe that a man must be called of God, by Prophecy and by the Laying on of Hands by those who are in Papal Authority to preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ and to administer in the ordinances thereof.

10. We believe in the same organisation that existed in The Church of The Western Dark Age namely, Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Priests, Bishops, Archbishops, Monks, Nuns, Cardinals, Canons, Popes and so forth.

 11. We believe in the gift of Prophecy, Revelation, Visions, Exorcism, Miracles and so forth and in the Doctrine of Aryan Papal Infallibility.

12. We believe The Old and New Testaments, The Apocrypha and The Book of Gnostics to be the literal Word of God as far as they are translated and interpreted correctly by Aryan Papal Authorities; we also believe The Book of Mormon, The Doctrines & Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price to be the Literal Word of God.

13. We believe all that God has revealed and all that He does now reveal and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to The Kingdom of Heaven.

14. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of The Thirteen Aryan Tribes of Ancient Israel, that Christ will reign personally upon The Earth and that The Earth will be renewed and receive His paradisiacal glory.

15. We believe that the restored Thirteen Tribes of Israel shall be the following and that the identity of each of The Thirteen Tribes shall be passed down the matrilineal line by birth from mother to offspring.

15A. The Northern Germanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Dan

15B. The Eastern Germanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Judah

15C. The Western Germanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Ephraim

15D. The Northwestern Germanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Mannasah

15E. The Western Romanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Asher

15F. The Eastern Romanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Simeon

15G. The Eastern Slavic Tribe of Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Isaachar

15H. The Western Slavic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Benjamin

15I. The Southern Slavic & Hellenic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Gad

15J. The Celtic & Basque Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Reuben

15K. The Baltic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Nephtali

15L. The Ugric & Finno-Permian Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Zebulon

15M. The Early Colonial Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Levi

16. We believe in being subject to the Greater European Imperium and to the Praetor and in obeying, in honouring and in sustaining the law of The Imperium and in the natural laws of race and eugenics.

 17. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous and in doing good to all Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ.

Article XXI. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall establish a number of permanent doctrinal principles that shall be fixed and insoluble for all time. They shall be the following.

1A. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall never condone or perform marriages between Aryans and non-Aryans, nor shall The Church in any sense condone, endorse or sanction sexual acts between Aryans and non-Aryans, nor the conception of mixed race offspring with Aryan blood.

1B. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall never condone or in any sense endorse or sanction homosexual unions, celebrations of homosexuality or homosexual intercourse.

1C. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall never condone or in any sense endorse or sanction adultery or the use of contraception techniques or devices as a means of reducing the possibility of eugenical pregnancy.

1D. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall never condone or in any sense endorse or sanction any heresy, blasphemy, apostasy or sacrilege against the new religion of New Roman Catholicism.

1E. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall be divided into two Covenants; The Mosaic or ‘Aryan’ Covenant and The Noahide or ‘non-Aryan’ Covenant. Whereas the former may only apply to baptised pure stock Aryans the latter may apply to any whomever are baptised into the Aryan Church of The Creator and who are not Jews.

1F. Although the clerical blessings of The Church may apply to all righteous people of good faith and to all animals, the Aryan Church of The Creator shall forever reserve, restrict and withhold six Holy Sacraments to those of majority Aryan stock through the maternal line only. The Holy Sacrament of Holy Orders shall be reserved, restricted and withheld to those of factually proven pure Aryan stock only.

2A. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall uphold and maintain the doctrine that the Hebrews of the Old Testament were racially Aryan being descendant from the Ancient Hurrians through the Hyksos Peoples of Ancient Egypt.

2B. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall uphold and maintain the doctrine that the Ancient Israelites miscegenated in the Promised Land through the illicit mixing of Israelite, Canaanite, Edomite and other stocks and that Jesus of Nazareth was among the last pure stock Aryans of Israelite descent in Tiberian Judea.

2C. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall uphold and maintain the doctrine that Jews are not Hebrews or Israelites and that Judaism is verifiably Satanic having been founded within Ancient Babylon with the formulation of The Mishrah.

2D. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall uphold and maintain the doctrine that Semitic Hebrew is not the original language or scripture of the Old Testament but rather Proto-Indo-European or PIE.

2E. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall uphold and maintain the doctrine that both The Talmud and the Jewish Star are fundamentally Satanic and in no way representative of Ancient Israel or of the Hebrews of The Old Testament.

2F. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall uphold and maintain the doctrine that the ancient biblical lands of Egypt, Hurria, Sumeria, Israel, Judah and Outremer are all abrogated as Holylands by anointed territories situated within Inner Europe, among which shall be the lands of the Papal States as the New Seat of Christianity.

2G. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall uphold and maintain the traditional Roman Catholic doctrine of Hell, Eternal Damnation and Purgatory.

3A. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall abolish the Mormon doctrine of polytheism. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall establish the doctrine of God in geometric time and the separation of God into Gods and Foregod. New Roman Catholicism is and shall forever remain a colossal monotheistic religion.

3B. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall abolish the Mormon doctrine of bloodless flesh in the resurrection.

3C. The Aryan Church of The Creator shall abolish the Mormon doctrine of baptising the dead.
Article XXIII. The Greater European Imperium and her Aryan Church of The Creator may maintain up to twelve-thousand (12,000) named Aryan Saints and twenty-two (22) official Aryan Archetypes that shall be celebrated and cherished throughout all Aryan religious institutions. These Archetypes shall be the following.

Zeus & Hera, Poseidon & Amphitrite, Apollo & Artemis , Ares & Athena, Hephaestus & Aphrodite, Hades & Persephone, Hermes & Hestia, Heracles & Hebe, Cronus & Rhea, Ouranus & Gaia.

Throughout all New Roman Catholic Churches, Temples and Cathedrals statues and other decorations shall favour the depiction of The Archetypes as opposed to The Saints.

Article XXIV. No one may either become or remain an Elector, a commissioned officer of the Imperial Guard or a major financial investor, unless they are a non-excommunicated and baptised member of the Aryan Church of The Creator or a non-excommunicated and baptised member of any one of the nine (9) secondary official religious traditions of the Greater European Imperium.

Article XXV. This Constitution herewith acknowledges and honours the fundamental importance and historical and overriding primacy of the Western Christian tradition, its Old Roman Catholic Church prior to 121 BNE and its personality of the non-Jewish, Aryan Prophet Jesus of Nazareth in forming the underlying core foundation of European identity cultural, religious and racial, its coming of age and its essential role in the inspiration, sustenance and preservation of the Extra-European Aryan expansions between 987 and 120 BNE.

Those European aesthetics and traditional institutions and offices of the Roman Catholic Church prior to 121 BNE that are compatible with the Pre-Christian Aryan religious traditions of stoic European culture, ethics, values and society, are hereby upheld as the primary structural template for the Aryan Church of The Creator as a whole.

Article XXVI. Those Roman Catholics once known as Pope John XXIII, Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul I, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis shall be struck into the law as illegitimate former Roman Catholic Popes and inadmissible as former representatives of the Roman Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Papacy and the previously established Roman Catholic Vatican City State.

Under law these Popes shall be legally referred to as ‘Anti-Popes’ or as ‘Black Popes’.

Article XXVII. The Roman Catholic Vatican City State otherwise known as the Vatican City or Holy See of Rome, is hereby annexed to the Greater European Imperium, its legislative and judicial branches of government abolished and its executive branch of government merged under the executive government of the Imperium, thus creating the Greater European Imperium as a direct legal and Constitutional descendant entity of the Roman Republic, as formally founded in 2592 BNE.

The Greater European Imperium is therefore created the last and final incarnation of the First Roman Republic and as the direct institutional heir and successor to the Eastern Roman Empire through the Vatican City State, Papal States of Rome and Exarchate of Ravenna.

5II: Religion & The Academy (25)

Article I. The Greater European Imperium shall maintain one (1) and only one (1) official primary religious tradition which shall be Aryanity and three (3) official secondary religious traditions which shall be Old Western Roman Catholicism, Old Eastern Roman Catholicism and New Roman Catholicism.

1. The one (1) and only official primary religious tradition shall collectively form the Aryan Academy of The Gods.

2. The main recognised symbols of the Aryan Academy of The Gods shall be and shall forever remain The Curved Swastika, the Black Sun Disk and the Hammer of The Gods otherwise known as ‘Thor’s Hammer’.

3. No religious building not under the full ownership of the Aryan Academy of The Gods and no Jewish building shall be considered under law as consecrated, or in any sense either sacred or inviolable.

4. The aforementioned official religious traditions, primary and secondary shall be the only religious traditions in the Imperium eligible for consecration status under Imperium law.

5. No Turk, Jew, Arab, Muhammadan or other religious adherent to the Arabian religious prophet Muhammad shall be allowed to enter or to reside within the boundaries of the City of Constantinople, within the boundaries of the City of Rome or within the lands of Thrace or Latium under any circumstances.

6. The Imperium is and shall forever remain a Pagan and Aryan State, temporally and spiritually. However, the Imperium shall fully honour all her ancestral religious traditions and shall permit them all such growth and nourishment as they might so naturally attain without harassment or molestation on the part of either Academy or State.

Article II. Within the Greater European Imperium, all buildings originally constructed in the land of the Domestic Imperium as non-Aryan religious buildings shall be demolished and there remains crushed, powdered and dissolved in corrosive acid, such that no physical trace may remain. These buildings shall by law be classed as abominations and the former settlement of their non-Aryan communities as a gross and extraordinary aberration.

Upon their former sites the Aryan Academy of The Gods shall set up and consecrate buildings for the establishment of Aryan religious worship.

Places of Jewish internment for guaranteed extinction and Dharmic religious buildings sited within the abolished frontiers of the former Qing Empire (245 BNE) maybe exempted.

Article III. The religion of Political Correctness is hereby prohibited in the Greater European Imperium. Political Correctness shall not be permitted to be practiced by either worship or proselytism anywhere in the Imperium, or any place under Imperium Sovereign control. All places of Politically Correct activity, worship, indoctrination or study shall as such be disbanded, their willing congregations barred from all further entry or access thereof and their ministers prosecuted under statutes for the prevention of social cancer.

Article IV. Any criminal act of assault with battery upon a Pagan by anyone who shall not be either a New Roman Catholic or a Pagan shall punished with the death penalty where the assailant shall be found to be a non-Aryan, not of pure Aryan stock or beholden to a non-Aryan religious tradition or to any self-evidently anti-Aryan subversive creed or ideology. Such an assault shall be considered as an act of utmost profane blasphemy on the part of Aryan Church of The Creator.

Article V. All persons proven to have at one time constituted as an adherent to the prohibited religion of Political Correctness shall be entirely prohibited from entering or residing within any National Republic, other than those National Republics of their birthright. Nor shall any such person be permitted to publish, broadcast or lecture abroad or permitted to practice finance, banking, teaching or the arts as any type of profession.

Article VI. No Muhammadan shall be permitted to enter or to reside in the New World, unless as a Slave or Serf who may never enter or reside either north or south of the American tropics.

Article VII. Judaism is hereby outlawed from practice by non-Jews. The cultural cancer formally known as ‘Christian Zionism’ shall under law be defined as a Judaist cult entirely alien to Christianity and shall not be defined as any type or form of Christianity weather heretical or otherwise.
Article VIII. The Greater European Imperium shall be both consorted by and adjutanted to the institution of the Aryan Academy of The Gods, which shall be both the successor of and replacement to the Roman Catholic Church of the Christian Roman Papacy (1703 BNE – 118 NE).

1. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall maintain a Caesaro-Papacy and one (1) College of Hierophants, representing the Aryan Academy of The Gods as a whole that shall elect to the office of Pontifex Maximus a spiritual minister from among their number, whose official office title shall be and shall forever remain ‘The Guardian Templar’.

2. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall maintain a traditional priestly hierarchy of Priests, High Priests and Templars.  This priestly hierarchy shall be known as ‘The Clergy’, the governing body of within which shall be known as ‘The Papacy’ and shall consist of the aforementioned with Cardinal status.

3. The Aryan Academy of The Gods as a whole may erect, consecrate and maintain Temples, Sanctuaries, Chapels, Missions, Seminaries, Convents, Monasteries, Sacred Groves and Henges. However, there may be no more than seven (7) Aryan Sanctuaries for every Diocese.

3B. Whereas every Aryan Monastery shall maintain a body of Monks, Priors, Abbots and High Abbots and every Convent a body of Nuns, Prioresses, Abbesses and High Abbesses, the Temples and Sanctuaries shall maintain a body of Priests, High Priests and Templars who shall serve and maintain their respective Temples, discharging rituals, rites and ceremonies as according to prescribed religious tradition.

4. No one may be ordained an Aryan Priest until they have been Papal University qualified in the following biased disciplines.

Latin, Greek, Medicine, Astronomy, Theology, Heresiology, Demonology, Deontology, Ontology, Eschatology, Soteriology, Divinity, Mythology, Astrology, Parapsychology, Phenomenology, Greek & Roman Theogony, Cosmogony, Theurgy, Divinity, Parapsychology, Epistemology and Quantum Mechanics.

5. The actual head of the Aryan Academy of The Gods shall be the Praetor in his capacity as Chief High Priest, whereas the titular head of the Aryan Academy of The Gods shall be the State President in his purely symbolic and inactive capacity as Supreme Chief High Priest.

Article IX. Clergy remaining traditionally Christian after the conversion of the Roman Catholic Church to the Aryan Academy of The Gods shall be recognised under law as a new entity called 'The Church of The Western Dark Ages'. The Roman Catholic Church as formerly known is and shall forever remain permanently abolished.

The Church of The Western Dark Ages shall be transferred exclusively to the control and leadership of those Aryan clergy expelled from the non-conciliar former Society of Saint Pius X between 121 BNE and 0 NE on foot of transgressions pertaining to fundamental criticisms of the former Roman Catholic Church, its leadership and doctrinal reformations. All excommunication of those so previously expelled is hereby rescinded for all time.

Eastern Orthodox Christianity shall be reorganised as ‘The Church of The Eastern Dark Ages’.

Article X. Within the Greater European Imperium the three (3) Christian religious tradition shall be recognised as a secondary state religion collectively known under law as Aryan Roman Catholicism.

Aryan Roman Catholicism will be defined in law as a metaphysical objectivist monotheistic Aryan religious tradition distinct from Judaism or Islam and accorded at all times special and sublime protected status by both State and Academy.

Article XI. Subsequent to the establishment of the Aryan Academy of The Gods, all properties, estates and buildings originally constructed with the intention to serve as places of religious devotion or worship, or places of administration, education or accommodation for the purposes of any religious community, sect, mission, retreat, enterprise, church or organisation and all national parks and wildlife sanctuaries shall immediately hence fourth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Aryan Academy of The Gods, with no exceptions.
Article XII. Subsequent to the establishment of the Aryan Academy of The Gods, all property, monies, finances, stocks, shares, bonds, commodities, materials and relics, previously owned or rendered into custody prior to the establishment of the Aryan Academy of The Gods by any church, religious sect, religious community or religious organisation established within the jurisdiction of the Greater European Imperium or by the Holy See of Rome, shall immediately hence fourth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Aryan Academy of The Gods, with no exceptions.

Article XIII. The Aryan Academy of The Gods and the three (3) secondary official religious traditions of the Greater European Imperium shall be entirely exempted from all and any taxation by the Imperium and from all and any tariffs, tolls, imposts and duties on all and any imports and exports. No other form of religion, organisation, charity, institution, church, academy, lobby, independent power or group, shall be Constitutionally Exempt from the usual taxes, tariffs, tolls, imposts or duties of the Imperium.
Article XIV. There shall be four (4) types of Court established under the jurisdiction of the Aryan Academy of The Gods that the Imperium shall recognise.
1. Ecclesiastical Courts; for the prosecution of Aryan Academy of The Gods clergy formerly charged with non-heretical criminal offenses, for litigation and for inquiry, conducted on the basis of church property, clergy and institutions.

2. Canonical Courts; for the administrative regulation of the institution of the Aryan Academy of The Gods and of the official theological interpretation and interpolation of Aryan religious doctrine, rites, rituals and ceremonies.

3. Heretical Courts; for the prosecution of Aryan Academy of The Gods clergy formerly charged with heretical criminal offenses.

4. Templarian Courts for the judicial administration of Templarian States within the Greater European Imperium.

Article XV. The clergy of the Aryan Academy of The Gods shall forever remain outside of the jurisdiction of the temporal judicial process.

Therefore, the Aryan Academy of The Gods shall be required by law to institute and operate separate Ecclesiastical and Heretical Courts and a separate legal system within the Greater European Imperium, for the express purpose of the establishment of an independent judiciary and judicial procedure under the sole jurisdiction and direction of the Aryan Academy of The Gods Papacy and of the Praetor in his capacity as Chief High Priest.

Such Courts shall operate in order to arrest, search, seize, issue, serve, jail, arraign, try, convict, sentence, imprison, execute, legally investigate and legally hear, clergymen and other members of the estate of the Aryan Academy of The Gods and for the litigation of disputes, as may be the case. 

Article XVI. The Ecclesiastical Courts of the Aryan Academy of The Gods, shall under all circumstances assume full precedence over all other forms of jurisdiction to include the Temporal Courts in regards to issues and cases of property, finances or as to the legal disposition of individual members of the Clergy, Monasteries, Convents, Temples, Henges, Sacred Groves, Missions, Retreats, Seminaries, Universities, Clerical Palaces and Chaplaincies of the Aryan Academy of The Gods.

Article XVII. All spaces contained and located to within the precincts of Temples, Sanctuaries, Monasteries, Convents, Seminaries, Sacred Groves, Clerical Palaces and Sees of the Aryan Academy of The Gods, shall fall under the aegis of the Aryan Academy of The Gods and as such shall be indefinitely exempted from any jurisdiction and from the exercise of any law enforcement officer or agency not of the Aryan Papacy with the exception of the Double Service (DS).

All spaces contained and located within the precincts of Temples, Sanctuaries, Clerical Palaces and Sees of the Aryan Academy of The Gods shall physically constitute as territories of the Papal States themselves.

Article XVIII. It shall constitute a criminal offense for any Priest, High Priest, Monk, Nun, Abbot, Abbess, Templar, Hierophant, Canon, Guardian Templar, Templarian Guard, Sage, Archsage or Templarian academic or any other minister of the Aryan Academy of The Gods, or any institution of the Aryan Academy of The Gods or for the Aryan Academy of The Gods as a whole, to in any sense deviate from any aspect of the pro-Aryan official Papal Doctrine of The Aryan Academy of The Gods.

This type of criminal offense shall be the only type of criminal offense which may be both prosecuted to the point of conviction and sentence within both the Temporal Courts and the Ecclesiastical Courts and shall be legally defined as ‘Heresy’, ‘Blasphemy’, ‘Apostasy’ or ‘Sacrilege’ as maybe the case.

Article XIX. The following shall constitute as the official Articles of Faith of the Aryan Academy of The Gods.

1. We believe in The Eternal Gods, subject only to The Fates.

2. We believe in The True Christ known as The Roman Emperor Julian as the Supreme Messenger of The Gods.

 3. We believe that men and women will be punished for their abominations which shall include the abomination of the defilement of the Aryan Race.

4. We believe in the non-Semitic Indo-European, Aryan and Atlantean racial origins of the Aryan Race and in the Aryan Originality of Civilization itself.

5. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of The Gospel of Julian Christ are:

5A. Faith in The Aryan Gods.

5B. Faith in The Lord Emperor Julian Christ.

5C. Faith, hope and celebration in the Purity of The Aryan Race; the only Chosen People of The Gods.

5D. The smiting of Abomination and Blasphemy.

5E. Baptism by Immersion for the remission of Impurities.

5F. The Laying on of Hands for the divine intervention of The Holy Spirit.

6. We believe that a man must be called of The Gods, by Prophecy and by the Laying on of Hands by those who are in Templarian Authority to preach The Gospel of Julian Christ and to administer in the ordinances thereof.

7. We believe in the same organisation that existed in The Roman Empire prior to the Western Dark Age.

 8. We believe in the gift of Prophecy, Revelation, Visions, Exorcism, Miracles and so forth and in the Doctrine of Templarian Infallibility.

9. We believe The Sagas & Eddas, The Book of Homer and The Theogony to be a literal History of The Gods as far as they are translated and interpreted correctly by Aryan Templarian Authorities.

10. We believe all that The Gods have revealed and all that They do now reveal and we believe that They will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to The Kingdom of Heaven.

11. We believe in the literal gathering of all Aryan peoples and in the restoration of The Twelve Primordial Cults of Ancient Aryan Europe, that Julian Christ will reign personally upon The Earth and that The Earth will be renewed and receive its philosophical glory.

15. We believe that the restored Twelve Primordial Cults of shall be the following and that the identity of each of The Twelve Cults shall be passed down the matrilineal line by birth from mother to offspring.

15A. The Northern Germanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Odinism

15B. The Eastern Germanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Wotanism

15C. The Western Germanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Belgaeism

15D. The Northwestern Germanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Asatru

15E. The Western Romanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Toutatism

15F. The Eastern Romanic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Augurism

15G. The Eastern Slavic Tribe of Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Svarga

15H. The Western Slavic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Rodnovery

15I. The Southern Slavic & Hellenic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Hellenism

15J. The Celtic & Basque Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Druidism

15K. The Baltic Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Tribe of Romuva

15L. The Ugric & Finno-Permian Aryan Nations who shall be restored The Cult of Suomenusko

16. We believe in being subject to the Greater European Imperium and to the Praetor and in obeying, in honouring and in sustaining the law of The Imperium and in the natural laws of race and eugenics.
 17. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous and in doing good to all Aryan brothers and sisters in The Academy.

Article XX. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall establish a number of permanent doctrinal principles that shall be fixed and insoluble for all time. They shall be the following.

1A. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall never condone or perform marriages between Aryans and non-Aryans, nor shall The Church in any sense condone, endorse or sanction sexual acts between Aryans and non-Aryans, nor the conception of mixed race offspring with Aryan blood.

1B. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall never condone or in any sense endorse or sanction homosexual unions, celebrations of homosexuality or homosexual intercourse.

1C. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall never condone or in any sense endorse or sanction adultery or the use of contraception techniques or devices as a means of reducing the possibility of eugenical pregnancy.

1D. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall never condone or in any sense endorse or sanction any heresy, blasphemy, apostasy or sacrilege against the new religion of Aryanity.

1E. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall forever reserve, restrict and withhold six Sacred Sacraments to those of majority Aryan stock through the maternal line only. The Sacred Sacrament of Sacred Orders shall be reserved, restricted and withheld to those of factually proven pure Aryan stock only.

2A. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall uphold and maintain the doctrine of Atlantis as a fundamentally Aryan myth and history.

2B. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall uphold and maintain the doctrine that the Ancient Aryans were originally conceived and fashioned by the Ancient Civilization of Atlantis, which befall a combination of natural and human catastrophes to give rise to the emigration of the Aryan Race throughout the Earth.

2C. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall uphold and maintain the doctrine that The Jews are cursed by The Gods and that no non-Aryan may have any claim over the identity or the Sovereignty of the original race of Atlantis, to include all Jews.

2D. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall uphold and maintain anointed territories situated within Inner Europe and which shall be the lands of the Templarian States as the Sacred Seat of Aryanity on Earth.

2E. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall continue to uphold and maintain the Roman Catholic doctrine of Hell, Tartarus, Damnation and Purgatory.

2F. The Aryan Academy of The Gods shall establish the doctrine of The Gods’ existence within geometric time. Aryanity is and shall forever remain a colossal polytheistic religion.

Article XXI. The Greater European Imperium and her Aryan Academy of The Gods may maintain up to twelve-thousand (12,000) named Aryan Pagan Martyrs.

Article XXII. No one may either become or remain an Elector, a commissioned officer of the Imperial Guard or a major financial investor, unless they are a non-excommunicated and baptised member of the Aryan Academy of The Gods or a non-excommunicated and baptised member of any one of the three (3) secondary official religious traditions of the Greater European Imperium.

Article XXIII. This Constitution herewith acknowledges and honours the fundamental importance and historical and overriding primacy of the Western Christian tradition, its Roman Catholic Church prior to 121 BNE in forming the underlying core foundation of European identity cultural, religious and racial, its coming of age and its essential role in the inspiration, sustenance and preservation of the Extra-European Aryan expansions between 987 and 120 BNE.

Those European aesthetics and traditional institutions and offices of the Roman Catholic Church prior to 121 BNE that are compatible with the Pre-Christian Aryan religious traditions of European culture, ethics, values and society, are hereby upheld as the primary structural template for the Aryan Academy of The Gods as a whole.

Article XXIV. Those Roman Catholics once known as Pope John XXIII, Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul I, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis shall be struck into the law as illegitimate former Roman Catholic Popes and inadmissible as former representatives of the Roman Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Papacy and the previously established Roman Catholic Vatican City State.

Under law these Popes shall be legally referred to as ‘Anti-Popes’ or as ‘Black Popes’.

Article XXV. The Roman Catholic Vatican City State otherwise known as the Vatican City or Holy See of Rome, is hereby annexed to the Greater European Imperium, its legislative and judicial branches of government abolished and its executive branch of government merged under the executive government of the Imperium, thus creating the Greater European Imperium as a direct legal and Constitutional descendant entity of the Roman Republic, as formally founded in 2592 BNE.

The Greater European Imperium is therefore created the last and final incarnation of the First Roman Republic and as the direct institutional heir and successor to the Eastern Roman Empire through the Vatican City State, Papal States of Rome and Exarchate of Ravenna.

6: Public Communication, Education & Media (25)
The Greater European Imperium shall never support nor guarantee Absolute freedom of expression. The Imperium does not and shall never support Total free speech nor shall any government of the Imperium in anyway lawfully declare the Imperium to be in any sense an “open” or “free society”.

Article I. In the Greater European Imperium the unabridged Freedom of the free man or woman to practice speech, both spoken and acted shall not for Aryans be infringed by law, unless applied to any one of the following sixteen (16) exceptions.
1. Where the individual has literally attempted or has literally conspired to attempt to disseminate or to distribute information that in doing so is either realistically intended, or likely within reason to seriously jeopardise the general public state of security of Aryan life, liberty, property or Sovereignty in a direct capacity to include any compatible act of espionage.
2. Where the individual has committed an act of affray by causing at least one (1) other person of reasonable firmness of character who is not a Jew or a Nigger, to genuinely fear for their life on the basis of at least one (1) worded credible threat to induce unlawful bodily harm.
3. Where the individual has committed an act of deception as a means of defrauding at least one (1) other person.

4. Where the individual has wilfully aided and abetted a felony by means of providing correct advice as to how one may illegally evade the forces of Aryan Justice.

5. Where the individual has committed any act of carcination or incitement to filth as defined in this Section.
6. Where the individual being an ordained minister or member of the estate of the Aryan Church of The Creator or an enlisted regular military or naval serviceman or state police officer, or any type of institutional authority figure, has within any one of the aforementioned capacities committed an act of blasphemy, heresy, sacrilege or apostasy against the New Religion of New Roman Catholicism.

Where the individual being an ordained minister of any religion within The Imperium, has within the aforementioned capacity committed an act of blasphemy, heresy, sacrilege or apostasy against any established pro-Aryan doctrine of their respective church or religious institution.

7. Where the individual has committed sedition by advocating for or preparing in direct favour of any form of extra-constitutional armed insurrection against the legitimate structures of law and government.

No individual may be charged with sedition for attempting, inciting or advocating for any armed revolutionary insurrection against unlawful government, against government acting in contravention of this Constitution or against government on the basis of a reasonably perceived fundamental violation of this Constitution on the part of government.
8. Where the individual has committed Petty Treason by directing insult against or offering any offence to the dignity of any combatant, unit or formation under the command of a commissioned military or naval officer of the Imperium, or by denying the authority of this Constitution or the collective Sovereignty of the Aryan Race or of any Aryan Nation within the boundaries of such a Nation’s National Republic.

No charge of Petty Treason shall apply to any insult or offence issued in clear deference of the Aryan Race or of any Aryan Nation or in the defence thereof from any form of serious corrupt or unlawful government, whether alleged or actual.

9. Where the individual is either an attendee or employee of a school, university or academy and as such has wilfully obstructed academic teaching, lecturing, study or discussion to the sole effect of significantly halting the Aryan academic process.

10. Where the individual is a public servant and as such has wilfully obstructed the lawful protocols of government by refusing executive prerogative or by any other act of civil insubordination.

11. Where the individual has directly and publicly insulted the Aryan Race as a collective whole, its past glories or triumphs.

12. Where the individual has directly and publicly insulted any Aryan Nation as a collective whole, its past glories or triumphs or its Aryan Kings and Queens who shall be derived from any dynasty not established after 138 BNE, but only within the borders of that Nation’s National Republic.

13. Where the individual has directly and publicly offended the dignity of either Church or State or of the ancient religious beliefs of The Ancestors to the Aryan Race.

14. Where the individual has directly incited Treason, sedition, niggerisation, judaisation, interracial miscegenation or sexual degeneracy to The People.

15. Where the individual has rendered any utterance or meaning to the affect of pathologising Aryan racial or national solidarity in itself, or any pro-Aryan collective consciousness thereof. To do so may be considered by government as a serious subversive and potentially treasonous criminal offence known under law as ‘Propagating Social Aids’.

16. Where the individual has rendered any utterance or meaning to the affect of pathologising heterosexuality, whether in exclusion to or not in exclusion to the promotion of homosexuality. To do so may be considered by government as a serious subversive and potentially treasonous criminal offence known under law as ‘Propagating Social Aids’.

17. Where the individual has committed Leukocide by calling for or instigating the institution of Orwellian laws, rules of procedure, codes of conduct or limits of exclusion in order to protect any subversive, Jewish inspired or Marxian threat to the Aryan Race or in order to quell or admonish the welcome rise of natural, healthy and Patriotic Loyalist elements within Aryan society.

18. Where the individual has directly ordered any Aryan to desist in the use of the Roman salute or of any patriotic symbol or physical gesture, or has institutionally reprimanded or unduly restrained any Aryan for such use.

No further abridgement may be placed by law upon speech whether spoken or acted, unless under the right authority of a duly rendered Declaration of Martial Law or that of a lawfully derived Emergency Dictatorship.

Article II. In the Greater European Imperium the Citizen shall upon induction into Citizenship receive a licenced guarantee to the right both to publicly broadcast and to publish literature, pictures, art and slogans, without let or hindrance. However, there shall be twenty-four (24) exceptions, under which circumstances thereof the said licence may be revoked by a Writ of Censure and thereafter either reinstated or not reinstated as the government of the Imperium may see fit.

1. Where the individual has attempted to publicly disseminate or to publicly distribute information, data, messages, expressions, words or themes, likely within reason to incite, inspire, imply or suggest the acceptance and toleration of gross sexual perversion as a legitimate or healthy aspect to Aryan life.

2. Where the individual has attempted to publicly disseminate or to publicly distribute information, data, messages, expressions, words or themes, likely within reason to incite, inspire, imply or suggest the acceptance and toleration of extra-racial miscegenation as a legitimate or healthy aspect to Aryan life.

3. Where the individual has attempted to publicly disseminate or to publicly distribute information, data, messages, expressions, words or themes, ingloriously presenting or depicting any non-Aryan as the innocent victim of an Aryan.

4. Where the individual has attempted to publicly disseminate or to publicly distribute information, data, messages, expressions, words or themes, ingloriously presenting or depicting any with anti-Aryan orientation as the innocent victim of any with pro-Aryan orientation.

5. Where the individual has attempted to publicly disseminate or to publicly distribute information, data, messages, expressions, words or themes, ingloriously presenting or depicting any commissioner of homosexual, bisexual or transsexual acts as the innocent victim of any heterosexually or cissexually favour biased transgression.

6. Where the individual has attempted to publicly disseminate or to publicly distribute information, data, messages, expressions, words or themes that explicitly denounce or condemn either this Constitution, the Greater European Imperium as a political entity or the Führer Adolf Hitler, unless in order to criticise on grounds of the aforementioned having not sufficiently prosecuted fundamental and self-evident Aryan interests.

7. Where the individual has either intercepted or misrepresented any government communication to the effect of subverting lawful executive prerogative or protocol.
No individual may under law be considered as having subverted executive prerogative or protocol for legitimately seeking confirmation, clarification or qualification through bypassing immediate superiors or the offices thereof.

8. Where the individual has either published or broadcasted any public and direct insult against the Aryan Race as a collective whole.

9. Where the individual has either published or broadcasted any public and direct insult against an Aryan Nation as a collective whole, or its Aryan Kings and Queens who shall be derived from any dynasty not established after 138 BNE, but only within the borders of that Nation’s National Republic.

10. Where the individual has advertised the goods or services of or called for any aid, comfort or charity for any Degenerate.

11. Where the individual has wilfully disseminated false news or financial ratings.

12. Where the individual has either published or broadcasted any denial of The Holocaust amounting to any of the following.

12A. Denying the systematic genocide of at least sixty-six million (66,000,000) Aryans in modern times, as a specifically and consciously targeted racial denomination and by the deliberate, premeditated and intended design and commission of Jewish ideology its servants, pawns, organisers, promoters, instigators, proponents and orchestrators, both Jewish and non-Jewish.

12B. Publicly denying the existence of an historic and prolonged period of deliberate and systematic genocide, perpetrated against the Aryan Race as a whole between 166 BNE and 0 NE.

12C. Publicly denying the essential validity of the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion as an accurately sourced historical document.

12D. Publicly denying the uniquely subversive natural character of overall Jewish behaviour whether past or present.

12E. Publicly denying the historical concept of ‘Żydokomuna’ as an international phenomenon.

12F. Publicly denying the premeditated murder of Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili [Joseph Stalin] by both the hand and the commission of Jews or a Jew.

12G. Publicly denying the factually established Jewish history of sectarian Jewish ritual murder.

13. Where the individual has called for the moral or political overthrow of Aryan Man through the imposition of gynarchy or other destructive Feminist system, culture, creed or agenda to include the mockery of any Aryan man through miscegenous acts of Racial Treason, otherwise known under law as witchcraft.
14. Where the individual has wilfully celebrated, glorified or promoted the gross torture of innocent children or animals as a morally acceptable means of entertainment whether public or private.

15. Where the individual has attempted to niggerise or otherwise ethnically degrade the mind, customs, dress, linguistic inflections, attitudes or cultural habits of any Aryan person, group, society or population.

16. Where the individual has blasphemously ridiculed the Aryan Church of The Creator, its theology, founders, institutions, symbols or religious traditions.

17. Where the individual has defamed the Imperium, her Praetors, Senators, Senate, State Presidents, Pontiffs, Governors, Magistrates, Aryan Priests and High Priests, navy, military or badges or offices of state.

18. Where the individual has insulted the Founding Grandfather of The State The Führer Adolf Hitler, His memory or relics.

19. Where the individual has insulted a Founding Father of The Racial State, or a Founder Father of the National State under which jurisdiction thereof they shall have resided at the moment of offence, Their memory or relics.

20. Where the individual has distributed sexual images, words, information, aids or pictures not reasonably intended to promote the health and fitness of the Aryan Race.

21. Where the individual has promoted any state of non-Aryan political, economic, social, religious, theological, spiritual, sexual or cultural supremacy over any Aryan or Aryans or over Aryan life whether real or imagined, or of any power thereof.

22. Where the individual has glorified or incited in favour of the commission of a Racial Felony, or of the commission of a National Felony under which jurisdiction thereof they shall have resided at the moment of offence.

23. Where the individual has either given, granted, provided, solicited or volunteered any significant aid, comfort, finance, military advantage or moral support to any declared military enemy or enemies of the Imperium.

24. Where the individual employed defeatist reporting, argumentation or rhetoric in a time and place of war against a non-Aryan power or agenda.

Article III. No abridgement shall be placed upon the defamation of Jewry whether criminal or civil, whether libellous or slanderous. It shall be absolutely permitted to defame Jews or any Jew in particular and for whatever reason. Within the Greater European Imperium Jewry shall never enjoy protection from any form of defamation by law.

Article IV. No civil authority and no company or institution of the press or of commerce may under any circumstances enjoy freedom to solicit, promote or incite homosexual, adulterous, incestuous, bigamous, paedophilic, necrophilic, scatophilic or extra-racially miscegenous behaviour, thoughts, ideas, themes, expressions, messages or attributes or in any way demand, promote or advocate for any type of society either based or founded upon ideas or legal or constitutional conditions that would by very definition, either permit or allow for the racial demographic displacement of Aryans by non-Aryans within the Domestic Imperium. To do so shall constitute as a criminal offence known under law as Incitement to Filth.

Article V. Any tier of the Greater European Imperium’s government may at any time legislate and enforce laws for the censorship of any information either broadcasted or published by any Degenerate, Metic or Unlicensed Citizen for whatever reason and independently so from all other tiers of government, bureaucracy and civil administration.

Article VI. Any school, university, college, chaplaincy, polytechnic, academy or any other academic institution found to have either propagated or disseminated text material or images ingloriously presenting or depicting any non-Aryan person as the innocent victim of a patriotic Aryan, shall be closed down and permanently dispersed. All individuals responsible for such acts shall be permanently prohibited from working in the teaching profession and throughout all public areas of academia, news, entertainment, commercial advertising, journalism and the arts in general. All such acts shall constitute as a criminal offence known under law as Racial Carcination.

Article VII. Any school, university, college, chaplaincy, polytechnic, academy or any other academic institution found to have either propagated or disseminated text material or images ingloriously presenting or depicting any commissioner of homosexual, bisexual or transsexual acts as the innocent victim of any heterosexually or cissexually favour biased transgression shall be closed down and permanently dispersed. All individuals responsible for such acts shall be permanently prohibited from working in the teaching profession and throughout all public areas of academia, news, entertainment, commercial advertising, journalism and the arts in general. All such acts shall constitute as a criminal offence known under law as Sexual Carcination.

Article VIII. No place of public religious worship, education, government, civil administration, business, commerce or military or naval installation shall be permitted to promote any type of menorah or yellow or six pointed star, anywhere in the Greater European Imperium.

Article IX. Universities shall be set up only within Cities.

Article X. With the sole exception of the Capital States, no City shall have more than one (1) Imperial University, no more than one (1) Special Service (ϟϟ) University and no more than one (1) Papal University of The Aryan Church of The Creator.

No other type of institution may legally define itself as a University.

Article XI. Whereas Special Service (ϟϟ) Universities and Papal Universities of The Aryan Church of The Creator shall be autonomous in the organization of their own institutions, Imperial Universities shall be staffed only by those approved by and under the approval of the executive branch of government, regardless of affiliation or tenure.
Article XII. No curriculum shall be permitted at any Imperial University without the prior and contemporary approval of the executive branch of government.
Article XIII. All schools in receipt of public funding shall teach as their core curriculum the following.
1. Military Training – the practice and study of the sciences and arts of military engagement, intersocietal warfare and political killing, its histories and causes, the recognition of military uniforms and insignia and the study of weapons systems their evolutions and histories.

2. Civic Training – constitutional law, basic contract law, the criminal code, the understanding of market economics, their terms and metaphors, the recognition of civic uniforms and insignia, road signs, terms and expressions and the understanding of the political process its origins, features, attributes and office functions.

3. Natural History - the study of natural processes such as Biological Evolution, Astronomy, Cosmology, Paleontology, contemporary and past Ecologies and Geological History.

4. Human Racial Sciences – the study of the racial distinctions existing between humans, their effects on society, culture and economics and their relevance to sectarian pressures both within and amongst peoples.

5. Human Medicine – the study of modern medical science, medical history and basic field medicine.

Article XIV. No female shall be enrolled as a student at any Imperial or Papal University however, females may be enrolled as students at Special Service (ϟϟ) Universities provided that the total number of female students shall never exceed one (1) in every ten (10) students enrolled.

Article XV. The total number of Citizens who shall enrol at a University whether Imperial, Papal or  Special Service (ϟϟ) shall at no time be permitted to exceed more than one (1) in twenty (20) for every National Republic.

The Universities shall be organised as elite institutions.

Article XVI. Within the Universities Imperial, Papal and Special Service (ϟϟ), there shall be no extended periods of time within which no or few lectures or seminars are available to ordinary students. During enrolment every academic week shall host a minimum of one (1) full and comprehensive lecture per working day. Nor shall academic holidays be extended so as to make way for either real or alleged academic research when such research might just as easily be accomplished on the basis of fallow years, free from academic tutoring.

Article XVII. Any school, academy or university employee found to have promoted any form of displacement or dispossession against the Aryan Race as a moral or natural good, or else found to have abetted by intended utterance the Saidian mantra known as “The Other” or the Frankfurt mantra known as “Social Construct” in any lectures, seminars, course materials or public speaking engagements etcetera, shall by civil order forfeit any Citizenship or Electorship thereof and shall be permanently barred and prohibited from entering the grounds of any educational establishment, from speaking or communicating on air, from using any non-emergency telecommunications or the internet, from entering or residing within any City, town or village, from communicating with minors to include their own offspring and relatives, and from publishing or broadcasting anything either within or from within the Greater European Imperium. Such an act shall constitute as a criminal offence known under law as Academic Carcination.

1. Breaching such civil prohibition shall be considered as a felony and punishable with fines, imprisonment up to and including imprisonment for the term of one’s natural life and the death penalty.

2. All staff reasonably suspected of having done so may be made redundant independently of any employment or contract regulation to the contrary.

3. This Article shall extend with identical effect to all other New Leftist mantras of similar repugnance.

Article XVIII. No university lecture, seminar, text material or propaganda may be permitted within the rules of the university to present or refer to The Führer Adolf Hitler in any type of denigrating mode or fashion, nor may any university lecture, seminar, text material or propaganda be permitted to denigrate the several ideologies of National Socialism, Fascism, Syndicalism, Integralism, Social Nationalism or White Nationalism.

Article XIX. Any Magistrate, Urban Magistrate, Knight or Metropolitan, National or Capital Governor may order any person to be declared a Cultural Marxist, a Marxist or a Jew in official documents or under the jurisdiction of their office, for having either uttered or written the term “racist” or “racism” in public discourse and in such a way that may be considered within reason to be consistent with the New Leftist doctrine of Critical Theory, where applied against any Aryan individual or group.

Article XX. All Aryan universities shall maintain as publicly listed and readily available academic texts the complete literary works of the following authors.

Raymond Abellio, Joseph Adams, Ladmiss Andreescu, Andrew Anglin, Nimio de Anquín, Marc Augier, Charles B. Aycock, Alfred Baeumler, Jacques Bainville, Gonzalo Ballester, Maurice Barrès, Gustavo Barroso, Luigi Barzini, Bruno Bauer, Alain de Benoist, Hilaire Belloc, Jacques Benoist-Méchin, Alain de Benoist, Henri Béraud, Pierre Biétry, Theodore Bilbo, Helena Blavatsky, Kerry Bolton, Nicola Bombacci, Gustav Le Bon, Abel Bonnard, Pierre Boutang, Jonathan Bowden, Benton L. Bradberry, Robert Brasillach, James Henry Breasted, Karl Bremer, Kyle Bristow, Pierre Paul Broca, Arthur van den Bruck, Patrick Buchanan, Anne Cooper Burton, Ernesto Caballero, WJ Cameron, Roy Campbell, E. Raymond Capt, Orson Scott Card, Thomas Carlyle, William Guy Carr, Samuel A. Cartwright, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Alphonse de Châteaubriant, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Charles Champetier, Jacques Chardonne, François-René de Chateaubriand, Arthur Chesterton, Doug Christie, Collin Cleary, Thomas R. Cobb, Corneliu Codreanu, Bertrand Comparet, Charleton S. Coon, Paul David Cook, Jerome Corsi, Charles Coughlin, Harold A. Covington, AC. Cuza, Gabriele D'Annuzio, Charles Darwin, Léon Daudet, Charles Davenport, Jefferson Davis, Günter Deckert, Léon Degrelle, Joseph Deniker, Savitri Devi, Thomas J Dixon, Ignatius Donnelly, Fritz Dorls, Jacques Doriot, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Anton Drexler, Édouard Drumont, BJ Dryburgh, Alexander Dugin, David Duke, Francis Dupont, Dietrich Eckart, TS. Eliot, Sheldon Emry, Julius Evola, Henry Fairchild, Guilliame Faye, Gottfried Feder, Luigi Federzoni, Greg Felton, Seana Fenner, Ludwig Feuerbach, Edward Fields, Henry Ford, Andrew Fountaine, Samuel Francis, Benjamin Franklin, Daniel S. Forrest, Rev. Richard Furman, Manuel Galiana, Francis Galton, Andrew Fraser, Richard D. Fuerle, Giovanni Gentile, Salvatore di Giacomo, George Gliddon, Arthur de Gobineau, Joseph Goebbels, Jürgen Graf, Augustin Grandes, Madison Grant, James McGraw, Thomas Green,  Dr. Herman Greife, William Grimstad, Hans FK Günther, Federick Haberman, HK Hallimore, Jeffrey Hamm, Knut Hamsun, Richard Harwood, John Haycroft, Georg Hegel,  Martin Heidegger, Matthew Heimbach, Welf Herfurth, Charlton Heston, Heinrich Himmler, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, Adolf Hitler, William Hopkins, Juleigh Howard-Hobson, Miklós Horthy, Alois Hudal, Seth Humphrey, Dr. James Hunt, Aldous Huxley, Thomas Huxley, Carlos Ibarguren, David Irving, Alexander Jacob, Robinson Jeffers, Thomas Jefferson, Jorian Jenks, Collin Jordan, Gregory Johnson, Andrew Joyce, Carl Jung, Rudolf Jung, Ernst Jünger, Ward Kendall, Arthur Kemp, Dudly Kidd, Edmund Kiss, Ben Klassen, Vaclav Klofac, Robert Knox, Matthew Koehl, Pierre Krebs, Ernst Krieck, Alexander Kurtagić , Hubert Lagardelle, Georges Vacher de Lapouge, Harry H. Laughlin, Arnold Leese, Otto Lehrack, Frederick Leuchter, Jörg von Liebenfels, Alexander Linder, Earl Linville, Guido Von List, Norman Lowell, Howard Lovecraft, Anthony M. Ludovici, Herman Bernhard Lundborg, Trevor Lynch, Kevin MacDonald, James Madison, Charles Lee Magne, Horst Mahler, Joseph de Maistre, Curzio Malaparte, Wilhelm Marr, Filippo Marinetti, James Mason, Carlo Mattogno, Thierry Maulnier, Charles Maurras, Rafael Mazas, William McDougall, Revilo P. Oliver, Charles Lee Mange, James J. O'Meara, Michael O'Meara, HL. Mencken, Josef Mengele, Tom Metzger, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, James L. Miller, Alexander Mills, HR Morgan, Charles Morris, Samuel George Morton, Oswald Mosley, Eustace Mullins, Kai Murros, Benito Mussolini, Ernst Niekisch, Friedrich Nietzsche, Frank Norris, Josiah C. Nott, Andy Nowicki, John de Nugent, Paolo Orano, Thomas Paine, Alfredo Panzini, Karl Pearson, William Pelley, Tito Perdue, Josef Pfitzner, William Luther Pierce, Salvatore Pincherle, Michael Piper, Luigi Pirandello, Ildebrando Pizzetti, Alfred Ploetz, Michael J. Polignano, Ezra Pound, Giovanni Preziosi, Hesketh Prichard, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Carleton Putnam, Karl Radl, Ramiro Ramos, AHM Ramsay, Hugues Rebell, Onésimo Redondo, Otto-Ernst Remer, Dionisio Ridruejo, Poul Riis-Knudsen, Lucien Rebatet, Ingrid Rimland, Paul Craig Roberts, Michael Walsh, Charles White, Howard B. Rand, William Ripley, José de Rivera, Wilmot Robertson, Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, George Rockwell, Pedro Rodríguez, Konstantin Rodzaevsky, Sebastian E. Ronin, Alfred Rosenberg, Vittorio Rossi, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Germar Rudolf, Philippe Rushton, Antun Saadeh, Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Plínio Salgado, Ernst von Salomon, Herman Schmalenbach, Carl Schmitt, Miguel Serrano, William Gilmore Simms, Simon Sheppard, Frank L. De Silva, William Simpson, Robert Stark, Rudolf Steiner, Lothrop Stoddard, JB Stoner, Francis Stuart, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Georges Sorel, Willibald Schulze, Frederick Seelig, Paquita de Shishmareff, Gerald L K Smith, J. Franklin Snook, Ardengo Soffici, Troy Southgate, Herbert Spencer, Richard B. Spencer, Oswald Spengler, Deanna Spingola, Edgar Steele, Theodore Stoddard, Adolf Stoecker, Alfred Holt Stone, Gregor Strasser, Otto Strasser, Julius Streicher, Jiri Stribriny, Wilhelm Stuckart, Tomislav Sunic, Wesley Swift, Ferenc Szálasi, Jared Taylor, Richard Tedor, Alexander Thomson, Alexis de Tocqueville, Cecile Tormay, Antonio Tovar, Dr. Pavel Tulaev, John Tyndall, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Moeller Van Den Bruck, Dominique Venner, Eckhart Verlag, Irmin Vinson, Francois Voltaire, Nicholas Wade, Michael Walsh, James Watson, Walter Frank Raphael Weldon, Joseph Pomeroy Widney, Robert Whitaker, William White, Karl Maria Wiligut, Leo Yankevich, WB Yeats, Francis Parker Yockey and Ernst Zundel.

No institution shall constitute as an Imperial or Special Service (ϟϟ) university without both owning and maintaining for usual study the complete literary works of the previous listed authors. Within the humanities of the universities the written works of such authors shall constitute and be practiced as core academic reading.

Article XXI. All applicants to university enrolment shall be required to pass an ideologically biased examination on the subject of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, prior to the conclusion of any university induction procedure.

Article XXII. No one who is not the bearer of at least one (1) university bachelor’s degree in Aryan theology shall be permitted to be enrolled within any other type of university education.

Article XXIII. Each university campus shall among the students form Aryan militias of three or more persons for the general defence of The State both National and Racial, The People, their property, Cities and families and of the Citizenry.

1. Such militias shall be immune from forced conscription.

2. All university graduation shall remain non-accessible to all non-members.

Article XXIV. No one who is not a member of at least one (1) Ku Klux Klan Klavern may either hold or continue to hold a valid certificate in higher education or tenure at any university.

1. Each university campus shall be represented by at least one (1) separate Klavern which shall be headed by the university president. However, no university shall be restricted in the number of Klaverns permissible on campus, nor shall more than one (1) Klavern be compelled to be headed by any university president per campus.

2. No Klavern shall be restricted to any one religious affiliation, nor denied any association thereof except for the prohibited religion of Political Correctness or for Judaism.

3. All university alumni are hereby abolished totally and replaced with the organisation of the Klaverns.

4. The Praetor’s personal Klavern may at any time arbitrarily dissolve any other Klavern, for whatever reason or purpose.

Article XXV. No function of any university ceremony may under law be considered legitimate without the express blessing of a New Roman Catholic Aryan Priest, Bishop or higher ordained minister.

7: The Special Service (ϟϟ) & Double Service (
DS) (28)
Article I. The Greater European Imperium shall establish a Special Service (ϟϟ) for the maintenance and further refinement of professional excellence and for the execution of special tasks and projects set forth by the Praetor. The Special Service (ϟϟ) shall seek to recruit and refine to the point of perfection, all such professional fields, crafts, arts and services as maybe necessary to excel within all foremost areas of scientific, military, industrial, economic, educational and artistic endeavour.
Article II. Subsequent to the establishment of the Special Service (ϟϟ), all properties, commodities, bullion, estates, buildings, installations, infrastructure, grounds and facilities originally constructed with the intention to serve the purposes of any secret society, masonic lodge, Opus Dei or Jesuit chapter, knightly order, alumni, private members club, military grade weapons or mercenary contractor, security firm, national intelligence agency, department of defence, scientific body, space agency, internet service provider, energy company, pharmaceutical company, software or technology services company, commercial airline, police force, quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation, Cultural Marxist organisation, Globalist or Neoconservative organisation, think tank, illuminati, bank, building society, or any organisation referenced in Section One Article XXXV of this Constitution, shall immediately hence fourth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Special Service (ϟϟ), with no exceptions.
Article III. Subsequent to the establishment the Special Service (ϟϟ), all monies, finances, stocks, shares, bonds, commodities, materials, manuscripts, models, schematics, designs, algorithms, intelligence, telemetry, vehicles, transmitters, electronics, plates, gears, satellites, devices, instruments, technologies, ceramics, glasses, plastics, firearms, weapons, munitions, chemicals, laboratories, experiments, projects, specimens, artefacts, evidence and all other property previously owned, invested or rendered into custody, prior to the establishment of the Special Service (ϟϟ), by any secret society, masonic lodge, Opus Dei or Jesuit chapter, knightly order, alumni, private members club, military grade weapons or mercenary contractor, security firm, national intelligence agency, department of defence, scientific body, space agency, internet service provider, energy company, pharmaceutical company, software or technology services company, commercial airline, police force, quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation, Cultural Marxist organisation, Globalist or Neoconservative organisation, think tank, illuminati, bank, building society, or any organisation referenced in Section One Article XXXV of this Constitution, shall immediately hence fourth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Special Service (ϟϟ), with no exceptions.

Article IV. Subsequent to the establishment the Special Service (ϟϟ), all casinos, public parking lots, private hospitals and clinics, major research laboratories, bank vaults, gated community complexes, former Jewish property, bullion and assets, any private estate valued at more than two thousand (2,000) ounces in 24ct gold and all Rothschild and Rockefeller holdings and estates, shall immediately hence fourth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Special Service (ϟϟ), with no exceptions.

Article V. For fifty (50) years hence and until such time as Racial Government shall determine, all 8ct through to 24ct single gold bullion items with a weight in excess of two ounces (2oz) or single fine silver bullion items with a weight in excess of one pound (1lb) shall be forfeit and shall automatically become the indisputable property of the Special Service (ϟϟ) on foot of any Special Service (ϟϟ) seizure, requisition or acquisition unless interdicted by the Praetor.

Article VI. The Special Service (ϟϟ), shall be divided into two arms military and civilian, which shall be further divided into different several lesser Special Services as follows.
Special Air Service (Airborne), Special Combat Service (Army), Special Duty Service (Special Forces), Special Genetics Service (Racial Sciences) Special Intelligence Service (Military Intelligence), Special Naval Service (Navy), Special Warfare Service (Experimental & Preliminary Warfare).

Special Bureaucratic Service (Civil Service), Special Education Service (Schools, Universities & Academies), Special Financial Service (Banking & Finance), Special Health Service (Medical Services), Special Judicial Service (Judiciary), Special Labour Service (Construction, Architecture & Civil Engineering, Mining, Forestry, Farming), Special Media Service (Media of News & Entertainment), Special Police Service (Inter-State Law Enforcement & Civilian Security), Special Qualities Service (Antiquities & Archaeology), Special Research Service (Research Projects), Special Space Service (Space Exploration & Development), Special Telecommunications Service (Communications & Signals).
Article VII. The Praetor shall be the sole Presiding Chairman, Executive Officer and Commander-in-Chief of all Special Service (ϟϟ) units, institutions, members, organisations, associations, facilities, installations, projects, chapters and all other Special Service (ϟϟ) entities and structures.
Article VIII. The Supreme Commander General shall be secondary only to the Praetor as the supreme office of Special Service (ϟϟ) military authority. This rank shall be awarded at the Praetor’s discretion to any Citizen to include himself and by the Praetor only.
Article IX. All Special Service (ϟϟ) members shall be subject to separate executive and judicial authority under the office and Chief Magistracy of the Praetor.
Article X. All Special Service (ϟϟ) members excluding the Praetor and Supreme Commander General shall be subject to Special Service (ϟϟ) regulations, discipline and procedures.
Article XI. The civilian and military law among Special Service (ϟϟ) members shall be fused into a one (1) and only code of Special Service (ϟϟ ) law, so that military offenses such as Dereliction of Duty, Mutiny and Cowardice, apply equally to Special Service (ϟϟ) civilian members as to Special Service (ϟϟ) military members.

Article XII. The Special Service (ϟϟ), its members and institutions shall not be subject to any law except this Constitution. The Special Service (ϟϟ) shall devise its own laws contingent upon this Constitution and its own separate judicial interpretation of the Constitution, in exclusion to all other forms of legislation, executive orders and judicial precedent within the Greater European Imperium. – At all times the Praetor shall be the Chief Magistrate, Chairman and Supreme Legislator of the Special Service (ϟϟ).

Article XII. No non-Special Service (ϟϟ) power within the Greater European Imperium, other than power directly emanating from the office of Praetor through personal orders, shall in any way at all exercise any kind of jurisdictive authority over Special Service (ϟϟ) personnel, Special Service (ϟϟ) property or marked Special Service (ϟϟ) goods.

Article XIII. The Praetor may only authorise the Special Service (ϟϟ) to ordinarily arrest, detain or imprison for trial any non-member of the Special Service (ϟϟ), for any of the following acts on the basis of probable cause alone.
1. The acceptance of a legally prohibited bribe whilst in public office.
2. Treason or High Treason.
3. The illegal propagation of any anti-Aryan or Cultural Marxist agenda.
4. Conspiracy to commit Treason or High Treason.
5. Attempted Treason or High Treason.
6. Any illegal act amounting to contempt of this Constitution whilst in public office.
7. Assault upon the organisation or members of the Special Service (ϟϟ).
8. Any felony by any commissioned military or naval officer, judge, court official, civil servant, senior religious minister or senior political executive.
9. Illegal senior corruption within the military or naval armed forces.
10. Extra-racial miscegenation.
11. Perjury in a case pertaining to any charge of Treason, High Treason or illegal bribery.
12. Illegal counterfeiting.
No period of detention without charge may last longer than ninety (90) days, no more than sixty-thousand (60,000) non-Public Office Holders may be held at any one (1) time, no one may be detained in such a way more than once without a period of no less than one-hundred-and-eighty (180) days having elapsed between detentions with the exception of no more than three-hundred (300) chosen persons at any one time.
“Public Office Holders” shall be held to mean those employed within an Inner Public Sector capacity only.

Article XIV. The Greater European Imperium shall establish a Bureau of State Security (BOSS) for the protection of the state Racial, Capital, National and Colonial, the preservation of its proper constitutional functioning and the security of its apparatus of lawful institutions. The Bureau of State Security (BOSS) shall be charged with the adequate infiltration of, monitoring of and decisive intervention within core areas of concern to the State’s security and survival for so long as any fundamental threat to State Security remains prevalent.

Article XV. Subsequent to the establishment of the Bureau of State Security (BOSS) all properties, estates, buildings, installations, grounds and facilities originally constructed with the intention to serve as places of administration, education or accommodation for the purposes of any former state investigative agency or secret or political police organisation, shall immediately hence forth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Bureau of State Security (BOSS), with no exceptions.

All gold, silver, monies, finances, stocks, shares, bonds, commodities, farms, real estate, buildings, facilities, files, furnishings, models, schematics, designs, intelligence, algorithms, telemetry, vehicles, transmitters, electronics, plates, gears, satellites, devices, instruments, technologies, ceramics, glasses, plastics, firearms, weapons, munitions, chemicals, laboratories, experiments, projects, specimens, artefacts, evidence and all other property previously owned, invested or rendered into custody, prior to the establishment of the Bureau of State Security (BOSS), by any former criminal detection agency or secret or political police organisation, shall immediately hence fourth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Bureau of State Security (BOSS), with no exceptions.

Article XVIII. The Greater European Imperium shall establish a Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) for the prevention and elimination of the conditions necessary for the creation or mounting of offensive war against the Imperium, general and small scale. The Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) shall be charged with the prevention, subversion and coercion of conditions for the creation or mounting of any war whether potential or actual, aimed at harming the Imperium’s state security within a serious capacity.

Article XIX. Subsequent to the establishment of the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) all properties, estates, buildings, installations, grounds and facilities originally constructed with the intention to serve as places of administration, education or accommodation for the purposes of any overseas intelligence organisation, shall immediately hence forth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS), with no exceptions.

All gold, silver, monies, finances, stocks, shares, bonds, commodities, farms, real estate, buildings, facilities, files, furnishings, models, schematics, designs, intelligence, algorithms, telemetry, vehicles, transmitters, electronics, plates, gears, satellites, devices, instruments, technologies, ceramics, glasses, plastics, firearms, weapons, munitions, chemicals, laboratories, experiments, projects, specimens, artefacts, evidence and all other property previously owned, invested or rendered into custody, prior to the establishment of the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS), by any overseas intelligence organisation, shall immediately hence fourth be transferred without contractual cost, to the legal authority and ownership of the institution of the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS), with no exceptions.

Article XXII. The Praetor shall be the sole Presiding Chairman, Executive Officer and Commander-in-Chief of all Bureau of State Security (BOSS) and Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) units, institutions, members, organisations, associations, facilities, installations, projects, chapters and all other Double Service (DS) entities and structures.

Article XXIII. All Bureau of State Security (BOSS) and Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) personnel shall constitute as military, independent both of the regular armed forces and of the Special Service (ϟϟ).

Article XXIV. At the sole discretion of the Praetor, the Bureau of State Security (BOSS) and the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) shall enjoy full Constitutional permission to be embedded, secretly and otherwise within any other body, institution or organisation in existence.

Article XXV. All Bureau of State Security (BOSS) and Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) personnel shall be both Imperial and Military Special Service (ϟϟ) veterans, who having served in special military operations units are with no less than seven (7) years military experience.

Article XXVI. The Praetor may authorise the Bureau of State Security (BOSS) to arrest, detain or imprison for usual trial anyone for whatever reason and at any time with the following qualification.

The Bureau of State Security (BOSS) shall act only in order to safeguard the utmost security of The State from direct, present and serious threats to its established existence. The purpose of the Bureau of State Security (BOSS) shall not be in order to intervene or police in society for the prevention of crimes or other infractions, not directly related to any present and serious threat to The State of the Greater European Imperium by way of physical disestablishment.

No one not directly implicated in such a threat shall be arrested, detained or imprisoned by the Bureau of State Security (BOSS) for any reason, to include unrelated crime no matter how heinous.

Article XXVIII. The Praetor may authorise the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) to police and action any direct and serious threat of general war when directed against the Greater European Imperium and any time with the following qualification.

The Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) shall act only in order to prevent major conventional general military conflict or the undue perpetuation thereof from befalling the Imperium, whether by direct military invasion of the Imperium’s territory or otherwise. The purpose of the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) shall not be in order to intervene or police in society for the prevention of crimes or other infractions, not directly related to any present and serious threat to The State of the Greater European Imperium by direct general military invasion or insurrection by a foreign, non-Imperium or otherwise unaryan power or entity.

No one not directly implicated in such a threat shall be targeted by the Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) for any reason, to include unrelated crime no matter how heinous.

8: Territorial Integrity (21)
The Domestic Imperium shall be a confederation of several Emigrative and Immigrative National Aryan Republics, the Sovereignty thereof shall be deferred directly to the Racial Government of all such Nations according to this Constitution, and one Capital Aryan Republic of Capital States which shall be the seat of Racial Government.
These constituent emigrative states shall be established as the following followed by the several constituent immigrative states, which shall be open to immigration and colonisation by Racial Citizens generally and in perpetuity.
England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, York, Lancastria, Man, Cumberland, France, Brittany, Normandy, Gascony, Occitania, Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany, Palma, Liguria, Venetia, Tyrolia, Switzerland, Burgundy, Bavaria, Austria, Wallonia, Flanders, Zealand, Holland, Fresia, Westphalia, Saxony, Swabia, Alsace, Voralberg, Luxembourg, Saarland, Carinthia, Styria, Bergenland, Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Pomerania, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Lapland, Finland, Iceland, Svalbard, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Petroburg, Prussia, Brandenburg, Thuringia, Wartherland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Wallachia, Moldova, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Armenia, Antiochia, Colchis, Abkazia, Ajaria, Ossetia, Russia, Ukraine, Czechia, Muscovy, Ural, Mordovia, Poland, Scythia, Belarus, Campania, Sicilia, Calabria, Sardinia, Corsica, Tuscany, Modena, Parma, Lucca, Algeria, Tangeria, Vandalusia, Carthaginia, Cyrenaica, Tripolitania, Jerba, Ceuta, Portugal, Castilia, Galicia, Catalonia, The Balearic Islands, Basque, Crete, Cyprus.

Virginia, Quebec, Maryland, Delaware, New York, New England, New Sweden (Pennsylvania & New Jersey), Texas, Florida, New Spain, Guatemala, Cuba, Jamaica, Bahamas, New France (Haiti), Dominica, Aruba, Trinidad, Columbia, Brasil, Peru, Bolivia, Patagonia, Suriname (Suriname, Guyana & French Guiana), Dutch Country (Formerly South American New Holland), Amazonia, Amuria, Siberia, Bactria, Tocharia, Namibia, Rhodesia, South Africa, Boresia, Natal, New Portugal, Australia, Queensland, Kingsland (New South Wales), Victoria, Tasmania, New Zealand, Ainusia (Hokkaido).

The following shall constitute as the Capital States of the Capital Republic.

Lesser Antilles (Windward Islands, Virgin Islands & Puerto Rico), Bermuda, Manhattan, Cayman Islands, Ascension Island, Tristan de Cunha, Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Bouvet Island, Prince Edward Island, Kerguelen Islands, Christmas Island, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark, Les Blainvillais, The Scilly Islands, Shetland Islands, Faroes Islands, Jan Mayan, The Canary Islands, The Azores, Madera, Cape Verde Islands, Villa dos Remedios, Equatoria (Timone, Principe & Malabo), The Galapagos Islands, Hawaii, Socorro Islands, Isla Rey, The Trojan Isles, The Trojan Citadel.

The following shall constitute as the Capital States of The Special Service.

Welwelsburg, Berchtesgaden, Wolfsschanze, Wansee, Baltic Islands, Gotland, Bornholm, Hayden Lake, Vancouver Island, Malta, Rhodes, Lampedusa, Pantelleria, Kolossi, Besbicus Island, Gibraltar.

The following shall constitute as the Capital States of The Papal States.

Latium, Umbria, Romagna, Avignon, Benevento, Pontecorvo, Comtat Venaissin, Grenada, Andorra, Geneva, Papal Austria (Salzburg, Traunstein & Berchtesgaden), Lichtenstein, Hyperborea (Uppsala, Stockholm, Sodermanland & Vastmanland), Angelsey, Utah, Papal Brasil (Rio de Janeiro & Espirito Santo).

The following shall constitute as the Capital States of the Praetorian State.

The Praetorian Palace, Elba, Superior Royals (Ile Royale, Former Sleeping Giant National Park, Pie Island, Flatland Island, Torch Island), Praetorian Canada (Île René-Levasseur), Ayan-Tepui, Tronadoria (Nahuel Huapi), St. Helena.

The following shall constitute as the Capital States of the Presidential State.

The Presidential Palace, Dry Tortugas, Alboran Island, Longwood (St. Helena).

The following shall constitute as the Capital States of the Senate Republic.

The Senate Precinct, The Pynxes, The Senate Embassy.

Article I. The Greater European Imperium shall at all times establish and maintain a military occupation zone within the spaces immediately bordering the domestic frontiers of the Imperium.
Article II. The Racial Government shall make what empirically justified alternations to its frontiers as may be necessary in line with the natural changes in river courses, landscape contours and coastlines as experienced in border territories.

Article III. The Greater European Imperium shall institute an Imperial Guard for the protection, security and policing of the Imperium’s frontiers, its foreign territories, protectorates, vassals, empires and colonies, the high seas and for the general defence of the Imperium in times of war. The Imperial Guard shall be instituted according to the Doctrine of Combined Arms and shall as such be divided into several Legions, each exercising its own separate naval, military and aviation arms and capabilities independently of the others.

1. At the head of each legion shall be a General Officer who shall preside over both naval and military arms with the rank of ‘Imperator’, which shall be a rank superior to that of both Field Marshal and Fleet Admiral.
2. At the head of the Imperial Guard shall be a single General Officer who shall preside over all Imperial Guard forces with the rank of ‘Kaisar’, which shall be a rank superior to that of Imperator. The rank of Kaisar shall be second only to the rank of Supreme Commander General and third only to the rank of the Praetor in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief.
Article IV. Once introduced by the Praetor the establishment of treaties with foreign powers into Imperium law shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Senate. Once such a treaty is established it shall be a criminal offence for any Imperium government, governmental agency or agent or any entity of the Imperium, either to disregard or to deliberately discontinue the necessary enforcement thereof unless the treaty shall be revoked by the Senate, or struck down by the Courts or through Electoral Referendum as unconstitutional.
Article V. Once introduced by the Praetor the recognition and classification of foreign powers as political states shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Senate.
Such recognition and classification shall be further categorised according to one (1) of the six (6) following classes of the recognition of a foreign power as a political state.

1. Independent Sovereign State
1A. A political state recognised by the Senate to be Sovereign and militarily self-determined at both an operational and at a strategic level, as well as in terms of its military jurisdiction in all theatres of military occupation and military combat.

2. Dependent Sovereign State
2A. A political state recognised by the Senate to be Sovereign yet militarily determined at either an operational or at a strategic level by another power or powers, or that has its military jurisdiction in any of its theatres of military occupation or military combat determined by the jurisdiction of another power or powers.

3. Terminal Sovereign State
3A. A Sovereign state condemned by the government of the Greater European Imperium for termination and recomposition into alternate state structures already initially determined by Racial Government, and also currently in a State of War against the Imperium.

4. Spontaneous Sovereign State
4A. A political state recognised by the Senate to be self-declared, with sufficient popular support to be able to wage both consistent and coordinated physical violence against other state structures on behalf of a native culture and with the demonstrated and contemporary ability to fully seize, occupy and operate regional centres of urban civil society for a sufficient duration of time to be able to both pass and enforce, multiple directives on the surrounding human population.

5. Insurgent Non-Sovereign State
5A. A political state recognised by the Senate to be self-declared, but without sufficient popular support to be able to wage both consistent and coordinated physical violence against other state structures on behalf of a native culture and without the demonstrated and contemporary ability to fully seize, occupy and operate regional centres of urban civil society for a sufficient duration of time to be able to both pass an enforce, multiple directives on the surrounding human population.

6. Piratical Non-Sovereign State

6A. A political state recognised by the Senate to be self-declared as such, yet led by illegal aliens not representative of any recognised Sovereign state and established both through and by an armed physical invasion for the capture and plunder of the Sovereign territories of another state.

Article VI. The Greater European Imperium shall be divided into two separate Imperiums under overall Imperium jurisdiction; the Racial jurisdiction or ‘Domestic Imperium’ and the Imperial jurisdiction or ‘Foreign Imperium’.

Whereas the Domestic Imperium shall consist of the several Capital States and National Republics of the Imperium the Foreign Imperium shall consist of Colonies, Protectorates and Territories all of which shall constitute as the total Sovereign territory of the Imperium.

1. Colonies shall be under the direct civilian administration of Colonial Governments each of which shall be directly appointed and instructed by Imperial Government. Groups of Colonies may be subordinated into a Dominion, which shall be under the direct civilian administration of a High Colonial Government that shall itself be directly appointed and instructed by Imperial Government.

2. Protectorates shall be those states within the Foreign Imperium where civilian administration is divided between a Protector appointed and instructed by Imperial Government and the native electorate, their elected governments and representatives. The function of The Protectorate shall be to allow for a limited degree of positive self-determination by a particular population within the Foreign Imperium. This may be in order to secure some territory for Aryan expansion and racial colonisation or it may be for some other purpose existing in order to compliment the Aryan Racial Interest.

3. Territories shall be administered jointly by a civilian Territorial Governor who shall be appointed and instructed by Imperial Government and by the Imperial military or navy, who shall directly police the Territory and who shall directly constitute the judicial system within it. Territories shall always fall under Imperial legionary jurisdiction and shall therefore always remain under a permanent state of Imperial martial law. The only native function of the civilian Territorial Governor shall be in order to exact Imperial taxes, to survey resources for the purposes of Aryan exploitation and to create, compile and transmit the necessary statistics in order to do so.

Article VII. Dependent Sovereign States under the military suzerainty of the Greater European Imperium may abrogate all rights and any claims on Sovereignty and thereby transfer such rights or claims directly to the estate of the Imperium, thus becoming a Suzerainties to the Imperium.

Suzerainties shall be those states without any civilian jurisdiction or any type of direct or official civilian administration from the Imperium, but with all foreign and military affairs therein directly determined by Imperial Government through the several functions of the Imperial military or navy, which bodies and authorities thereof may exact financial tribute and propaganda homage from Suzerain governments by any legitimate means, to include force of arms as may be the case.

The Imperium may within the borders of any Suzerainty at any time establish Territories for the construction and maintenance of Imperium military or naval bases, bunkers, magazines, warehouses, wharves or war silos or any other form of infrastructure essential to the Imperium’s military or naval requirements.

1. In order for any Suzerainty to the Imperium to become a part of the Foreign Imperium such a state must successfully undergo transition from the status of Suzerainty to the status of a Colony, a Protectorate or a Territory of the Imperium.

2. With all Sovereign territories longing to Supreme Government combined to include both Imperiums and all Suzerainties, the sum total shall in law be referred to either as ‘The Empire’ or ‘the Aryan Empire’.

Article VIII. The Greater European Imperium shall maintain territorial waters up to and including a limit of two-hundred (200) nautical miles from her natural coastal baseline at average low tide, together with any waters thereby encircled.
Article IX. Waters up to and including a limit of two-hundred (200) nautical miles from the natural coastal baseline at low tide of any landed terrain not within the jurisdiction of the Greater European Imperium, shall be regarded as foreign waters and as non-parts of the high seas.

Article X. Where a foreign Sovereign state without terminal status, either extends or declares its territorial waters beyond a limit of two-hundred (200) nautical miles from the natural coastal baseline at regular low tide from its own landed territory, the Greater European Imperium shall fully tolerate and abide by such an act for another two-hundred (200) nautical miles, thus creating a territorial exclusion zone of four-hundred (400) nautical miles. However, the Imperium shall not recognise any such declaration in question as legally valid.

Any encroachment upon any of the Sovereign territorial waters or shipping of the Imperium of shall remain unaffected and exempt from such tolerance.

Article XI. Where territorial waters of the Greater European Imperium meet the territorial waters of a foreign shore before a two-hundred (200) nautical miles limit from the natural coastal baseline of the Imperium at average low tide, the waters shall be divided equally between those waters adjacent to the foreign shore in question and those waters adjacent to the shore of the Imperium, with an expanse of five (5) nautical miles of international waters separating each wherever such distances are in excess of five (5) nautical miles.

For the purposes of lesser distances encountered, similar arrangements shall be made in an identical fashion.
Article XII. The Greater European Imperium shall not aid through tolerance forceful encroachment by foreign military vessels, personnel or craft into the territory of the Imperium. Only evidently non-hostile foreign military vessels, personnel or craft maybe permitted to enter into the territory of the Imperium under a state of surrender to the Aryan military armed forces of the Imperium and to the state of the Imperium itself.

Article XIII. The Greater European Imperium shall not aid through tolerance forceful encroachment by unsanctioned vessels, personnel or craft into the territory of the Imperium. All such vessels, personnel or craft shall be seized by the earliest available opportunity by the military or naval armed forces of the Imperium and securely interned for further jurisdictive processing.
Article XIV. Any form of physical raid, invasion, incursion or attack into the Sovereign territory of the Greater European Imperium by a recognised political state shall regardless of the target of the offense, warrant an immediate Declaration of War against the state and subsequent counter-offensive operations into and within the particular territory directly controlled by operatives of or solely claimed by the offending political state in question.

Article XV. Any killing, organised torture or abduction of a Citizen or Provisional Citizen of the Greater European Imperium either by, or by the request or solicitation of a recognized political state from within the Sovereign territory of the Imperium, shall warrant an immediate Declaration of War against the state and subsequent counter-offensive operations into and within the particular territory directly controlled by operatives of or solely claimed by the offending political state in question.

Article XVI. All 1st Class Electors of the Greater European Imperium shall be entitled to elevated diplomatic protection. Breach of the terms of the voluntary diplomatic protection required from foreign governments which shall be secured by foreign treaty, shall automatically warrant diplomatic sanctions, to include the recalling of diplomats and the termination of embassies or other diplomatic missions.
Article XVII. Aryan females and infants may not be permitted to travel beyond the Sovereign frontiers of the Domestic Imperium, without the security of guaranteed diplomatic immunity from criminal prosecution by the destined foreign powers concerned.

Article XVIII. Aryan minors and Aryan females who are non-Electors shall not be permitted to pass any frontier of the Greater European Imperium into foreign territory and shall not be permitted to travel from the Domestic Imperium to the Foreign Imperium unless exported to the Foreign Imperium as Slaves by and for other Aryans.

Article XIX. Both the landed and the watered domestic frontiers of the Greater European Imperium shall maintain an inward facing strip of territory adjacent to the surrounding National Republics, which shall be under the full martial jurisdiction of the Imperial Guard and excluded from the jurisdiction of all National Republics. This jurisdiction shall be called the Racial Frontier or the ‘Aryan Frontier’ at large.

Article XX. Both the landed and the watered foreign frontiers of the Greater European Imperium shall maintain an inward facing strip of territory adjacent to any surrounding Colonies or Protectorates, which shall be under the full martial jurisdiction of the Imperial Guard and excluded from all other jurisdiction. This jurisdiction shall be called the Imperial Frontier or the ‘Aryan Frontier’ at large.

Article XXI. Border Treason; the wilful neglect of the Greater European Imperium’s Racial or Imperial frontiers to the serious detriment of the necessary state of security of Aryan life, liberty or property on the part of any public institution shall be a serious criminal offence, punishable by death.

Where an act of Border Treason has been committed by government or by a member of government, the citizenry having been denied due redress in the Courts shall henceforth be empowered by this Constitution to extra-judicially assassinate the Praetor and any other member of government without trial and with all indemnities and impunities as may be legally necessary. No such form of assassination attempt shall be considered under law as being any kind of felony or other criminal act, nor as any kind of civil wrong.

9: Bill of Negative Rights (42)
All free Citizens of the Greater European Imperium shall within the Domestic Imperium and may within the Foreign Imperium, enjoy the following absolute and inalienable rights. Such rights shall be preserved in law as innate and prior to this Constitution, bestowed by virtue of Racial Sovereignty and not by manmade law, order or proclamation.
Article I. Whereas an armed population is the most basic essential for the preservation of life, liberty and the prevention of tyranny, and whereas the possession and use of arms is the most ancient birthright and proudest mark of the free Aryan man down through the ages, all Citizens who are Party Members or who are Electors, Imperial veterans or frontiersmen, or who shall own non-mortgaged land of at least one twelfth (1/12) of an acre, or who shall be permitted by a writ of a Governor or other competent magistrate to possess and hold ordnances, shall enjoy the right to keep, to bear, to manufacture and to maintain blades, blunts and firearms, to include small arms, munitions, artillery, body armour, shells, warheads, shrapnel, shot, mines, conventional explosives and other personal arms and guerrilla ordinances possibly necessary for the lawful defence and preservation of the Imperium, of their own personal, familial and communal lives and property and for the humane hunting of quarry remaining unprotected by law.
1. The right to keep, bear, manufacture and maintain arms shall not be qualified or restricted by any requirement of licensing, registration, fee, taxation, restriction on transportation, or other such impediment against any portion of the free citizenry.
2. The purchase, acquisition, ownership, possession, transportation, or manufacture of ammunition, powder, cartridge casings, magazines, clips, containers and other ancillary equipment or supplies necessary to the exercise of the right to keep, bear, manufacture and maintain arms by any portion of the free citizenry, shall not be restricted or otherwise interfered with by any governmental authority or by any foreign power.
3. The right to keep, to bear, to manufacture and to maintain firearms shall include small arms; automatic, semi-automatic and non-automatic, cannons, mortars and artillery; non-propelled, self-propelled, rocket, drawn, mounted and fixed.
4. The rights included in this Article shall not extend to the automatic ownership of weapons of mass destruction.
Article II. All common residents and Citizens of the Greater European Imperium shall enjoy the right to complete freedom of non-treasonous speech, freedom of thought, freedom of artistic and creative expression, and freedom of the non-treasonous press and of the internet.

1. The right to freedom of the non-treasonous press and of the internet shall not be qualified or restricted by any requirement of licensing, registration, fee, taxation, restriction on publishing or broadcasting, or other such impediment against any portion of the free citizenry.

2. This Article shall not be construed as limiting or interdicting the right of the government or competent National or local authority, to control or prohibit published or broadcasted expressions of sedition or Treason against The People; Racial or National, or as nullifying the several permissible criminal and civil limitations on public speech, publishing and broadcasting as already established in this Constitution.

Article III. All residents of the Greater European Imperium shall enjoy the right to freedom of religion, which shall include the right to freely associate on a religious basis, to freely congregate for the purposes of religious worship, prayer or meditation and to raise children in the religion of family and cultural tradition.

Muhammadanism, the prohibited religion of Political Correctness,  Freemasonry and the religious cult of Judaism as practiced by non-Jews are excluded from this Article.

Article IV. All free Citizens and residents of the Greater European Imperium shall enjoy the right to freely associate and to freely identify with whomever, wherever they maybe and at whatever time.
Article V. All free Citizens and residents of the Greater European Imperium shall enjoy the right of assembly within the public domain without any condition or prior qualification, except those regulations which may be necessary for the basic health, safety and lawful free passage of the public.

The assembly of Metics in any one place at any one time may be restricted by law.
Article VI. All free Citizens of the Greater European Imperium shall have the right to monitor, film, record, catalogue, journal and to within reasonable purpose harass the civil administration and enforcement of law, free from either criminal or civil litigation, arrest, detention, detainment, prosecution, charges or impeachment.
Article VII. All free Citizens of the Greater European Imperium shall enjoy the right to monitor, film, record, catalogue, journal and otherwise examine and scrutinise, all and any behaviour committed by any person or entity whether perceived or real within the public domain, to include those employed in the capacity of either military or civil law enforcement. Such actions shall be free from criminal or civil litigation, arrest, detainment, prosecution, charges and impeachment.

1. This Article shall not be construed as limiting or interdicting the right of the government of the Imperium or competent National or local authority to enforce existing laws pertaining to trespass.
2. This Article shall not be construed as sanctioning any communication or information likely to seriously endanger the general military security of the Imperium through the rendering of any officially classified military or naval secret to the attention of any foreign or non-Aryan power, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Article VIII. No one shall be compelled by law to undergo any penalty, sentence or punishment without lawful criminal conviction in a Court of law.

Article IX. No lawful resident shall be detained by anyone acting in the capacity of a public servant without being informed of their detention.

Article X. No lawful resident under public detention shall be recorded by The State without having been served clear and present notice, which shall be beforehand.

Article XI. No lawful resident shall be required by law to provide any information unless bound by Court Subpoena or wilful sacred oath to do so with one (1) exception.

The government of the Greater European Imperium may by law require any property owning Citizen to provide information for the purposes of any National or Racial Census, pertaining to the following.

1. Number of persons resident per household.

2. Sexes of each person resident per household.

3. Ages of each person resident per household.

4. Racial and National identity of each person resident per household.

5. Civic status of each person resident per household.

6. Perceived fitness for military or naval service of each Aryan resident per household.

There shall be no more than one (1) National Census and one (1) Racial Census per decade. In all situations each property owning Citizen shall be responsible solely for their own households and tenants to the exclusion to all others in the rendering of any census data that may be required by law.
Article XII. No one shall be compelled to employ another as a private employer, other than through lawful contract.

Article XIII. All residents shall have the right to impose a reasonable detention with probable cause for the prevention of crime.

Article XIV. All residents shall have the right to self-defence, to include the capacity to kill those caught red handed for the serious prevention of crime.

This Article shall not be construed as sanctioning the killing of anyone in a clear, present and probable state of obvious surrender.

Article XV. All free Citizens and Metics of the Greater European Imperium shall enjoy the right to be free from criminal arrest without probable cause.

Article XVI. All free Citizens and Metics of the Greater European Imperium shall enjoy the right to be free from both search and seizure of non-imported goods and property and the right to freedom from imprisonment, punishment, or forfeiture except by due process of law.
All warrants for the search, seizure or intrusion of non-imported goods or private transport, shall be requested in a law Court for the purposes of constitutional scrutiny and record keeping and shall be both created and issued by the executive branch of government.

1. Such warrants shall be specific, citing the correct dates, times, items, premises and locations, the warrant bearing searcher(s) or inspector(s) in question, the suspected persons, cargo or items in question and the presiding Judge, Magistrate, Knight, Governor, Sheriff, Undersheriff  or Watchman in question or the Praetor.

2. In the event of a seriously life threatening event or situation, warrants may be attained retrospectively if it is proven beyond reasonable doubt and to the satisfaction of the executive, that the primary concerns of the instigator or instigators in doing so were reasonably justified for the direct prevention of serious criminal acts.

3. No law or decree maybe passed which grants any automatic right to either search or seize goods or property to any one individual, or which grants any automatic right to either search or seize goods or property owned by more than one per cent (1%), of the Imperium’s citizenry at any one time however, property maybe confiscated and where necessary impounded for the basic health and safety of the public.

4. Goods may or may not be classified as imported by being imported into one (1) National Republic from another, whether in transit or by intended destination. Goods classified as imported on the aforementioned basis shall be called ‘internal imports’ as opposed to ‘external imports’.

5. Goods imported from the Foreign Imperium may or may not be exempted as imported goods. Goods exempted from on the aforementioned basis shall be referred to under law as ‘colonial imports’.

6. No such search warrant shall be enforced by the breaking and entering of private property unless authorised by a separate warrant of execution of identical standards.
Article XVII. No free Citizen may be stalked with tracking devices, wiretapped, baited or entrapped by public law enforcement, monitored by state authorities or agencies acting on behalf of The State with the use of either hidden devices or devices privately owned, or through the precise tracing of personal traffic or through the interception of private mail, except by due process of law.
1. All warrants for any such stalking, wiretapping, monitoring, tracing or interception shall be requested in a law Court for the purposes of constitutional scrutiny and record keeping and both created and issued by the executive branch.
2. Such warrants shall cite the correct dates, times, items, premises and locations, the warrant bearing officer(s) or investigator(s) in question, the suspected persons, vehicles, cargo or items in question and the presiding Judge, Magistrate, Knight, Governor, Sheriff, Undersheriff or Watchman in question or the Praetor.
3. In the sole event of a seriously life threatening situation, warrants may be attained retrospectively if it is proven beyond reasonable doubt in a Court of law and to the satisfaction of the executive, that the primary concerns of the officer(s) or investigator(s) in doing so were reasonably justified for the direct prevention of serious criminal acts.

4. No law maybe passed which grants any automatic right to either stalk, wiretap, monitor, trace or intercept, or which grants any right to either stalk, wiretap, monitor, trace or intercept more than two per cent (2%), of the Imperium’s citizenry at any one time.

5. No warrant for any such enterprise may be issued, except on the basis of the following reasonable suspicions.
5A. Reasonable suspicion of an act of Treason or attempted Treason.
5B. Reasonable suspicion of an act of criminal rape.
5C. Reasonable suspicion of an act of murder.
5D. Reasonable suspicion of an act of grand theft.

5E. Reasonable suspicion of an act of fraud.

5F. Reasonable suspicion of criminal espionage.
5G. Reasonable suspicion of criminal industrial sabotage.
5H. Reasonable suspicion of illegal bribery whilst in public office.
5I. Reasonable suspicion of any form of electoral subversion whether committed or established in contravention of this Constitution.
5J. Reasonable suspicion of Marxist activities directed against Aryan racial or ethnic interests.
5K. Reasonable suspicion of any non-Aryan racial identity having been illegally concealed either from or against the information of government.
5L. Reasonable suspicion of Jewish identity.

5M. Reasonable suspicion of harbouring any felon, convicted fugitive or Jew.

6. The Bureau of State Security (BOSS) shall be exempt from this Article for as long as any fundamental threat to State Security remains prevalent, according to the Praetor’s determination.
Article XVIII. No free Citizen of the Greater European Imperium shall be required to register with any person or entity within the Domestic Imperium for any purpose other than for taxation purposes, for the purposes of penal servitude on the basis of criminal conviction, or for purposes explicitly referred to in this Constitution.
Metics shall be required to register with the Special Police Service (SPS) at least once per year.
Article XIX. No lawful resident shall be compelled by law to consume or administer for human consumption any form of drug, solution, medication or substance without the sanction of their own individual, conscious and voluntary wilful consent, unless medically certified as clinically insane and judicially sectioned under mental health statutes.

Article XX. No Aryan resident of the Greater European Imperium shall be designated as either a military or a civilian combatant at war with the Imperium, except with either one (1) of four (4) conditions.
1. Where the resident in question has signed an affidavit declaring him or herself to be absolved from all allegiances to the state of the Imperium, both sworn and implied.
2. Where the resident in question has voluntarily joined the service of a foreign Sovereign power in order to aid or assist in a condition of war against the Imperium and has done so by oath.

3. Where the resident in question has opened fire on military or paramilitary forces of the Imperium within an area first designated and then declared to be in a State of Rebellion against the Imperium by the Senate. Declaration of a State of Rebellion may only be issued on foot of a declaration of a State of Imperial Martial Law.

4. Where the resident in question has taken up the employ of those entities proscribed in Section One, Article Thirty-Nine of this Constitution.

Article XXI. No Aryan resident of the Greater European Imperium shall be forcibly abducted or subjected to transportation or resettlement by law, except by the lawful procedures of extradition or judicial sentence or under one (1) other condition.

Where a resident is a male natural born free resident of a National Republic or National City or County declared to be in a State of Anarchy by the Senate and as such is found to be of fighting age and ability, the resident in question may be subject to collective punishment by Racial Government upon any Aryan City or County for the following collective offences.

1. Major breach of the peace with a view to racial fratricide.

2. Sectarian rioting in a Public Place with a view to racial fratricide.

3. Illegal warfare or unlawful paramilitary terrorism against the general society of another Aryan Nation.

4. Acts of illegal ethnic cleansing against another Aryan Nation.

5. Murder or public acts of homosexuality or blasphemy, sacrilege or apostasy against the Aryan Church of The Creator by the commission of natural born residents.

6. Civil insurrection against the Imperium in the name or for the aims of any Marxist or non-Aryan creed, agenda or ideology.

Declaration of a State of Anarchy may only be issued on foot of a major inter-Aryan sectarian incident as defined, determined and declared by Racial Government according to law.

Article XXII. No Aryan resident, whether child or adult shall be compelled by law to attend or to submit to any form of institution, establishment, business, session or procedure for any purpose of education, training, enlightenment, worship, instruction, indoctrination or propaganda, or for the purpose of any institution, establishment, business, session or procedure not already sanctioned by this Constitution.

Article XXIII. No form of music, animation, film, documentary, audio, video, literature, data or information already broadcasted to within the public domain may be copyright protected under law.

Article XXIV. The State shall not in any way either censor or manipulate the journalistic or research activities or practices of any Constitutionally Licensed Citizen for whatever reason, whether directly or indirectly, with one (1) exception.

Where and when the research activities or practices in question are as such that they do constitute a literal, self-evident and direct attempt to destroy that general military or naval security which is fundamentally necessary to the adequate survival and continuity of the Greater European Imperium.
Article XXV. No Citizen of the Greater European Imperium shall be tried in a Court of law or passed criminal verdict over, except by a jury of their peers whom shall also be of the same or closest civic status as they.
The Citizen in question shall before standing trial enjoy the unambiguous right to choose either a mixed sex jury or a jury made up entirely of the same sex, for the entire duration of the trial proceedings.
Article XXVI. Government shall make no law or ordinance granting to any civil authority the legal power to seize any Aryan child from the custody of the natural father, except by due process of law.

1. All warrants for any said seizure shall be requested in a law Court for the purposes of Constitutional scrutiny and record keeping and both created and issued by the executive branch of government.

2. Such warrants shall cite the correct dates, times, persons, premises and locations, the warrant bearing officer(s) or investigator(s) in question, the family and child in question and the presiding Judge, Magistrate, Knight or Governor in question or the Praetor.
3. In the event of a seriously life threatening situation, warrants may be attained retrospectively if it is proven beyond reasonable doubt in a Court of law and to the satisfaction of the executive, that the primary concerns of the officer(s) or investigator(s) in doing so were reasonably justified for the direct prevention of serious criminal acts.

4. No law maybe passed which grants any automatic right to seize the children of more than one per cent (1%), of the Imperium’s child fathering citizenry at any one time.
5. No warrant for any such enterprise may be issued, except on the basis of the following reasonable suspicions.
5A. Reasonable suspicion of mortal peril.

5B. Reasonable suspicion of a criminal act of sexual paedophilia.
5C. Reasonable suspicion of false adoption.
5D. Reasonable suspicion of anti-Aryan religious brainwashing, whether Jewish, Marxian or otherwise.

5E. Reasonable suspicion of Marxist activities directed against Aryan racial or ethnic interests.

5F. Reasonable suspicion of any non-Aryan racial identity having been concealed either from or against the due information of government.

6. Non-Special Service (ϟϟ) family policing shall be the purview of the Aryan Church of The Creator, its ministries, finances and Papal agents.

Article XXVII. No lawful resident shall be placed on trial without the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

Article XXVIII. All lawful residents not held without proper charges for any period in excess of seventy-two (72) consecutive hours, shall be released without conditions of either bail or probation.
Article XXIX. All lawful residents charged with a criminal offense, shall face trial within two-hundred-and-sixteen (216) hours from the hour of the charge or charges in question having been originally pressed. All accused persons shall be granted a period of at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to trial, in order to prepare for a defence of their case and granted unfettered access to all amenities necessary for the assemblance of a coherent legal defence.
Article XXX. All lawful residents shall be free from any legal compulsion to all and any form of internal search, body cavity search, strip search, radioactive or chemical search, or any type of sexual or genital interference or groping not already sanctioned by this Constitution, or any type of examination amounting as such.

The bodily dignity of all Citizens and Metics shall be respected by all those acting within the capacity of agents of The State and at all times. However, The State shall maintain the right to establish secure environments free for Citizens or Metics from the Aryan negative influence of Degenerates by means of apartheid and the creation of secure reservations, ghettos and stations of control for Degenerate internment and shall reserve the right to examine, train and exercise the Imperium’s Imperial troops.

Article XXXI. No lawful resident shall be incarcerated, imprisoned or detained without probable cause pertaining to a reasonably established crime, the reasonable suspicion of a crime or a reasonably perceived state of mental insanity posing a specific and obvious extraordinary risk of unlawful harm to other members of the public.

Where a non-Jewish lawful resident has become reasonably perceived as mentally insane and as such represents the threat aforementioned, this shall be properly established in a Court of law, before the individual concerned may be sectioned away from those areas of society therein at significant risk of unlawful harm.

Article XXXII. No trial shall be in anyway either secret or closed to the public, with two exceptions.
1. Where and when a crime under prosecution concerns an act whether alleged or real, that either directly threatens or has directly threatened that general military security which is fundamentally necessary to the adequate Racial Security of the Greater European Imperium.

2. Where and when the trial in question is a military trial of an accused person bound by military law, either through lawful military enlistment, warrant or commission or through a lawful Declaration of Martial Law.

Article XXXIII. Government shall make no law requiring a civilian uniform nor shall government prohibit the free exercise thereof. All attire and absence of attire shall in the public domain be permitted, except for the usual and good regulation necessary for the reasonable health and safety of the public. – “Reasonable health and safety of the public” shall not be construed in order to justify or empower the enabling of government to prohibit articles which may incite or agitate emotions, intemperance, hatred, contempt or animosity, or which constitute as no more than political, religious, historical, theatrical or cultural expression.

Article XXXIV. No agent or institution of The State shall disinform a Citizen. The Bureau of State Security (BOSS) shall be exempt from this Article for so long as any fundamental threat to State Security remains prevalent, according to the Praetor’s determination.

Article XXXV. No agent or institution of The State shall act or inform with malice in order to undermine the lawful fortunes of a Citizen or a Metic.

Article XXXVI. Government shall make no law to the effect of elevating any penalty higher than another for the same offence, on account of motive, aggravation, creed, nationality or cause, nor shall ideas, thoughts, tones, emotions, attitude or philosophy be in themselves outlawed.
Article XXXVII. Government shall make no law requiring the acquisition, collection or redistribution of resources made available from the private ownership of territory or property, except for any such act of acquisition, collection or redistribution that directly destroys the same right of another.

Article XXXVIII. No type of general behaviour shall be outlawed. All criminal legislation shall cite specific actions to be prohibited under law.

Article XXXIX. No state of public order shall in itself be protected by law. It shall be the prerogative of the citizenry directly to form, shape and determine the general state of public order and disorder in civil society.

Article XL. No organisation, group, association, community or membership thereof may be proscribed for any reason except by reason of proven fraud, proven Treason or proven Jewish identity.

Article XLI. No Citizen, their property or whereabouts shall in any way be subject to registration, listing or monitoring by the civil authorities without the reasonable basis of a crime or suspicion of a crime.

Article XLII. No legal prohibition shall be made in respect to any form of activity, language, music, art, institution, organisation, association, commerce, industry, ritual, religion, meditation, ceremony, education, indoctrination, intercourse or tradition, or establishment thereof not already prohibited explicitly by this Constitution, provided that such discourse concerned does not directly inhibit or restrict the negative liberty of others by action.

10: Bill of Individual Responsibilities (26)
All free Citizens of the Greater European Imperium shall be required by covenant to observe, fulfil and honour the following individual responsibilities. Such responsibilities shall be required in law on the basis of the existing compact between the Individual Citizen and the Racial State.

Article I. All able-bodied Provisional Citizens of the Greater European Imperium, male and female must serve a basic term of active duty in the armed forces of their respective National Guard of no less than eighteen (18) months as determined by the National law of their National Republic, before attaining twenty (20) years of age.
Article II. Having served a basic term of active duty as stated above in Article I, all able-bodied male Provisional Citizens of the Greater European Imperium must serve a basic term of active duty, either in the Industrial Front of no less than forty-eight (48) months or in the Imperial Guard of no less than twenty-four (24) months, before the attainment of twenty-five (25) years of age.
From this reserve no more than twenty per cent (20%) shall serve in the Imperial Guard on such terms.
Article III. Having served a basic term of active duty as stated formerly above in Article I, all able-bodied female Provisional Citizens of the Greater European Imperium must serve a basic term of active duty in the Industrial Front of no less than forty-eight (48) months, before the attainment of twenty-five (25) years of age.

Article IV. All Provisional Citizens who by reason or disability or other cause are not subject to mandatory military service as stipulated in Article I above, must complete a term of National Service to the state and community, the duration and nature of which shall be determined by National law. All Provisional Citizens who by reason or disability or other cause are not subject to mandatory industrial service as stipulated in Article II and Article III above, must complete a term of Racial Service to the state and community, the duration and nature of which shall be determined by Racial law.
Article V. All able-bodied Citizens and non-serving Provisional Citizens, male and female shall either form or enlist within a National Civilian Militia, for the security and defence of their respective National Republic and of The Race. No Civilian Militia may be legally recognised by government as a legitimate militia unless it is lawfully constituted of three (3) or more Citizens of the same National Republic.
Article VI. All Civilian Militia shall be available for induction and reconstitution into their Republic’s National Guard in the event of a National Declaration of War.

Women and male Citizens with no younger and able-bodied male sibling shall not be compelled to observe this Article. However, all non-reconstituted Civilian Militia shall remain active in the event of enemy invasion or enemy insurrection.

Article VII. It shall be the Constitutional duty of every fit, free and male pure stock Aryan Citizen to march to war under any one of the following conditions.

1. In the event that the home soil of the Citizen’s native National Republic has become invaded by enemy military, paramilitary or naval forces.

2. In the event that an enemy military, paramilitary or naval land invasion force has invaded the sacred soil of Inner Europe by landing on any one of the Mediterranean, Black, Caspian Sea, Arctic Ocean or Atlantic Ocean Inner European coastlines, or by crossing the Ural Mountains, the Caucus Mountains or the Volga River into Inner European territory.

3. In order to discharge the terms of armed service and military and naval conscription as laid down in this Constitution.

4. In order to combat any militarised Jewish threat to the Aryan Race wherever it may be seen as a clear and present danger to the fundamental prerequisites of sound Aryan national or racial security or public order.

Article VIII. All able-bodied Provisional Citizens shall purchase, own and maintain the following of weapons, munitions and supplies, prior to and during any assumed term as Citizen of the Greater European Imperium.

One (1) assault rifle; one (1) bladed combat weapon; one (1) competent sidearm; one-thousand (1,000) small arms rounds; one (1) suit of military standard body armour.

Article IX. All able-bodied Citizens of the Greater European Imperium between twenty-five (25) and forty (40) years of age, male and female must serve additional basic terms of active duty in the armed forces of their respective National Guard consisting of six (6) weeks in every two (2) years in order to retain Citizenship.

Article X. All Citizens who by reason or disability or other cause are not subject to mandatory military service as stipulated in Article VIII above, must complete similar terms of National Service to the state and community, the duration and nature of which shall be determined by National law.

Serving soldiers shall be exempted both from this Article and from Article VIII above.
Article XI. All Aryan residents of the Greater European Imperium shall refrain from the abomination of sexual congress or sexual contact with non-Aryans. Any such act shall constitute the criminal offense of Racial Treason unless exempted according to Section Four, Article XIV 1A, in which case thereof no Aryan so exempted shall be permitted to form or to serve in any militia or military unit, either with or alongside any normal or racially unmixed Aryan.
Article XII. All Aryan Citizens and Provisional Citizens of the Greater European Imperium shall refrain from the abomination of homosexual acts.

Article XIII. All Aryan Citizens and Provisional Citizens of the Greater European Imperium shall refrain from acts of adultery.
Article XIV. All Provisional Citizens of the Greater European Imperium shall refrain from the conception of offspring.

Article XV. No Citizen, Provisional Citizen, Metic or government body or authority shall charge any form of interest, premium, or any other form of fee, bonus or bounty for any loan of money.
Article XVI. No resident of the Greater European Imperium may charge or accept any monetary emolument, fee, gift, donation or anything of value for performing the function of a priest, religious leader or minister of any religion other than of the official New Religion of The State, as represented by the Aryan Church of The Creator.

Payments made from the Aryan Church of The Creator to any priest, minister or religious leader of an official secondary religious tradition shall be exempt.

Article XVII. No resident of the Greater European Imperium may charge or accept any monetary emolument, fee, gift, or anything of value for performing any service connected with counselling, consolation, bereavement, or communication with the dead unless through an official religious capacity that shall be first sanctioned by the Aryan Church of The Creator.

Article XVIII. No resident of the Greater European Imperium may charge or accept any monetary emolument, fee, gift, or anything of value for performing any service connected with law, legal processes, trial or litigation, or for speaking in defence of a defendant in any legal case.

Article XIX. All residents of the Greater European Imperium must acknowledge the inalienable right of the Imperium to exist as a state exclusively for the use and residence of Aryan people, and shall refrain from all acts of Treason or counterrevolution against the Imperium or the literal survival of The Aryan People as a whole.
Article XX. All Citizens and Provisional Citizens must act to ensure the educational and nutritional wellbeing of all healthy offspring born to them.

Article XXI. All Citizens must act to ensure the gainful employment of their fellow Citizens to the collective benefit of the Aryan Race, its Aryan prosperity and physical continuation.

This Article shall directly require richer Citizens and The State to assume a higher responsibility to ensure the gainful employment of all free, sane and able-bodied Citizens in the Domestic Imperium as a specific legal obligation. Inexcusable failure to abide by this obligation may result in both civil lawsuits and criminal charges, although the several Aryan Nations shall be permitted to safeguard ethnic identity and loyalty to family, clan, tribe and Nation by means of private discrimination.

Article XXII. All Citizens collectively must ensure that every able-bodied Citizen receives readily available access to gainful employment throughout the duration his or her lifetime. Failure shall not be tolerated by government.
Motherhood and Home Economics shall be considered as two types of full time employment.

Article XXIII. All Citizens must act to ensure that affordable homes and livingspace be made readily available to all newly made free male Citizens who are able to work. It will be the aim of government to ensure that the overwhelming majority of the free and able male citizenry live apart from parental spouses or former guardians within a year of having attained Racial Citizenship.

Article XXIV. All Citizens must honour the natural demands of their marital spouses that they perform unprotected heterosexual intercourse within the sanctity of Aryan wedlock, but no Citizen must be compelled by law to honour any demand for any form of sexual intercourse without a view to healthy Aryan pregnancy and childbirth.

Article XXV. All Citizens of the Greater European Imperium must enrol on an organ donation registry and a blood donation registry, such that those Aryan Citizens in medical need of blood transfusions may benefit from the donated blood of fellow Citizens and such that those Aryan Citizens in need of organ transplants or medical grafts, may benefit from the mortal remains of the dead citizenry.

Article XXVI. All Citizens of the Greater European Imperium must act in order to reasonably assure the lethal, extrajudicial assassination of any Judge or executive of government who openly attempts to directly overrule the Constitution of the Imperium.

In all cases where a defendant pleads this Article in the defence against having been accused of the murder, battery or assault of any Judge or executive of government in a Court of law, the Electorate directly shall have the automatic power of full acquittal through Referendum Initiative, both National and Racial.

11: Bill of Positive Rights (12)

Article I. The Greater European Imperium has and shall maintain the right to demand and require of all residents of The State their constitutional loyalty, their active support and aid.

Article II. The Greater European Imperium has and shall maintain the right to demand and require of the Aryan People as a whole their pure, able, indefinite and biological racial continuation into the future at the genetic level by any means as may be necessary, and their total refrainment of all acts of Racial Treason through any extra-racial miscegenation.

Article III. The Greater European Imperium has and shall maintain the right to demand and require of all able male Aryan residents of The State their affective mobilisation and competent deployment in a time of military invasion by a foreign or treasonous power, and of all able residents of both sexes their affective mobilisation and competent deployment in any time and place of war where the Imperium shall have been invaded and occupied by any non-Aryan power, or in time of a guerrilla war where the constitutional survival of The State shall be in jeopardy.

Article IV. The Greater European Imperium has and shall maintain the right to demand and require of all Aryans their active participation in the extinction of any mixed race life the conception of which shall have been forced upon The Race through miscegenous rape as a tool of warfare, whether by abortion, infanticide or other similar act of lethal termination.

Article V. The Greater European Imperium shall protect and maintain the right of all unbegotten future Aryan generations of their right to a mortal future existence and a contemporary legal personality. As such The State may issue any demand on their behalf necessary for the provision of their conception, birth, survival and maturation into competent Aryan adulthood in safety and tranquillity.

Article VI. The Greater European Imperium shall protect and maintain the right of all fit and able free Aryan men of their right to gainful employment, to wives, to the stable society of family, to the pursuit of private ownership in landed property and bullion and to experience in war.

Article VII. The Greater European Imperium shall protect and maintain the right of all fit and able free Aryan women of their right to marriage, to give birth and to the stable society of family.

Article VIII. The Greater European Imperium shall protect and maintain the right of all able and free Aryan children and minors of their right to immersion in healthy Aryan culture, religion and society, to a Mother and a Father, to the stable society of family, to actively and publicly identify with Race and Nation and to express pride in the Aryan Race, its history, patriotic traditions, military arms and cultural achievements.

Article IX. The Greater European Imperium shall protect and maintain the right of all Aryan Citizens and Provisional Citizens the right to a racially and ethnically homogenous all Aryan country in which to live, reside, grow, prosper and die in complete absence any involuntary contact, association or communication with any non-Aryan.
Article X. The Greater European Imperium shall protect and maintain the right of all Aryan Citizens and Provisional Citizens to live and reside in a Jew Free or ‘Judenfrei’ society, free from all Jewish decay, poison, corruption, influence, deception, false history, propaganda and ideology, and from any structures or buildings prepared by Jews or a Jew or on behalf of any Jew for controlled demolition or implosion.

Article XI. The Greater European Imperium shall protect and maintain the right of the Aryan public at large to full protection from being involuntarily subjected to sexually explicit acts against the Aryan Race, to acts of Treason through the desecration of uniting panracial Aryan symbols or to any anti-Aryan propaganda promoting homosexuality within or the niggerisation or Judaisation of, the Aryan Race, or to any sight or suggestion thereof.

Article XII. The Greater European Imperium shall protect and maintain the right of all Aryan Citizens and Provisional Citizens to full protection from involuntary contact, association or communication with Jews, with any adherent to the prohibited religion of Political Correctness or with anyone factually proven to harbour any ideological or religious hostility towards the Aryan Race as a whole.

12: Bill of Governance (32)

The State of the Greater European Imperium shall be required by covenant to observe, fulfil and honour the following main principles of all governance.
Article I. The function of government shall not be to infringe upon the private incomes or purchases of the ordinary citizenry without the due necessity of a time of war, or to enforce the stated terms of lawful Citizenship with the imposition of all fines or imposts as may be necessary.

Article II. The function of government shall not be to require licensing for any form of possession or procedure unless qualified by a reasonable demand for the regulation of standards of health and safety in public life, or for the regulation of conditions of public order within the public domain.
Article III. The function of government shall not be in order to regulate the health and safety of the public to such degrees as to shield or protect any part, from risks necessary to the proper functioning of Aryan society, growth and education.
Article IV. The function of government shall not be in order to directly shield or protect individuals from the self-harming consequences of their own unduly reckless actions or inactions, or from the self-harming consequences of their own disabilities.
Article V. The function of government shall not be in order to reduce the capacity of The Race or of any Aryan Nation to resist illegal military occupation, invasion or counterrevolution, the gross subversion of this Constitution, or corruption from within government independently of The State.
Article VI. The function of government shall not be in order to undermine, reduce or sabotage the Constitutional protection of Aryan Natural Law and of the several primary Negative Liberties therein.

Article VII. The function of government shall not be in order to pass, uphold, enforce, affect or apply post de facto legislation or retrospective judicial rulings outside of Constitutional law.
Article VIII. The function of government shall not be in order to pass legislation for the subjection of the Citizen to vague, ambiguous, metaphysical, spectral, emotional or non-specific requirements, procedures, language, dress, demonstrations or legal obligations, or to pass any legislation criminalising general behaviours, opinions, beliefs, thoughts or attitudes, whether individual or collective.
Article IX. The function of government shall not be in order to require distress, anger, sorrow, remorse, anxiety or any other emotional state or any display or demonstration thereof for any type of access to judicial clemency, commutation, bail, sentence, appeal or respite.

Article X. The function of government shall not be in order to facilitate the sectarian power of any group or agenda hidden from public view, or to sustain any balance thereof.
Article XI. The function of government shall not be in order to redefine or outlaw words, phrases or language for the appeasement of any type of agitation, whether political, social or religious.

Article XII. The function of government shall not be in order to redefine or bias the legal definition of terms in order to discriminate against or to deflect any form of lawful dissent, political or otherwise.

Article XIII. The function of government shall not be in order to subvert the proper use of terms and language so as to criminalise or pathologise mere tendency or so as to designate terms merely representative of a tactical or strategic approach as terms representing specific creeds or ideologies.

1. The basic concept of terrorism or any other such term like it shall never in law be held to represent anything other than a tactic. Terrorism in itself shall not in law be held to mean a specific creed, ideology, crime or specific agenda and shall never be outlawed.

2. The basic concept of extremism or any other such term like it shall never in law be held to represent anything other than a tendency. Extremism in itself shall not in law be held to mean a specific creed, ideology, crime or specific agenda and shall never be outlawed.

3. The radicalisation of language, thoughts, words, emotions or ideas shall not in itself be a crime.

Article XIV. The function of government shall not be in order to attempt to either provoke or to solicit by either entrapment or deception the commissioning of any crime on the part of any Citizen.

Article XV. The function of government shall not be in order to agitate for the encouragement of any crime, or to attempt as such by the unsolicited infiltration and false influence of any lawful society or gathering of Citizens.

Article XVI. It shall not be the function of government to require, demand or participate in the setting of arbitrary targets or quotas in criminal convictions, arrests, investigations, detainments, incarcerations or executions from among the general population or from among the citizenry.

Article XVII. The function of government shall not be in order to liquidate or to permanently deprive goods or property on the basis of probable cause alone. All and any goods or property seized by government may only be liquidated or permanently deprived on the basis of a criminal conviction of the property owner in question, which if overturned shall warrant full compensation from the public treasury.

Article XVIII. The function of government shall not be to extract confessions or witness testimony through any plea bargain, unless publicly and directly permitted by National or Racial legislature per case.

Article XIX. The function of government shall not be in order to prevent the Citizen from refrainment of entry into any lawful civil contract.

Article XX. The function of government shall not be in order to establish or to convict victimless crimes beyond those specifically required by this Constitution.
Article XXI. The function of government shall not be in order to impose or to surrogate the will of any non-Aryan power upon Aryans, wherever they may be and in whatever condition.

Article XXII. The function of government shall not be in order to create diplomatic ties, alliances, agreements or compacts with non-Aryan powers that are not in the overall collective interest of the Aryan Race as a whole.

Article XXIII. The function of government shall not be to participate in or tamper with the Citizen's freedom to form closed communities, or to issue, exchange or circulate private currency.

Article XXIV. The function of government shall not be in order to legally require the Citizen to attend, be subject to or to contribute towards any type of procedure, other than those necessary for the basic enforcement of law and order or referred to explicitly in this Constitution. No sentence, regulation or directive shall ever compel The Citizen to be indoctrinated or to undertake any kind of therapy, counselling or political reorientation.

Article XXV. The function of government shall not be in order to determine the outcome of specific elections or referenda by the practice of defamation, whether public or private or through the instigation of biased public finances or false public information.

Article XXVI. The function of government shall not be in order to tailor legislation or executive orders to the demands or needs of non-Citizen groups or individuals, whether real or alleged.

Article XXVII. The function of government shall not be in order to revoke the nullification by any electoral referendum or Court jury of any law not directly required by this Constitution.

Article XXVIII. The function of government shall not be in order to censure the Senate, its decisions or lawful rulings.

Article XXIX. The function of government shall not be to police or prohibit thoughts, ideas, hypothesis or the free expression thereof unless explicitly sanctioned by this Constitution.

Article XXX. The function of government shall not be to construe criticisms or insults against The State’s leaders and executive officers as acts of Treason, sedition or insult against the Aryan Race in and of themselves.
Article XXXI. On no account shall any part of the Greater European Imperium be permitted either to surrender or formally cede institutions, territory, civilian personnel or state Sovereignty to any non-Aryan entity, power or regime.

Article XXXII. The Bureau of State Security (BOSS) and Bureau of Field Security (BOFS) may in the fundamental interests of the Aryan Race exempt its actions or operatives from adherence to those parts of this Section pertaining to deception, intrigue or judicial exemption.

13: Emergency Rule (20)

Article I. By request of the Praetor in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief any National Parliament of the Greater European Imperium may declare a State of Martial Law, lasting any period as may be prescribe by National Parliament. However, the Senate may independently from the Praetor and at any time terminate the said period for any reason, by a majority vote. The Senate shall itself serve within the role of Parliament with respect to the Capital States.

Article II. Once a National Parliament, or in respect of the Capital States the Senate has declared a State of Martial Law, either over the whole of its jurisdiction or its jurisdiction in parts only, the administration of justice, legislation and executive civil control shall immediately pass to the military sphere of the National Republic. In respect of the Capital States this role shall be passed to the Imperial Guard. However, the precincts of Parliament shall be exempt.
Article III. A National Parliament may refer any currently presiding Declaration of National Martial Law to the Senate for a further deliberation. The Senate may then alter the said declaration by declaring a further State of Imperial Martial Law, whereby the administration of justice, legislation and executive civil control in the region in question shall immediately pass to the military sphere of the Imperial Guard.

Article IV. The Senate shall independently from the Praetor retain all rights to terminate any Declaration of Martial Law in any part of the Domestic Imperium, for whatever reason.

Article V. In times of Martial Law whether Imperial or otherwise the Provisional Military Government presiding may suspend the Bill of Rights and Habeas Corpus, in part or in whole.

Article VI. The Senate may at any time declare any region subject to a State of Imperial Martial Law to also be in a State of Rebellion. Once a State of Rebellion is declared the affected region’s native inhabitants may be subject to collective punitive actions, to include enslavement, the torching of buildings and settlements, the taking of hostages and extraction of reparations, the imposition of all necessary curfews and civil restrictions and the general plundering, looting, ravishing and pillaging of the land wherever permitted by lawful summary orders, but the killing of Aryan women, children, elderly or incapable invalids shall be reserved to the full jurisprudence of courts martial.

1. At any time the Military or Naval Aryan Government of any region declared to be in a State of Rebellion by the Senate may in the usual course of anti-insurgency warfare, take and humanely execute hostages or suspects on the balance of probabilities, provided that such hostages and suspects shall be male, above the age of fourteen (14) years of age but below the age of seventy (70) years and generally fit for military service.

The number permissible for execution in anti-partisan reprisals shall be no more than twenty (20) per one (1) pro-Imperium serviceman and no more than sixty (60) per one (1) pro-Imperium civilian.

2. All animals and livestock that shall be killed in the course of lawful pillaging shall be humanely slaughtered and shall not be subject to any cruel or unusual treatment.
3. All rape and ravishing that shall commence in the course of lawful pillaging shall be humanely executed without mortal or grievous intent and in the absence of any contraceptive techniques or devices. All rape shall be commensurate with a rational view to impregnation and no victim shall be older than fifty (50) years of age or younger than twelve (12) years of age, or clearly unfit to beget another through natural intercourse.

4. Uniformed rebel enemy combatants shall be granted all the usual quarter and recognition afforded to regular forces, but crimes committed on the part of any rebellious enemy combatant force whether armed or disarmed shall not enjoy impunity by virtue of the irregular nature of any civil conflict or the forces of engagement and combat therein.

5. Declaration of a State of Rebellion may not remain where Imperial Martial Law shall no longer be in effect.

Article VII. Within an Imperial Martial Law region that shall be declared by the Senate to be in a State of Rebellion, the Senate may further declare any specific and native non-Aryan population or Marxist or Jew inspired fifth column present to be in a State of Barbarism, but within an Imperial Territory the aforesaid power to declare shall be reserved to any presiding General military officer and without any qualifying prior declaration of the Senate or otherwise. Any people declared to be in a State of Barbarism may therefore be subject to collective punishment or extermination and thus to an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions or otherwise subdued or terrorised into a state of civil submission by The Sword.

Grounds for declaring any eligible population or fifth column to be in a State of Barbarism shall be the following.

1. Mass murder of pro-Imperium servicemen or civilians by enemy civilians or by non-uniformed enemy combatants.

2. Gross mistreatment of any pro-Imperium serviceman or civilian by enemy civilians or by non-uniformed enemy combatants who shall be the sole determining political agency of the offending society or culture as a whole.

3. Massive ethnic cleansing of Aryan civilians from any region within the Domestic Imperium and subsequent territorial replacement with any large body of non-Aryan enemy settlers.

Article VIII. In times of severest public alarm or foreign military occupation the Senate may declare a State of Emergency Dictatorship, lasting a period of two-hundred and fifty-two (252) full consecutive days and no longer or fewer, unless until such time as the Dictator in question prematurely terminates the period of Dictatorship through an act of personal decree, thus abdicating as Dictator.

Article IX. Under all circumstances, a Declaration of Emergency Dictatorship by the Senate shall result in the contemporary reining Praetor solely to automatically assume the above office of Dictator.

Article X. Upon the Declaration of a State of Emergency Dictatorship by the Senate, all public legislative assemblies, executive offices, judicial offices, Racial, National and Capital states, shall be temporarily abolished for the duration of the period of the Emergency Dictatorship in question.

Article XI. Upon the Declaration of a State of Emergency Dictatorship by the Senate, new executive offices and territorial divisions of administration shall be automatically created.

Each National Republic shall transform to an National Region, the office of National Governor shall transform to the office of National Dictator and the office of Praetor shall transform to the office of Dictator to which there may not exist any other office of either equal or superior legal authority under all and any conditions for the duration of the said period.

Article XII. Upon the Declaration of a State of Emergency Dictatorship by the Senate, the Senate precinct shall itself be automatically created an independent Sovereign state, entirely released from all legal deference to the Greater European Imperium and to this Constitution, under all and any circumstances for the said period.
The Dictatorship shall not in any way either violate or negate the Sovereign rights of this temporary independent Sovereign state, which the Imperium and its Dictatorship shall automatically recognise for the duration of the said period.
Article XIII. Upon the expiry of a Declared State of Emergency Dictatorship by the Senate, all chief executives shall remain in office as the incumbent chief executives. Any thusly dispossessed chief executives existing prior to the establishment of the period of Emergency Dictatorship in question shall have no legal claim over any former station or position within the Greater European Imperium.
Article XIV. In order for a Declared State of Emergency Dictatorship by the Senate to come into force within a National Republic, the National Parliament of the Republic in question shall first voluntarily ratify this declaration. Before any such outcome occurs a declared state of Emergency Dictatorship by the Senate may only apply to the Capital States.
Article XV. A Declared State of Emergency Dictatorship by the Senate shall, when ratified by a Parliament of the National Republic terminate within the corresponding National Republic at exactly the same time as it shall duly terminate within the Capital States and throughout the remainder of the Greater European Imperium.
Article XVI. The Senate as a foreign Sovereign entity with constitutional custody and mediation over the Dictatorship may renew a State of Emergency Dictatorship, at the most of twelve (12) days in advance of the contemporary duration’s expiry.
Article XVII. A Dictator shall have the absolute, supreme, legally unimpeded, total and personal lawful right to govern, judge, arrest, arraign, sentence, execute, preserve, protect and defend by any of his own personal acts, fiats, decrees, indications of will or utterances, under all circumstances whatsoever and in total disregard to all Sections and Articles of this Constitution with the sole exceptions of this particular Section and in respect of the State President.

Article XVIII. Upon the inception of a Declared State of Emergency Dictatorship by the Senate all laws unaffected by the impositioning of this Section shall remain as they are, unless in any way altered or changed otherwise by licensed executive control.

However, any such alterations or changes shall immediately and automatically reverse upon the expiry of any Emergency Dictatorship, even under such condition that a period of Emergency Dictatorship may be duly renewed.

Article IX. No Dictator shall be prosecuted, arrested, detained or in any way recriminated for acts or deeds undertaken as Dictator.

Article XX. Entirely exempt from this Section in its entirety with the sole exception of this Article shall be the ordinances in this Constitution which directly pertain to the State President or to the State Presidency.
The State President shall continue to enjoy all sacrosanction and privileges as outlined in this Constitution.

14: The State Presidency (32)

Article I. The Greater European Imperium shall have two (2) Heads of State who shall embody all Sovereignty in the Imperium as a whole; one (1) Junior Head of State and one (1) Senior Head of State.
The office of Junior Head of State shall be assumed into the Praetorship and the office of Senior Head of State shall be partly assumed into the State Presidency however, the role of the State President shall be static in such a way that the role of Acting Senior Head of State shall be affectively assumed into the Praetorship to the exclusion of the State President.

Article II. The State President shall not in any way partake in the official functioning of government or state, other than in order to voluntarily name and designate a chosen successor to the State Presidency through an affidavit, or to voluntarily resign from the State Presidency through an affidavit signed to the affect.
No form of Presidential assent, consent, approval, endorsement, presidence, permit, umpireship, arbitration, counsel, or dissent shall be officially required by any capacity of government, judicial process or administration and no affidavit lawfully naming and designating a legitimate living successor to the State Presidency, or lawfully casting the voluntary resignation of a State President, maybe overruled or in any way rendered obsolete under law.
The State President is and shall forever remain an officially impotent, non-acting, titular and symbolic Senior Head of State without any legislative, judicial, executive, administrative, governmental, military or naval capacity, appointment, office, cabinet membership or portfolio whatsoever, capable only of the resignation of the office of State President; the official refusal of surrender on behalf of any portion of the Greater European Imperium to any unconstitutional, foreign or hostile entity by either sound rejection or non-compliance; and appointment of succession to the State Presidency; with three (3) exceptions.
1. The State President shall be the Chief Magistrate over him or herself only and in all cases, except in the case of impeachment, wherein the Senate’s Appellate Committee shall form the chief and sole magistracy to the course of any Presidential Impeachment in question collectively.
2. In the event that the constitutional chain of succession to the Praetorship is beyond reasonable doubt annihilated and thereby rendered utterly unable to function beyond all reasonable hope of immediate recovery, the State President shall independently appoint a new Praetor from among all and any free and sane pure stock Aryans, who shall thereupon automatically acquire all the necessary qualifications.

3. The State President shall assume the joint military and naval rank of Supreme Commander-in-Chief to which there shall be no superior military, naval or combined rank of any description with the sole exception of the honourary posthumous rank of Ultra Supreme Commander-in-Chief or Ten Star General in outmoded ranking, the sole recipient and holder of which shall be The Führer Adolf Hitler  as Founding Grandfather of The State. However, to the rank of Supreme Commander-in-Chief there shall be no command other than the limited domestic command of a Supreme Honour Guard of The Imperium for the personal security, protection and safety of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, his immediate dependants and personal staff.

4. No State President shall occupy any office or function of government or public sector other than the office and function of State President, nor shall the State President have any other occupation or portfolio other than the occupation and portfolio of the State Presidency itself.
Article III. The State President shall neither hold nor assume any military or civil command. However, the State President shall hold a non-acting military commission as Supreme Commander-in-Chief of all Imperium military and naval forces, entirely superior in rank to that of the Praetor as the Commander-in-Chief.
Article IV. Under no circumstances shall the State President issue any legitimate order or directive to any Citizen or state employee of the Aryan Empire, other than in order to inspect civil, military or naval personnel or installations or to conduct symbolic, military or naval ceremonies at the Praetor’s explicit request with one (1) exception.
The State President shall in his or her capacity as Supreme Commander-in-Chief assume a limited catering command of a Presidential Guard of The Imperium for his own personal security, protection, welfare and safety. The Presidential Guard shall not obey any order which is contrary to the health and wellbeing of the State President.
Article V. Under no circumstances may the person of the State President be permitted to travel freely, either away from or between seats of the State Presidency without the express authorisation of the Praetor, except in the event of either war or declared civil emergency and only then as the Praetor may freely determine, or else in the exceptional case of extreme imminent danger to the State President’s physical wellbeing necessitating an immediate evacuation.

Article VI. The State President shall be totally immune to all forms of prosecution both as State President and after the term of State President in respect of his or her all and any acts either undertaken or not undertaken as State President.

Article VII. Upon the State President’s accession the State President shall for the remainder of his or her term be above the law, protected by law and a prisoner of The State. Thus even as Chief Magistrate over him or herself the State President shall be totally powerless to arrest, arraign, try or pass sentence or judgement over the State President.

Article VIII. The State President shall enjoy a personal life guard of between twenty-one (21) and one-thousand one-hundred (1,100) elite soldiers known as the Presidential Guard, as the Racial Government may determine. However, to this formation Imperial , Special Service (ϟϟ) or Tri-Bureau (DS) troops may be drafted for the enhancement of the security of the State Presidency.

Article IX. Under no circumstances may any enlisted or commissioned Presidential guard be permitted to travel freely, either away from or between seats of the State Presidency, without the express and personal authorisation of the Praetor, except in the event of either war or declared civil emergency and only then as the Praetor may freely determine, or else in the exceptional case of extreme imminent danger to the State President’s physical health necessitating an immediate evacuation.

Article X. Under no circumstances may either the State President or any enlisted or commissioned Presidential guard be permitted to vacate the jurisdiction of the Greater European Imperium, except in the event of either war or declared civil emergency and only then as the Praetor may freely determine, or in the exceptional case of extreme imminent danger to the State President’s physical wellbeing necessitating an immediate evacuation.
Article XI. Under all circumstances the Praetor shall constitute as the commander to the Presidential Guard and shall enjoy the unqualified right to deploy the Presidential Guard, with one (1) exception.
The State President shall enjoy full rights to deploy the Presidential Guard in such a way as to not contradict the lawful deployment orders of the Praetor, or to exceed a limited catering capacity as defined and specified by Racial Government.

Article XII. The Racial Government shall purchase within the Greater European Imperium enclosed areas of territory no larger in size than one-hundred-thousand (100,000) square kilometres and no smaller in size than three-hundred (300) square meters, for the establishment of at least two (2) but no more than thirty-six (36), Presidential Palaces & Grounds for the use, establishment, function and habitation of the State President.
1. Such palaces shall at all times be under the jurisdiction of the Capital States and shall constitute as part of the Capital States, for so long as the areas of territory in question persist as territories with Presidential Palace status.
2. The Racial Government shall maintain at least one (1) such palace within the main body of the Capital States, which as a territory with Presidential Palace status shall be insoluble.
3. The Racial Government shall maintain at least one (1) such palace with an expanse of at least one (1) square kilometre of unspoiled and otherwise uninhabited rural countryside, which as a territory with Presidential Palace status shall be insoluble with two (2) exceptions.
3A. Such a territory with Presidential Palace status maybe soluble in the event of a legitimate and lawful act of secession by the formerly incumbent National Republic, thus negating its continuance.

3B. Such a territory with Presidential Palace status maybe soluble in the event of an extreme natural environmental anomaly both relating to the territory itself and representing an extreme interest to either Aryan scientific enlightenment, or to the general security of Imperium lives or property.
Article XIII. A Presidential Palace shall be public property guaranteed to the exclusive use and functioning of the State Presidency by this Constitution. No other office or functioning of state may be established upon such a site.

Article XIV. A Presidential Palace may never be reduced in size unless lawfully and wholly discontinued as such by the Racial Government and may never be conscripted into any type of non-Presidentially obsequious function.

Article XV. No one situated outside of a Presidential Palace may either enter into or communicate with anyone situated within a Presidential Palace without the Praetor’s explicit consent, except in order to prevent extreme imminent danger to the State President’s physical health or safety.

Article XVI. No one situated inside of a Presidential Palace may either enter into or communicate with anyone situated outside without the Praetor’s explicit consent, except in order to prevent extreme imminent danger to the State President’s physical health or safety.

Article XVII. The State President shall not be permitted to undertake any public function or speaking engagement without the consent of Racial Government, nor shall the State President be permitted to be the author of any of his own speeches, proclamations or public writings whilst in office.

Article XVIII. The Person of the State President shall be inviolable to all with the following three (3) exceptions.
1. In order to enforce the terms of this Constitution.
2. In order to prevent either serious harm or serious potential harm to the State President’s physical health, safety or wellbeing.

3. In order to prevent any serious damage to the State President’s security which may potentially result in serious harm to the State President’s physical health, safety or wellbeing.

Article XIX. No State President shall be elected. All State President’s shall accede to the Presidency according to previous appointment to future succession by former Presidential delegation in order of the most recent, or failing the presence of such delegation then by natural order of primogeniture to the most recent State President with the following three (3) exceptions.
1. No Degenerate shall accede to the State Presidency before any Citizen or Provisional Citizen.
2. No non-Subject of the Greater European Imperium shall accede to the State Presidency.
3. No non-pure stock Aryan shall accede to the State Presidency.

4. No child or minor shall accede to the State Presidency.
In the event of there being no known successor the potential successor most reasonably believed to be entitled to inherit shall assume the State Presidency.
Article XX. Under no circumstances whatsoever may a State President formally surrender either the Greater European Imperium, any portion of the Imperium, any Imperium office, or Imperium military, naval forces, paramilitary or militia forces, whether in whole or in part, or the State Presidency to any institution, body, agency, force, creed, vehicle, building, law, person, individual or entity, whether or foreign or domestic, whether hostile, friendly or neutral.

The State President’s only official capacity shall be to formally refuse any capacity of capitulation or surrender on behalf of all or any part of the Imperium in the event of war or crisis, to appoint a living successor to the State Presidency, to resign from the State Presidency at the State President’s own pleasure, to render the State Presidency to the legitimate successor to the office of State President in death, as may be the case and to amend the Praetorian succession in the event of an extreme crisis of succession not covered by this Constitution.

Article XXI. Under no circumstances whatsoever may a State President legitimately reject or otherwise legitimately negate the office of State President, or in any way repudiate the legitimacy of that office or repudiate the legitimacy of the Greater European Imperium. All such declarations, actions and statements are hereby rendered totally null and void under law for all time.

Article XXII. The office of State President shall persist and shall continue in perpetuity. This office shall never and can never be abolished under law.
Article XXIII. In the event of the appointment of an unlawful successor to the State Presidency, the law shall be backdated and re-applied in order to extrapolate a lawful successor who by extension shall be inferred a backdated term as State President.
Article XXIV. All budgets allocated to the State Presidency from the public treasury shall be the responsibility of Racial Government.
Article XXV. The State President shall under all circumstances be immune from prosecution, arrest, subpoena, criminal charges, any lawsuit, any Court summons and from impeachment with the following two (2) exceptions.
1. The State President may be impeached by the Senate for the crime of Racial Treason, committed while State President.

2. The State President may be impeached by the Senate for the crime of High Treason, committed while State President.

Article XXVI. The State President shall at all times be under armed guard.

Article XXVII. The State President shall never be subjected to any form of arrest or detainment with three (3) exceptions.
1. The State President may be detained in order to enforce any form of lawful impeachment against the State President.

2. The State President may be may detained in order to enforce those lawful restrictions on the State President’s movements that are explicitly sanctioned by this Constitution.

3. The State President may be detained in order to prevent serious harm or injury to the State President’s physical health.

Article XVIII. Under no circumstances may the State President intentionally pass either into or through the public domain without Racial Government permission.
Article XXIX. Under no circumstances may the State President be permitted to adopt a physical position whereby he or she is likely to be either publicly humiliated or shamed by his or her own physical appearance.
Wilful, deliberate acts perpetrated to such an effect may be punishable with the death penalty and with a minimum sentence of imprisonment for the term of one’s natural life for all those so convicted.

Article XXX. The judicial faculty of the Greater European Imperium shall be advised that the sole summary purpose of the State Presidency shall be as an indefinite and absolute guarantee of the Imperium’s continued legal existence as an independent and Sovereign State entity, in spite of any adverse or extreme circumstance, action or lack thereof.
Article XXXI. Under all circumstances the personal physical safety of the State President shall by priority be placed above the personal physical safety of all other Citizens of the Greater European Imperium, to include the Praetor.

Article XXXII. In the event of assassination by a foreign power a State of War shall be automatically declared between the Greater European Imperium and the offending power or powers in question by the Constitution.

15: Constitutional Exclusions (8)

Article I. No person of colour may be allowed to enter or to reside in The Americas under any circumstances except as a slave, but only then whereupon no slave of colour may be allowed to enter or to reside in The Americas either north of south of The Tropics, or to travel unbound.

Article II. No Muhammadan may be allowed to enter or to reside in The Americas under any circumstances except as a Muhammadan slave of colour or as a Muhammadan slave or serf of no colour, but only then whereupon no slave of colour may be allowed to enter or to reside in The Americas either north of south of The Tropics, or to travel unbound.

Article III. No negro or mulatto, nor any other person of negroid or australoid stock whether whole or partial, may be allowed to enter or to reside in Europe north of the line of The Alps, The Pyrenees, The Great Hungarian Plain, The Eastern Carpathians or The Caucuses or west of The Urals under any circumstances, except as a bound slave and only then within the several boundaries of the Cities of Liverpool, Bristol, Nantes, Bordeaux and Amsterdam and numbering no more than one thousand (1000) at any one time in each City.

Article IV. No person of colour who is not a negro or a mulatto may be allowed to enter or to reside in Europe north of the line of The Alps, The Pyrenees, The Great Hungarian Plain, The Eastern Carpathians or The Caucuses or west of The Urals under any circumstances, except as a welcomed and capable guest or emissary or as a merchant.

Article V. No Jew may be allowed to enter or to reside in any part of the Greater European Imperium under any circumstances except in order to be interned and secured according to law and as such thusly assigned to racial extinction by whatever practicable means may be necessary, but only then whereupon no Jew shall be allowed to enter or to reside in the Imperium east of the Pale of Settlement or west of the Inter Caetera Line, but Jews may yet be allowed to enter or to reside in Suzerainties outside The Realm yet under the Aryan hegemony.

Article VI. No person of colour who is not a Jew may be allowed to enter or to reside in any part of the Greater European Imperium under any circumstances, except as an escorted Metics who shall be freely sponsored guests of the citizenry.

Article VII. No person who is not a Jew having been found to have commissioned an act of homosexuality according to law shall be allowed to enter, to reside in or to continue to reside in Europe north of the line of The Alps, The Pyrenees, The Great Hungarian Plain, The Eastern Carpathians or The Caucuses or west of The Urals under any circumstances, except as a hospitalised psychiatric patient or as a clinically reformed heterosexual.

Article VIII. No woman who is not married or widowed shall cast any vote in a political election whether general or minor, nor shall any woman occupy the position of statesman of the Imperium, nor banker, nor architect, nor judge, nor civilian police officer or regular soldier except as a regular soldier of a national guard who shall not be deployed to any foreign field, and nor as the executor of any will.

16: Explicating Libertarian Government (1)
Article I. The territory of the former County of Las Vegas shall be ceded from the Domestic Imperium and thereby reduced to the status of a Protectorate within the Aryan Empire known as an Extremate.

1. The Protectorate shall have full rights to deploy and maintain an independent government, a standing army, an established civil police force, separate banks, currencies, border controls and financial institutions and a native legislature and judiciary free and independent from all and any undue interference from any external power to include the Greater European Imperium.

2. The Protectorate shall be permitted to allow for the establishment of modes and places of decadence and licence not usually found within The Imperium, to include casinos, illicit clubs, drug dens, brothels & the practice of sexual prostitution, unrestricted gambolling, usury, nudity, public sexual intercourse, total free speech, unlicenced publishing and broadcasting and the total abolition of intellectual property.

3. The Protectorate shall not be permitted to maintain a public welfare state nor to tax or regulate trade or commerce or the internet, nor shall the Protectorate maintain laws or ordinances pertaining to public order other than those that shall be found necessary to prevent serious disruption to public traffic or to the lawful free movement of goods or services, nor to obscenity, speculation or bribery, nor shall the public authorities act without probable cause. Within the Protectorate all Protectorate public spending shall be sourced directly from revenues derived from customs & excise or by fees or tolls levied for use of public services such as the police and the judicial process, or from voluntary donations.

4. The only public buildings allowed shall be court houses, government treasuries, border posts, seats of government, police stations, criminal prisons and public commercial buildings. However, private civil security may compete for civil security contracts with public police. No public service of the Protectorate to include the public services of the judiciary and of law enforcement shall be permitted to function except in order to prevent a disaster of mass destruction, unless on the basis of payment or insurance in the private sector.

5. Within the Protectorate the electoral franchise shall be restricted absolutely to native private property owners and to the boards of native property owning companies who shall collectively assume a Direct Democracy, voting on motions pertaining to political representation and legislation.

6. Within the Protectorate the Greater European Imperium shall be permitted to set up, establish and maintain a reasonable embassy in order to protect, defend and serve the interests of The Imperium as a whole, but the Imperium shall not maintain any military presence within the Protectorate’s borders.

7. Within the Protectorate all voluntary forms of assault, affray, incitement, abortive criminal activity, harassment and trolling, domestic violence, bribery, discrimination, bullying, defamation, copyright, conspiracy, nudity, obscenity, miscegenation, insult, armourment, intoxication, speeding, driving whilst intoxicated, self harm or self endangerment, non-obstructive public disorder and of all consenting sexual perversion to include consensual acts of homosexuality shall not be outlawed whether public or otherwise. There shall be no age of consent or majority nor shall education or any form thereof in any sense constitute as a legal requirement. Nor shall civil orders act so as to punish or restrain.

8. Within the Protectorate there shall be no laws concerning race, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, obscenity, public order, domestic disputes or violence, the regulation of discrimination, seat belts or health or safety or any manifestation thereof. The regulation of public health & safety shall rely upon reputation alone but manslaughter, fraud, false advertising and public endangerment shall all be felonies.

9. Within the Protectorate no form of information, opinion, documentation or bigotry shall be prohibited by law. Freedom of speech, freedom to publish and broadcast, freedom of the press and over the internet and freedom to shock, blaspheme, offend and outrage morally and otherwise shall be absolute, total, unabridged and unimpeded by law.

10. Within the Protectorate the unqualified institution of slavery and of slave ownership shall be lawful.

11. Within the Protectorate the commissioning of crime shall not in itself constitute as a crime. Therefore mere conspiracy to a crime to include the crime of murder shall not constitute as a criminal offence.

12. The Protectorate may never extradite any free person whether in transit or situ, nor may any law of either Protectorate be rendered retrospectively or extraterritorially.

13. The Protectorate shall not issue fines or imposts for the regulation of traffic, nor may the Protectorate make any law respecting traffic other than to prohibit the movement or importation of substances of mass destruction or to control admittance to immigrants, nor shall the Protectorate make any law respecting identity, race, religion, gender, orientation or medical condition other than to discriminate in favour of desirable immigration, to maintain lawful prisoners or to employ public servants.

14. Within the Protectorate no form of profession shall be outlawed or prohibited to include the legal and clerical professions, as well as the profession of sexual prostitution.

15. The Protectorate shall apply their laws on a completely equal basis, regardless of identity, race, religion, gender, orientation or medical condition or of the individual. No Protectorate law, ordinance or procedure shall discriminate on grounds of race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation or medical condition other than to discriminate in order to prohibit unlawful entry, transit or immigration, to favour desirable immigration, to maintain lawful prisoners or to employ public servants or to draw revenues by the commercial application of civil law enforcement and judicial process.

16. Within the Protectorate no public body or authority may respond to enforce Family Law or to mere domestic crimes and the civil institution of marriage shall be totally abolished. It shall be the responsibility of the private citizenry as vigilantes to enforce Family Law in the community.

17. Within the Protectorate all property, cash and personage shall be inviolable unless subject to search or seizure by a court warrant obtained on the basis of probable cause only, to include automobiles, apparel, goods and weapons.

18. Within the Protectorate there shall be no legal restriction on sexual practice or intellectual exposure, except by the absence of consent. Therefore apparently consensual bestial sex and mutually consensual child sex shall be lawful, but sexual intercourse with the dead shall be prohibited by law unless sound minded consent from the deceased shall have been duly obtained prior to death.

19. Withstanding the commercial character of the judiciary and of the police, these institutions shall nonetheless apply the law equally, regardless of payment or commercial solicitation. Deviation from this principle shall be outlawed as an act of fraud against the general public.

20. The Protectorate shall not enact or maintain any law prohibiting consensual suicide or consensual assisted suicide, or the killing of any infant before the severance of the umbilical cord according to the wilful consent of the mother.